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A 1000-yr record of environmental change in NE China indicated by diatom assemblages from maar lake Erlongwan
Author:李一琼 | Update time:2012-07-18           | Print | Close | Text Size: A A A

Vice Professor WANG Luo and his team research past environmental changes based on diatom relative abundances from the maar Lake Erlongwan in northeast China.

Statistical analysis of the sedimentary diatom assemblages reveals three significant stratigraphic zones over the past 1000 yr. The highest abundance of the planktonic species Discostella species occurs between AD 1050 and 1400 and suggests an annual ice-free period of long duration and well-developed summer stratification of the water column. This planktonic diatom peak between ca. AD 1150 and 1200 suggests that this period was the warmest over the past 1000 yr. The interval between AD 1400 and 1800 is marked by a decline in planktonic diatoms and suggests shorter duration of the ice-free season, weaker water stratification and possibly generally cold conditions. After AD 1800 relative abundances of planktonic diatoms, including Puncticulata praetermissa and Asterionella formosa, increase again, which indicates lengthening of the duration of the annual ice-free period and a stronger overturn of the water column.

Figure 1. Comparison of the Lake Erlongwan (EML) diatom record with temperature data for the Northern Hemisphere and China over the past 1000 yr. (Image by WANG)

Wang et al. A 1000-yr record of environmental change in NE China indicated by diatom assemblages from maar lake Erlongwan. Quaternary Research, 2012, 78: 24-34(Download Here)

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