Postdoctor LIU Hongwei and his team use Graphic Processing Unit (GPU) architecture to solve prestack reverse time migration (RTM) of intensive computation cost. In addition, they adopt the pseudo random boundary condition that sacrifices the computation cost but reduces the memory demand.
They also discuss the RTM from rugged topography, the free surface boundary condition and the process of GPU acceleration; finally, discuss the anisotropy RTM and GPU acceleration.

Figure 1 Migration test on the BP 2004 synthetic model. (Image by LIU)

Figure 2 Migration test on the SEG Foothill synthetic model. (Image by LIU)

Figure 3 Migration test on the BP 2007 TTI synthetic model. (Image by LIU)
Liu et al. The issues of pre-stack reverse time migration and solutions with Graphic Processing Unit implementation.Geophysical Prospecting. 2012, 60: 906–918 (Download Here)