Research Interests
FU Liyun
The theory of seismology, exploration seismology and rock physics. Prestack depth migration and velocity estimation, seismic sampling and spatial resolution, broadband seismic processing and imaging, regional seismic facies and seismic wave propagation, the earth's crust rugged surface statistics, response characteristic and strong ground vibration wave field simulation, three-dimensional seismic observation system design of the exploration, the seismic simulation and complex structure imaging, the generalized nonlinear seismic inversion and reservoir prediction of risk assessment, rock physics and analytical of groundwater data of seismic observations, the deep structure of high voltage of inversion and seismic response characteristics, etc.
LI Juan
Structure of mantle transition zone and interaction with subducting slab. Mantle discontinuities, scatters and the deep dynamic process. Mantle seismic anisotropy.
ZHAO Lianfeng
Seismology: Seismic Source Mechanism, Wave Propagation, Seismic Tomography, Receiver Function. Reflection Seismology, Seismic Data Processing. Earth Structure Study: Crust-upper Mantle Structure.
Anisotropic Tomography: Dynamic Modeling.
ZHANG Jinhai
Seismic imaging and inversion. Reconstruction of seismic records. Earth's interior structure.
YAO Zhenxing
Source rupture process and strong ground motion prediction of earthquakes. Interior structure of the Earth and underground nuclear test detection. Seismic migration.
SUN Weijia
Seismic modeling, seismic illumination, prestack depth migration and velocity estimation.
HAO Jinlai
Source rupture process. Synthetic seismogram. Coseismic displacement, strain and stress.
Seismic sampling and spatial resolution. Broadband seismic processing and imaging. Stress-associated seismic scattering.
Head of Group
Prof. Fu LiyunDivision of the Earth's Deep Structure and Process Tel:86 010 82998364