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Iran University of Zanjan Visits IGG and Signs an MOU
Author: | Update time:2016-09-19           | Print | Close | Text Size: A A A

On September 9, 2016, President Khalil Jamshidi and Vice-President Abolfazl Jalilvand of Iran University of Zanjan and International Cooperation Department Chief Esmail Karamidehkordi visited IGG. Deputy Director Wu Fuyuan of IGG received the guests from Iran, and signed a memorandum of understanding with the University of Zanjan on behalf of IGG.

International Cooperation Department Chief Esmail Karamidehkordi, on behalf of the President of the University of Zanjan, briefly introduced the university’s student enrollments, college settings and present research situation. Deputy Director Wu Fuyuan of IGG also made a brief introduction of the research teams, laboratory settings and research achievements of IGG, and gave a detailed description of the situation of the Tethys Research Center. The tethys tectonic domain is one of the important research directions at IGG in the upcoming few years, and the Iran Zagros orogenic belt is part of the tethys tectonic domain, thus in the future both parties may possibly carry out detailed cooperation research on the tethys domain. Subsequently, both parties conducted detailed discussions on future cooperation projects, joint seminars, talent exchanges and visits, graduate education, and other aspects, and signed a memorandum of cooperation. After the meeting, the delegation from the University of Zanjan visited IGG’s ion probe laboratory, noble gas laboratory and nano ion probe laboratory.

The University of Zanjan is located in Zanjan City, Iran, and was founded in 1975. The university’s schools of engineering, agriculture, science and humanities have a total student body of over 10,000, ranking 26th in Iran at present. The delegation from the University of Zanjan also visited the Electrical Engineering Research Institute, Ecological Environmental Research Center and Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and discussed possible future cooperation.


MOU signing

Visiting the laboratories

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