Postdoctor SUN Weijia and his teacher FU Liyun present a method to compensate for transmission losses using one-way wave propagator for a 2D case.
The compensation of transmission losses (CTL) scheme is composed of transmission term and a phase-shift term. The transmission term compensates amplitudes while the wave propagates through subsurfaces. The phase-shift term is a Fourier finite-difference propagator implemented in a mixed domain via Fourier transform.
Numerical examples from a flat model and a fault model with lateral velocity variations are presented to demonstrate the ability of the proposed scheme for compensation of transmission losses.

Figure 1. The geometry of a heterogeneous slab. (Image by SUN)

Figure 2. (a) A fault model with two layers. (b) Comparison of the amplitudes calculated by the one-way method with CTL with the full-wave FD method and the one-way method without CTL for the fault model. (Image by SUN)
Sun et al. Compensation for transmission losses based on one-way propagators in the mixed domain. Geophysics. 2012, 77(3): 65-72 (Download Here)