Dr. Han YUE from the Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences, California Institute of Technology, visited the Tethys Research Center (TRC) of IGGCAS on September 10th. During his visit, he discussed with researchers from our institute about his recent progress on understanding rupture processes of mega-earthquakes around the world. He gave a lecture entitled "Toward resolving stable high-resolution kinematic rupture models of large earthquakes by joint inversion of seismic, geodetic and tsunami observation". In the lecture, he introduced his new results on joint inversion for mega-earthquake source rupture processes, which are mainly found in subduction zones and talked about the recent Nepal Mw 7.8 earthquake on April 25th, 2015. He also discussed how different temporal and spatial resolutions of broadband teleseismic waveform, continuous high-rate GPS and InSAR measurements, and tsunami wave records influence the joint inversion of rupture processes. Faculty and students from different research groups attended the lecture and discussed the details of the topic with Dr. Han YUE.
Dr. Han YUE graduated from the School of Earth and Space Sciences, Peking University and received his Bachelor of Science degree at 2007. YUE completed his Master of Science degree at Peking University in 2010. Following this, he studied aboard at University of California, Santa Cruz, United States and defended his PhD degree in 2014. Currently, he works at the Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences, California Institute of Technology as a postdoctoral research fellow. His major research interests are inversion of space and time characteristics of large earthquakes using diverse data types and determining earth structures from shallow to intermediate depth using imaging and inversion techniques. He has published numerous peer-reviewed research papers in journals such as Nature, JGR, GRL. He won the Seismology Director Post-doctoral Fellowship from Caltech (2014), the Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-Financed Students Abroad (2014), and the AGU Fall Meeting Outstanding Student Presentation Award (2010).
Dr. Han YUE is giving a report(IGG)