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President of Kongju National University of Korea visits IGGCAS
Author: | Update time:2010-09-29           | Print | Close | Text Size: A A A

On 27, September, 2010, the president of Kongju Nation University of Republic of Korea, professor Suh Mancheol, and vice president, Kim Deog Soo, visit the Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. The director of IGGCAS Professor Zhu Rixiang and the Academician Liu Guangding meet the guests and have the discussion about  cooperation interested by the two sides. Professor Hao Tianyao and members of the research group of comprehensive geophysics of oil and gas have a meeting with president Suh Mancheol and vice president Kim Deog Soo about the bilateral cooperation. After the meeting, deputy director of IGGCAS, Professor Zhao Ping treats to the guests.

Kongju National University was originally established as a Provincial Teachers College in 1948, but quickly grew after it was designated as a university in 1991. The University now consists of three specialized campuses in Gongju, Yesan and Cheonan, which together are referred to as KNU Tri-Campus, and it has six colleges and a graduate school, and six professional schools, comprising more than 22,000 students in total. The IGGCAS began the research cooperation with the School of Natural sciences, Kongju National University in the year of 1994 about the geological and geophysics characters in the Yellow Sea regions, which funded by Chinese Academy of Sciences, NSFC and KOSEF of Korea. Extensive cooperation in data collection and exchange, field work and academic exchange largely improve the understanding of the deep tectonics of the Yellow Sea. Further research cooperation between IGGCAS and Kongju National University will continue to deepen the understanding of the lithospheric structure of the Yellow Sea.

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