(1) To investigate the Early Precambrian geology in Miyun and the typical sedimentary profiles of Jixian in the late Early Proterozoic to Mesoproterozoic (1800-1000 Ma); to understand the early Precambrian geological evolution in North China Craton as well as the Meso-neoproterozoic major geological events and the early environments of Earth, and consider the formation and failure mechanisms of North China Craton.
(2) To investigate the metamorphic core complexes of Yunmeng Mountains and the volcanic rocks of Sihai Basin; to understand the detachment fault time and spatial distribution characteristics through interpreting deformation performance and thermal chronology research results from different layers of rocks; to explain the tectonic analyses on different tectonic sections of complexes in Yunmeng Mountains; to learn how to identify multiphase tectonic events from the overall structural frame; and to consider the relation of the large-scale shallow tectonic deformation and magma activity in the North China Craton since the Mesozoic with the deep failure process of North China Craton.
A concluding seminar of postgraduate geological field trip was held on April 29, where Deputy Director Wu Fuyuan summarized the purpose and importance of postgraduate geological field trip in detail. He engaged with the graduate students and discussed key parts of the organization and arrangement of such a geological trip. The students expressed that the geological field trip could be used not only for understanding and mastering relevant geological knowledge as well as field geological work methods and skills, but also strengthening the mutual communication and understanding between the students with different professional backgrounds, so as to enrich the cultural life of graduate students in the Institute.

Deputy Director Wu Fuyuan interpreting the diorite in Shicheng, Miyun (photographed by Ren Hui)

Researcher Lin Wei interpreting the deformation characteristics of granite in Yunmeng Mountains (photographed by Ren Hui)

Researcher Lin Wei interpreting the tectonic deformation of rocks to overseas students (photographed by Ren Hui)
Researcher Peng Peng interpreting the Archaean magnetite quartzite and mafic granulite (photographed by Ren Hui)
Researcher Chen Daizhao interpreting the Chuanlinggou Formation, Changcheng System (photographed by Ren Hui)
Researcher Chu Xuelei interpreting the Hongshuizhuang Formation, Jixian (photographed by Ren Hui)
Group photo of all students and teachers (photographed by Ren Hui)