Invited by Prof. Fuqin Zhang, Profs. Munkhtsengel and Chimedtseren from Mongolian University of Science and Technology (MUST) visited the Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IGGCAS), from May 1st to May 10th, 2015.
MUST is the cooperative partner in the ongoing project entitled “Comparison study of Tectonics and Metallogeny in Chinese Baishan and the South Mongolia”, which is financially supported by the Geological Survey of China and is led by the IGGCAS. The purposes of the visit were to: (1) to discuss the preliminary results obtained already and to plan future fieldwork in Mongolia; (2) to discuss the thesis work of the two Mongolian PhD students who are presently studying in the IGGCAS and are co-supervised by both groups; (3) to do a field excursion to NE China, which is related to the thesis work of the two Mongolian students.
After detailed discussions on the issues mentioned-above on May 2, 2015, the Mongolian guests accompanied by Professors Fuqin Zhang and Laicheng Miao, as well as Mongolian and Chinese students, went to NE China for a field excursion from May 3 to 10. They first investigated the Cenozoic-Mesozoic volcanic geology, generally located along a geological section from Changbaishan in the east to Abagaqin in the west. They then undertook a relatively detailed investigation of the so-called “Kedanshan ophiolite”, which is located within the Xar Moron suture in southeast Inner Mongolia. Finally, they made observations of Precambrian basement and cover strata of the North China Craton on the way from Inner Mongolia to Beijing on the last day of the excursion. The Mongolian guests believed that this field excursion is very interesting and is import for them to understand the geology and tectonics of the West-Pacific continental margin, the Chinese part of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt, and the North China Craton. Importantly, this short-period field trip has helped the Mongolian guests to better understand the significance of the comparison studies between Mongolian and Chinese geology.
After this excursion, the Mongolian guests expressed that they will provide more support not only for the ongoing project, but also for any future cooperation between the IGGCAS and MUST.

The Shuangliao Cenozoic volcanic rocks (the central part of the section)
Observation and sampling Abagaqi Cenozoic volcanic rocks (the western end of the section)

Observation of the Kedanshan ophiolite in southeastern Inner Mongolia
A group photo at a bridge on the Xar Moron River
Sampling for the youngest Cenozoic volcanic rocks on the top of Changbaishan (the eastern end of the geological section)