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Madrigal database training session successfully held at IGGCAS
Author: | Update time:2014-05-20           | Print | Close | Text Size: A A A

On May 8th, the Division of Geomagnetism and Space Physics held a training session on the Madrigal database at the IGGCAS. Nearly one hundred researchers and students from sixteen institutes and universities attended this session. It was presided by Prof. Libo Liu. 

Bill RIDEOUT, a Research Scientist from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Haystack Observatory, Westford, MA, introduced how a geospace scientist could use the Madrigal database to access scientific data from around the world. He also discussed their plans to mirror the full CEDAR Madrigal database here at the Institute of Geology and Geophysics. Dr. Xiukuan Zhao followed on from this and introduced the mirror site of Madrigal at IGGCAS and the sharing method of the data observed by the observation chain of IGGCAS. Last, Dr. Bo Xiong gave detailed instructions on how to use Madrigal database to get scientific data and showed many scientific achievements by Madrigal database. 

Bill RIDEOUT is the designer of Madrigal database, which is an upper atmospheric science database used by groups throughout the world. He was invited by Prof. Baiqi Ning to update the Madrigal mirror site to the latest release. 

Figure 1.  Bill Rideout introduce Madrigal database Photo by Jianchang Zheng   

Figure 2.  Participation in discussion Photo by Jianchang Zheng 

Figure 3.  Dr. Bo Xiong presenting his report Photo by Jianchang Zheng 

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