Vice Professor LI Guangmin, postdoctor LI Jinxiang and their team research the geology and hydrothermal alteration of Duobuza and Duolong gold-rich porphyry copper district in the Bangongco metallogenetic belt.
They carry out detailed field investigation and laboratory study, analyzing geological characteristics, intrusive rocks, hydrothermal alteration and vein systems. Preliminary mass balance calculation is used to estimate the bulk gains and losses of elements associated with the main alteration assemblages.

Fig. 1 Sketch tectonic and location map (a) and the generalized geologic map (b) of the Duolong gold-rich porphyry copper deposit (Image by LI)

Fig. 2 Back-scattered electron images of the Duolong gold-rich porphyry copper deposit. (Image by LI)

Fig. 3 The diagram (a) of Fe3+/Fe2+ ratio versus AlIV of biotites and chlorites, and the diagram (b) of oxygen fugacity (fO2) versus temperature. (Image by LI)
Li G M et al. Geology and Hydrothermal Alteration of the Duobuza Gold-Rich Porphyry Copper District in the Bangongco Metallogenetic Belt, Northwestern Tibet. Resource Geology. 2012, 62(1): 99-118(Download Here)
Li J X et al. Mineralogy and Mineral Chemistry of the Cretaceous Duolong Gold-Rich Porphyry Copper Deposit in the Bangongco Arc, Northern Tibet. Resource Geology. 2012, 62(1): 19-41(Download Here)