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Investigation of igneous rocks in Huanghua depression from magnetic derivative methods[04 11, 2011]

Vice Professor XU Ya and his team research the distribution of igneous rocks in Huanghua depression based on the reduction to pole (RTP) magnetic anomaly and its derivative processing results.
  Based on the RTP anomaly and the derivative result...

SIMS U-Pb rutile age of low-temperature eclogites from southwestern Chinese Tianshan[04 11, 2011]

Vice Professor LI Qiuli and his team research the method of determining the ago of low-temperature eclogites. Previous geochronological results of the low-temperature eclogites are controversial due to Sm–Nd and Rb–Sr isotopic disequilibrium in ...

Seismic Migration Imaging of Multiples[04 01, 2011]

Realizing migration imaging with multiples is a dream of seismic exploration. The research group under the guidance of Liu Yike and Chang Xu, professors of Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, proposed a novel seismic ...

Continent-continental collision geodynamics of Tibetan plateau and diversity of the in-depth escape flow mechanism[04 01, 2011]

Studies on crust/mantle structure and deep dynamic process beneath Tibetan plateau, are among hot-topics and lead edge in the current earth science field, numerous crust/mantle deformation models are poorly constrained with lack of geophysical dat...

Revisiting the stratigraphic position of the Matuyama–Brunhes geomagnetic polarity boundary in Chinese loess[03 31, 2011]

Postdoctor JIN Chunsheng and Professor LIU Qingsong study revisiting the stratigraphic position of the Matuyama–Brunhes geomagnetic polarity boundary in Chinese loess.
  In the study, an accurate transitional zone of the MB reversal from the Ma...

Structure of crust and upper mantle beneath the Ordos Block and the Yinshan Mountains[03 31, 2011]

Vice Professor TIAN Xiaobo, Professor TENG Jiwen and their teams research the structure of crust and upper mantle beneath the Ordos Block and the Yinshan mountains. They deploy a temporary seismological network of broadband three-component station...

Revisiting the stratigraphic position of the Matuyama–Brunhes geomagnetic polarity boundary in Chinese loess[03 30, 2011]

Postdoctor JIN Chunsheng and Professor LIU Qingsong study revisiting the stratigraphic position of the Matuyama–Brunhes geomagnetic polarity boundary in Chinese loess.
  In the study, an accurate transitional zone of the MB reversal from the Ma...

Structure of crust and upper mantle beneath the Ordos Block and the Yinshan Mountains[03 30, 2011]

Vice Professor TIAN Xiaobo, Professor TENG Jiwen and their teams research the structure of crust and upper mantle beneath the Ordos Block and the Yinshan mountains. They deploy a temporary seismological network of broadband three-component station...

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