Postdoctor DONG Yanhui and his team develop a software package to simulate MODFLOW, which is a widely used groundwater flow model.
In their study, a simple, yet effective method to simulate areal recharge and discharge is proposed based on the recharge (RCH) package of MODFLOW, allowing multiple instances of the RCH package to be used in one model. The method has been implemented in MODFLOW2000/2005 and has been successfully applied to a regional groundwater flow model to simulate areal distributed precipitation recharge, agricultural discharge and irrigation infiltration recharge in a simple approach.

Fig. 1. Map showing the areal distribution of recharge and discharge zones in different aquifers. Each color in the map represents one recharge or discharge zone, corresponding to a serial data during six years (2003–2008). (Image by DONG)
Dong et al. An areal recharge and discharge simulating method for MODFLOW. Computers & Geosciences. 2012, 42: 203-205 (Download Here)