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Highlight 2009-016[05 12, 2009]

American Journal of Science, 2009,309:221-270Paleozoic multiple subduction-accretion processes of the southern AltaidsW. J. Xiao, B. F. Windley, C. Yuan, M. Sun, C. M. Han, S. F. Lin, H. L. Chen, Q. R. Yan, D. Y. Liu, K. Z. Qin, J. L. Li and S. Su...

Highlight 2009-015[05 11, 2009]

Geochemistry,Geophysics,Geosystems,2009,10, Q04004
  Geochemical characteristics of the Miocene eolian deposits in China: Their provenance and climate implications
  Meiyan Liang, Zhengtang Guo, A. Julia Kahmann, Frank Oldfield

Highlight 2009-014[05 10, 2009]

Geology, 2009, 37(5): 395-398
  New evidence from seismic imaging for subduction during assembly of the North China craton
  Tianyu Zheng*, Liang Zhao, and Rixiang Zhu
  The “frozen-in” information in the crust plays an import...

Highlight 2009-013[04 28, 2009]

Proceeding of the National Academy of Science of the United States of America,2009Earliest domestication of common millet (Panicum miliaceum) in East Asia extended to 10,000 years agoHouyuan Lu,Jianping Zhang,Kam-biu Liu,Naiqin Wu,Yumei Li,Kunshu ...

Highlight 2009-012[04 27, 2009]

PLoS ONE,2009Phytoliths Analysis for the Discrimination of Foxtail Millet (Setaria italica) and Common Millet (Panicum miliaceum)Houyuan Lu, Jianping Zhang, Naiqin Wu, Kam-biu Liu, Deke Xu, Quan Li Abstract Foxtail millet (Setaria italica) and Com...

Highlight 2009-011[04 08, 2009]

Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors,2009,173:216-227Lithospheric structure variations between the eastern and central North China Craton from S- and P-receiver function migrationLing ChenAbstractI imaged the lithospheric structure beneath...

Highlight 2009-010[04 07, 2009]

Journal of Asian Earth Sciences,2009.34:645-654Volcanic eruptions in the Longgang volcanic field, northeastern China, during the past 15,000 yearsJiaqi Liu, Guoqiang Chu, Jingtai Han, Patrick Rioual, Weiyi Jiao and Kaijun WangAbstractThe Longgang ...

Highlight 2009-009[04 06, 2009]

European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids,2009,28:189-193
  An efficient and accurate iterative stress solution for an infinite elastic plate around two elliptic holes, subjected to uniform loads on the hole boundaries and at infinity
  L.Q. Zh...

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