Dr. Carlo Laj and Catherin Kissel, Professors from Laboratorie des Science du Climat de l'Environment,Gif-sur-Yvette, France, are paying a visit to our institute recently at the invitation of Prof. Zhu Rixiang.
Dr. Carlo Laj has been carrying out a research in the magnetic properties of sediments and igneous rocks by using several objectives,which include geodynamical reconstructions,reconstructions of the history of the Earth's magnetic field, and more recently reconstructions of environmental and climatic changes on a global scale with the development of high resolution magnetic atratigraphy based on paleintensity. He is a fellow of the America Geophysical Union,and Chairman of the Education Committee of the European Geosciences Union and also serves in different National and International Education Committees. Dr. Carlo Laj delivered three invited talks entitled respectively"Presentation of the Chronomag Team:People,Equipment,Different Programs" and "High Resolution Magnetic Stratigraphy:Long distance correlations" on May 27,"Laschamp:Geomagnetic Excursion,data and modelling" on June 3.
There are still four lectures expected in the near future.