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China-France exchange meeting held at Key Laboratory of Mineral Resources, IGGCAS
Author: | Update time:2014-07-22           | Print | Close | Text Size: A A A

French geological scientists and economic geologists visited Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IGGCAS) on July 4, 2014. Amoung the vistors were Prof. ARNDT Nicholas T. from Institute de Sciences de la Terre (ISTerre), Prof. AUGÉ Thierry of BRGM Georesources Division, Prof. CUNEY Michel of Nancy-University accompanied by MOUCHON Liane-Clarisse and LIU Hui of Ambassade de France en Chine. This visit mainly focused on the further cooperation in mineral resources and geophysical exploration technology between France and China. A China-France exchange meeting was held at the IGGCAS and Profs. WU Fu-Yuan, QIN Ke-Zhang, XUE Guo-Qiang, SHEN Ping, ZHANG Bao-Lin, LIU Chuan-Zhou, Mr. CHE Jian-Guo as well as Post-Doctors and Ph.D students of IGGCAS attended the meeting. 


Prof. QIN Ke-Zhang of CAS Key Laboratory of Mineral Resources handled the meeting and Deputy Director Prof. WU Fu-Yuan gave a welcome introduction and a brief overview of IGGCAS. Prof. WU reviewed the long-term fruitful bilateral cooperation and the hopes of greater achievements to be gained from further collaboration. The French experts then gave a series presentations on mineral resources in France, emphasizing recent research on mineral resources, recycling of metals, and marine mineral resources. In terms of the need of mineral resources in France, their current research is focused on Co, PGE, REE, Nb and Ta deposits. Subsequently, Prof. QIN introduced porphyry copper deposits formed under subduction and collision environments in the Tibetan plateau (eastern Tethys), magmatic Ni-Cu-Co deposits in the southern Central Asian Orogenic belt, world-class molybdenum deposits in the northeast China, and research and development of geophysical techniques for mineral deposits. Participants discussed the background, potential scientific issues, and possible future collaboration on topics related to the above areas and reached a consensus for further cooperation. 


The French experts also visit the SIMS laboratory, nano-SIMS laboratory and Raman spectroscopy laboratory after the meeting. 


This exchange visit is part of the 50th anniversary of establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France. It will strength cooperation in the field of scientific research, especially in mineral resources. 



  The French and Chinese delegates after the successful meeting.  



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