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The Nigerian doctor completes his research in our institute and return
Author: | Update time:2012-07-09           | Print | Close | Text Size: A A A

The principal aims of CAS-TWAS FELLOWSHIP PROGRAMMES are to support the scientific development of developing countries, promote the cooperation and communication between the researchers and the related institutions, train the researchers, and improve scientific capacity and excellence for developing countries.

Dr. Rotimi Oluwatosin John from Petroleum Engineering Department, Covenant University, Ota, Nigeria, who was sponsored by this program, had worked and researched in our institute from June, 2011 to June, 2012. The study area of Dr. Rotimi focuses on the reservoir exploitation geophysical prospecting and the distribution of by-passed oil, which include the reservoir building, stochastic reservoir analysis and joint analysis via seismic data and wells. He finally completed the fine geological modeling and the reservoir analysis based on the exploration and exploitation data in some oil field in China. His study report was acknowledged by experts of his research area, which named “Reservoir Characterization, modeling and lateral predictions using Multivariate analysis” before he left. To be convenient to his research after he return to Nigeria, the Ministry of Science and Technology decided to sponsor some necessary equipments to him, as his hard work and excellent research.

Dr. Rotimi Oluwatosin John

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