The Mt. Changbai Volcano is a huge volcanic group with the area12×103 km2 and hundreds volcanic cones are located on the boundary between China and North Korea covered 41°-42.5°N in latitude and 127°-129°E in longitude.
It is among largest active and dangerous volcanoes on the globe and composed of three main sub-volcanoes (sub-eruptive centers): Tianchi (2755m a.s.l.), Wangtian’e (2438m a.s.l.) and South Paotaishan (2434m a.s.l.). Three eruptive centers have the similar magmatic activity systems in spite of their different eruptive ages. They were formed from the Early Miocene to the present by basaltic flow as lava plateau, trachyte composing of volcanic cones and pyroclastic deposits covering the tops of the mountains and the neighboring areas. The Tianchi volcano is youngest among them. According to historic records, the largest eruption of the Tianchi volcano occurred during 1014-1019 AD, after that there were still several eruptions until 1903 AD. The frequencies of the Mt. Changbai volcanic eruptions are thought to correspond to those in the western Pacific island arcs. Recently, the western Pacific fire ring is very active, accompanied with more frequent volcanic eruptions and earthquakes; the earthquake frequency and intensity and geochemical anomaly are also obviously strengthen in the surrounding area of Mt. Changbai volcanoes. Therefore, we must put attention to the studies on the Mt. Changbai volcanic activity.
The workshop was held from 10th to 17th August, 2013.It included 2 days (11th -12th, 2013) of talks and discussion in Changchun City and 5 days (13th -17th, 2013) of field trips in the surrounding area of Mt. Changbai volcanoes. The Chairman of the Organization Committee was Prof. Liu Jiaqi from the IGGCAS, which was the main sponsor of the workshop.