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Xue Guoqiang
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  Solid Earth Geophysics
Zip Code  
  No.19 Beitucheng West Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100029, China

Education and Appointments:
Dr. GuoQiang XUE

1985. 7—1989. 7: Department of Geophysica, XiAn College of Geology (B.S.)
1999. 9---2002. 6: Graduate School, Chang An University (M.S.)
2002.6—2005. 5: Graduate School, Xi An jiao tong University (Beijing) (Ph. D.)
2005.-2008.1 : Institute of Geology and Geophysics,Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) (post docter)

Professional Positions
At Institute of Geology and Geophysics, CAS, since 2008

Current Position:
Vice Professor of Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (since 2007. 12)
1989.7—1999. 9: engineer of ShanXi coal geology exploration team

Research Interests:
Current research interest is transient electromagnetic method (TEM)
Public Services:


Supported Projects:
1.  China post doctor Foundation of China, 2005. 1-2007. 12)
2.  Wang Kuan cheng Foundation of post doctor , Academy of Sciences (2005. 10-2007. 12)
3.  Knowledge Innovation Project of Chinese Academy of Science (KZCX2-YW-Q04-07).  2009. 1-2011. 12)

2020 (21篇)
[125] Ma Z J, Di Q Y, Liang P F, Xue G Q. 2020. Analysis on equivalence effect of the grounded-wire transient electromagnetic method. J. Appl. Geophys. 2020, 181
[124] Ma Z J, Di Q Y, Lei D, Gao Y, Zhu J, Xue G Q. 2020. The optimal survey area of the semi-airborne TEM method. Journal of Applied Geophysics 172 (2020) 103884
[123] Linbo Zhang; Guoqiang Xue; Muhammad Younis Khane; Weiying Chenabc; Sixu Hand; Wen Chen;Exploration of a magnetite deposit buried under thick and conductive sediments with multiple-source CSEM. Journal of Applied Geophysics. 2020,180.
[122] Luan, X. D., Q. Y. Di, G. Q. Xue, and B. Chen, 2020, Ground-wire Source TEM 3D Full Time Multinary Inversion Using Adaptive Regulation: Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, 25, no. 3, 403-413.
[121] Di QY, Xue GQ*(通讯作者), Yin CC, Li X. 2020. New methods of controlled-source electromagnetic detection in China. Science China: Earth Sciences, 63 (9): 1268-1277. 底青云,薛国强*(通讯作者),,殷长春,李貅. 2020. 中国人工源电磁探测新方法. 中国科学:地球科学,50(9):1219-1227.
[120] Xue GQ, Li ZY, Guo WB, Fan JS. 2020. The Exploration of Sedimentary Bauxite Deposits Using The Reflection Seismic Method: A Case Study from the Henan Province, China . Ore Geology Reviews, 127: 103832.
[119] Zhang LB, Li Hai, Xue GQ, et al. 2020. Magnetic viscosity effect on grounded-wire TEM responses and its physical mechanism. IEEE Access, 8: 6140-6152.
[118] Xue GQ, Li H*, He YM, et al. 2020. Development of the inversion method for transient electromagnetic data. IEEE Access, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3013626
[117] WuXin, Guoqiang Xue*(通讯作者),2020. Removal of the multi-source noise in Airborne Electromagnetic data based on Deep Learning geophysics Geophysics, 85 (6): B193- B208.
[116] NannanZhou , Guoqiang Xue,Induced Polarization Effect on Grounded-Wire Transient Electromagnetic Data from Transverse Electric and Magnetic Fields Geophysics, 2020, 85 (4): E111-E120
[115] Qingyun Di,Hai Li,Guoqiang Xue,Linbo Zhang.Pseudo-2D Trans-dimensional Bayesian inversion of the full waveform TEM response from PRBS source,IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, doi: 10.1109/TGRS.2020.2982442
[114] Qingyun Di,Guqiang Xue*(通讯作者),Qingdong Zeng, Zhongxing Wang,Zhiguo An , Da lei1, Magnetotelluric Exploration of Deep-Seated Gold Deposits in the Qingchengzi Orefield, Eastern Liaoning (China), using a SEP System OGR, 2020, 122.
[113] X. Wu, G. Xue (通讯作者) and Y. He, The Progress of the Helicopter-Borne Transient Electromagnetic Method and Technology in China,IEEE Access, vol. 8, 32757-32766, 2020.
[112] Zhenwei Guo,Guoqiang Xue*(通讯作者) Electromagnetic methods for mineral exploration in China: A review OGR,ttps://
[111] Qingyun Di,Guoqiang Xue* (通讯作者),Changmin Fu , Ruo Wang An alternative tool of CSAMT for prospecting deep-buried ore deposit Science Bulletin, 65(2020)611-615
[110] Linbo Zhang; Hai Li; Guoqiang Xue; Wen Chen; Yiming He. Magnetic Viscosity Effect on Grounded-Wire TEM Responses and Its Physical Mechanism. IEEE Access. 2020, 8: 6140-6152
[109] Muhammad Khan,Guoqiang Xue*(通讯作者) , Weiying Chen,2020 .Investigation of groundwater inrush zone using petrophysical logs and short-offset transient electromagnetic (SOTEM) data,JEEG 25(3)433-437
[108] Zhenjun Ma,Qingyun Di,Da Li,Guo-qiang Xue,The optimal survey area of the semi-airborne TEM method,Journal of Applied Geophysics 172 (2020) 103884
[107] Xue, G.Q.; Zhang, L.B.; Zhou, N.N.; Chen, W.Y. Developments measurements of TEM sounding in China. Geol J 2020 55:1636-1643, 10.1002/gj.3544, doi:10.1002/gj.3544.
[106] Xue, G.Q.; Zhang, L.B.; Hou, D.Y.; Liu, H.T.; Ding, Y.H.; Wang, C.Y.; Luo, X.N. Integrated geological and geophysical investigations for the discovery of deeply buried gold -polymetallic deposits in China. Geol J 2020 55:1771-1780, 10.1002/gj.3574, doi:10.1002/gj.3574.
[105] Di qing yun, G.Q Xue (通讯作者) ,Da Lei,Zhongxing, WangHai, LiFayemi Olalekan. Demonstration of the Newly Developed MTEM Systems for Gold Detection in China, GJ 2020,55:1763-1770.
(104) Qingyun Di, Guoqiang Xue*(通讯作者), Changchun Yin, Xiu Li,Research and Applications of Controlled-source Electromagnetic Methods for Deep Earth Exploration during Last Decade china science,doi.10.1360/SSTe-2019-0162
(103) Wen Chen,Guo-qiang Xue,Nan-nan Zhou,Hai Li,Delineating Ore-Forming Rock Using a Frequency Domain Controlled-Source Electromagnetic Method,[J]. Ore Geology Reviews, 2019, 115:103167.
(102) Xin Wu, Guangyou Fang , Guoqiang Xue(通讯作者), Lihua Liu , Leisong Liu , Jutao Li.The Development and Applications of the Helicopter-borne Transient Electromagnetic System CAS-HTEM JEEG, December 2019, Volume 24, Issue 4, pp. 653–663
(101) Xin Wu,G.Q Xue(通讯作者),Shun Wang,Yongqiang Feng,Q.M zhang,G.Y fang. The Suppression of Powerline Noise for the time-domain electromagnetic method with coded source based on independent component analysis, Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics (2019) 24 (4): 513–523.
(100) Xin Wu, G.Q Xue (通讯作者), G.Y fang,High resolution inversion of helicopter-borne TEM data for determine lead-zinc mineralized body , Bollettino di Geofisica Teorica e Applicata 2019,60(4) 629-644
(99) J.J XUE, YF.Lu, G.Q Xue (通讯作者),Chen.W Joint Constrained Inversion of TEM data to Investigate Deeply-Buried Ore Deposit, Bollettino di Geofisica Teorica e Applicata 2019,60(4) 624-628
(98) Junjie Xue Jiulong Chen G.Q Xue (通讯作者) Hai Li Dongyang Hou Hua-Sen Zhong Kangxin Lei Xiu L Extracting Pseudo Wave Fields from Transient Electromagnetic Fields Using a Weighting Coefficients Approach,JEEG 2019 24(3):351-359
(97) Guo-qiang Xue,Wen Chen,Jiulong Cheng,A Review of Electrical and Electromagnetic Methods for Coal Mine Exploration in China,November 2019IEEE Access 177332 - 177341
(96) Jianghao Chang,Guoqiang Xue(通讯作者), Reza Malekian A comparison of surface-to-coal mine roadway TEM and surface TEM responses to water-enriched bodies,2019 7 167320-167328
(95) Qingyun Di,Guo-qiang Xue(通讯作者),Zhongxing Wang,Olalekan Fayemi,了Development of the emerging electromagnetic methods for deep earth exploration,Article, May 2019,Acta Geologica Sinica,2019, 93: 313-317
(94) Wu, X.;Xue, G.Q.(通讯作者); Fang, G.Y.; Li, X.; Ji, Y.J. The Development and Applications of the Semi-Airborne Electromagnetic System in China. Ieee Access 2019, 7, 104956-104966, doi:10.1109/access.2019.2930961.
(93) Li, X.; Bai, D.H.; Ma, X.B.; Chen, Y.; Varentsov, I.M.;Xue, G.Q.;Xue, S.; Lozovsky, I. Electrical resistivity structure of the Xiaojiang strike-slip fault system (SW China) and its tectonic implications. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 2019, 176, 57-67, doi:10.1016/j.jseaes.2019.01.031.
(92) Li HXue G,He,Y Decoupling induced polarization effect from time domain electromagnetic data in Bayesian framework,geophysics 2019 84(6): A59-A63
(91) Chang, J.H.; Yu, J.C.; Li, J.J.;Xue, G.Q.;Malekian, R.; Su, B.Y. Diffusion Law of Whole-Space Transient Electromagnetic Field Generated by the Underground Magnetic Source and Its Application. Ieee Access 2019, 7, 63415-63425, doi:10.1109/access.2019.2916767
(90) Chen, W.Y.; Han, S.X.;Xue, G.Q.Analysis on the full-component response and detectability of electric source surface-to-borehole TEM method. Chinese J Geophys-Ch 2019, 62, 1969-1980, doi:10.6038/cjg2019L0708
陈卫营, 韩思旭, 薛国强,电性源地-井瞬变电磁法全分量响应特性与探测能力分析,地球物理学报,2019 Vol. 62(5):1969-1980
(89) Ouyang, T.; Di, Q.Y.;Xue, G.Q.;Lei, D. Identifying deep ore bodies using the Multi-Channel Transient Electromagnetic Method (MTEM) : an example of a lead-zinc-silver mine in Inner Mongolia. Chinese J Geophys-Ch 2019, 62, 1981-1990, doi:10.6038/cjg2019N0071 欧阳涛; 底青云; 薛国强; 雷达; 利用多通道瞬变电磁法识别深部矿体 地球物理学报2019 Vol. 62 (5): 1981-1990
(88) Kang Chen,J.Y zhang,Xue guoqiang(通讯作者), J.T hao, Y.Z yue , H huang , Weiying Chen,Feasibility of monitoring hydraulic connection between aquifers using time-lapse TEM - a case history in Inner Mongolia, China, JEEG , 09 2019, Volume 24, Issue 3, pp. 361–372
(87) Chen, K.;Xue, G.Q.(通讯作者); Chen, W.Y.; Zhou, N.N.; Li, H. Fine and Quantitative Evaluations of the Water Volumes in an Aquifer Above the Coal Seam Roof, Based on TEM. Mine Water and the Environment 2019, 38, 49-59, doi:10.1007/s10230-018-00573-2.
(86) Li, H.; Di, Q.Y.;Xue, G.Q.A comparative study of inline and broadside time-domain controlled-source electromagnetic methods for mapping resistive targets on land. Geophysics 2019, 84, B235-B246, doi:10.1190/geo2018-0056.1
(85) Di, Q.Y.; Zhu, R.X.;Xue, G.Q(通讯作者).; Yin, C.C.; Li, X. New development of the Electromagnetic (EM) methods for deep exploration. Chinese J Geophys-Ch 2019, 62, 2128-2138, doi:10.6038/cjg2019M0633.
底青云;朱日祥;薛国强 (通讯作者),殷长春;李貅 我国深地资源电磁探测新技术研究进展,地球物理学报,2019Vol. 62(6):2128-2138
(84) Hou, D.Y.;Xue, G.Q.;Zhou, N.N.; Chen, W.; Xue, J.J. Exploration of Deep Magnetite Deposit Under Thick and Conductive Overburden with Ex Component of SOTEM: A Case Study in China. Pure and Applied Geophysics 2019, 176, 857-871, doi:10.1007/s00024-018-2005-8
(83) Hou, D.Y.;Xue, G.Q.(通讯作者); Zhou, N.N.; He, Y.M.; Chen, W. Comparison between Different Apparent Resistivity Definitions of CSAMT. J Environ Eng Geoph 2019, 24, 119-127, doi:10.2113/jeeg24.1.119.
(82) Wu, X.;Xue, G.Q(通讯作者); Xiao, P.; Li, J.T.; Liu, L.H.; Fang, G.Y. The removal of the high-frequency motion-induced noise in helicopter-borne transient electromagnetic data based on wavelet neural network. Geophysics 2019, 84(1), K1-K9, doi:10.1190/geo2018-0120.1.
(81) Zhou, N.N.; Xue, G.Q. Minimum depth of investigation for grounded-wire TEM due to self-transients. J Appl Geophys 2018, 152, 203-207, doi:10.1016/j.jappgeo.2018.04.004.
(80) Zhou, N.N.; Xue, G.Q.; Li, H.; Hou, D.Y. Investigation of Axial Electric Field Measurements with Grounded-Wire TEM Surveys. Pure and Applied Geophysics 2018, 175, 365-373, doi:10.1007/s00024-017-1655-2
(79) Hou, D.Y.; Xue, G.Q.; Zhou, N.N.; Yan, S.; Di, Q.Y. A new infinitesimal computational approach to calculating frequency-domain electromagnetic response. J Appl Geophys 2018, 159, 312-318, doi:10.1016/j.jappgeo.2018.09.004.
(78) Zhou, N.N.; Hou, D.Y.; Xue, GQ. Effects of Shadow and Source Overprint on Grounded-Wire Transient Electromagnetic Response. IEEE Geosci. Remote Sens. Lett. 2018, 15, 1169-1173, doi:10.1109/lgrs.2018.2836152
(77) Di, Q.Y.; Xue, G.Q. (通讯作者); Lei, D.; Wang, Z.X.; Zhang, Y.M.; Wang, S.; Zhang, Q.M. Geophysical survey over molybdenum mines using the newly developed MTEM system. J Appl Geophys 2018, 158, 65-70, doi:10.1016/j.jappgeo.2018.07.008.
(76) Xue, G.Q.; Chen, W.Y.; Yan, S. Research study on the short offset time-domain electromagnetic method for deep exploration. J Appl Geophys 2018, 155, 131-137, doi:10.1016/j.jappgeo.2018.05.019.
(75) Wang, R.; Wang, M.Y.; Di, Q.Y.; Xue, G.Q. 2D FEM modeling on the multi-channel transient electromagnetic method. Chinese J Geophys-Ch 2018, 61, 5084-5095, doi:10.6038/cjg2018L0672
王若;王妙月;底青云;薛国强,多通道瞬变电磁法2D有限元模拟,地球物理学报,2018 Vol. 61 (2): 5084-5095
(74) Xue, G.Q.; Chen, W.Y.; Ma, Z.J.; Hou, D.Y. Identifying Deep Saturated Coal Bed Zones in China through the Use of Large Loop TEM. J Environ Eng Geoph 2018, 23, 135-142, doi:10.2113/jeeg23.1.135.
(73) Xue, G.Q.; Hou, D.Y.; Qiu, W.Z. Identification of Double-layered Water filled Zones Using TEM: A Case Study in China. J Environ Eng Geoph 2018, 23, 297-304, doi:10.2113/jeeg23.3.297.
journal of the Environmental and Engineering Geophysical
(72) Xue, G.Q. Introduction to the JEEG Special Issue of on Geophysics in China. J Environ Eng Geoph 2018, 23, V-vii, doi:10.2113/JEEG23.1.v. journal of the Environmental and Engineering Geophysical
(71) Xue, G.Q.; Chen, K.; Chen, W.Y.; Tian, Z.B. The Determination of the Burial Depth of Coal Measure Strata Using Electromagnetic Data. J Environ Eng Geoph 2018, 23, 125-134,
(70) Xue, G.Q. The Development of Near-source Electromagnetic Methods in China. J Environ Eng Geoph 2018, 23, 115-124, doi:10.2113/jeeg23.1.115.
journal of the Environmental and Engineering Geophysical
(69) Xue, G.Q.; Li, X.; Yu, S.B.; Chen, W.Y.; Ji, Y.J. The Application of Ground-airborne TEM Systems for Underground Cavity Detection in China. J Environ Eng Geoph 2018, 23, 103-113, doi:10.2113/jeeg23.1.103.journal of the Environmental and Engineering Geophysical
(68) Li, X.; Xue, G..Q. (通讯作者).; Zhi, Q.Q.; Lie, H.; Zhong, H.S. TEM Pseudo-Wave Field Extractions Using a Modified Algorithm. J Environ Eng Geoph 2018, 23, 33-45
(67) Li, H.; Xue, G.Q.; Di, Q.Y. Numerical Analysis of Land-Based Inline-Source Configuration for the Controlled-Source Electromagnetic Method. J Environ Eng Geoph 2018, 23, 47-59, doi:10.2113/jeeg23.1.47journal of the Environmental and Engineering Geophysical
(66) Khan, M.Y.; Xue, G.Q. (通讯作者); Chen, W.Y.; Zhong, H.S. Analysis of Long-offset Transient Electromagnetic (LOTEM) Data in Time, Frequency, and Pseudo-seismic Domain. J Environ Eng Geoph 2018, 23, 15-32, doi:10.2113/jeeg23.1.15.
(65) Zhou, N.N.; Xue, G.Q.; Hou, D.Y.; Lu, Y.F. An Investigation of the Effect of Source Geometry on Grounded-Wire TEM Surveying with Horizontal Electric Field. J Environ Eng Geoph 2018, 23, 143-151, doi:10.2113/jeeg23.1.143
(64) He, J.S.; Xue, G.Q. Review of the key techniques on short-offset electromagnetic detection. Chinese J Geophys-Ch 2018, 61, 1-8, doi:10.6038/cjg2018L0003.
何继善,薛国强(通讯作者) 2018 短偏移距电磁探测概述,地球物理学报, 61(1)1-8
(63) Wang, H.Y.; Xue, G.Q.; Guo, H.; Zhou, N.N. Numerical analysis for direct response of the transient electromagnetic field in the time domain in a homogeneous half space. Chinese J Geophys-Ch 2018, 61, 750-755, doi:10.6038/cjg2018K0664.
王贺元, 薛国强*, 郭华 周楠楠, 2018. 均匀半空间瞬变电磁场直接时域响应数值分析. 地球物理学报, 61(2), pp.750-755.
2017年 (12篇)
(62) Li, H.; Xue, G.Q.; Zhao, P. A New Imaging Approach for Dipole-Dipole Time-Domain Electromagnetic Data Based on the q-Transform. Pure and Applied Geophysics 2017, 174, 3939-3953, doi:10.1007/s00024-017-1603-1
(61) Xue, G.Q.; Chen, W.Y.; Cui, J.W.; Yan, S. A Fast Topographic Correction Method for TEM Data; 2017; 10.1007/978-981-10-3244-8_15pp. 119-126.
(60) Zhou, N.N.; Xue, G.Q.; Chen, W.Y.; Cui, J.W.; Chen, K. A comparison of TEM data from different near-source systems. J Geophys Eng 2017, 14, 487-501, doi:10.1088/1742-2140/aa5cde
(59) Chen, W.Y.; Xue, G.Q.; Khan, M.Y.; Li, H. Using SOTEM Method to Detect BIF Bodies Buried Under Very Thick and Conductive Quaternary Sediments, Huoqiu Deposit, China. Pure and Applied Geophysics 2017, 174, 1013-1023, doi:10.1007/s00024-016-1390-0
(58) Chen, W.Y.; Khan, M.Y.; Xue, G.Q. Response of surface-to-borehole SOTEM method on 2D earth. J Geophys Eng 2017, 14, 987-997, doi:10.1088/1742-2140/aa6fcc.
(57) Zhou, N.N.; Xue, G.Q.; Hou, D.Y.; Li, H.; Chen, W.Y. Short-offset grounded-wire TEM method for efficient detection of mined-out areas in vegetation-covered mountainous coalfields. Explor Geophys 2017, 48, 374-382, doi:10.1071/eg15095
(56) Chen, W.Y.; Xue, G.Q.; Olatayo, A.L.; Chen, K.; Khan, M.Y.; Chen, W.C.; Zhang, L.B.; Chen, W. A comparison of loop time-domain electromagnetic and short-offset transient electromagnetic methods for mapping water-enriched zones - A case history in Shaanxi, China. Geophysics 2017, 82, B201-B208, doi:10.1190/geo2017-0070.1
(55) Liu, Z.X.; Xue, G.Q.; Zhang, L.B. Comparison and analysis on effective observation area of tensor CSAMT by numerical simulation method. Chinese J Geophys-Ch 2017, 60, 3278-3287, doi:10.6038/cjg20170832
刘志新,薛国强*(通讯作者),张林波. 张量CSAMT有效观测区域模拟对比分析.地球物理学报。2017 60(8):3278-3287
(54) Wu, X.; Xue, G.Q.; Xiao, P.; Rao, L.T.; Guo, R.; Fang, G.Y. Noise reduction technology of TEM using optimization of instrument sampling function. Chinese J Geophys-Ch 2017, 60, 3677-3684, doi:10.6038/cjg20170931.
武欣,薛国强(通讯作者),肖攀,饶丽婷,郭睿,方广有. 瞬变电磁采样函数优化法降噪技术.地球物理学报.2017 60(9)3677-3684
(53) Chen, W.Y.; Li, H.; Xue, G.Q.; Chen, K.; Zhong, H.S. 1D OCCAM inversion of SOTEM data and its application to 3D models. Chinese J Geophys-Ch 2017, 60, 3667-3676, doi:10.6038/cjg20170930.
陈卫营,薛国强等,SOTEM数据一维OCCAM反演及其应用于三维模型的效果.地球物理学报.2017 60(9):3667-3676
(52) Yan, S.; Xue, G.Q.; Qiu, W.Z.; Zhou, N.N. Interpretation of CSAMT single-component data. Chinese J Geophys-Ch 2017, 60, 349-359, doi:10.6038/cjg20170129
闫述,薛国强,邱卫忠,薛国强 CSAMT 单分量数据解释方法 地球物理学报,2017 60(1):349-359

Cao, Q.H.; Yan, S.; Xue, G.Q.; Zhu, N. High resolution resistivity detecting and remote internet monitoring of coalfield fire. Chinese J Geophys-Ch 2017, 60, 424-429, doi:10.6038/cjg20170135
曹清华,闫述,薛国强(通讯作者),高分辨地电阻率探测与互联网络远程监测煤田火烧区,地球物理学报,2017 60(1):424-429

2016年 (15)
(50) Xue, G.Q.; Chen, K.; Chen, W.Y.; Yan, S. The effect and application of "false extreme" in frequency-domain electromagnetic sounding. In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Environment and Engineering Geophysics, Kang, C., Dongyang, H., Eds. 2016; Vol. 71, pp. 1-3.
(49) Li, H.; Xue, G.Q.; Zhao, P.; Zhong, H.S.; Khan, M.Y. The Hilbert-Huang Transform-Based Denoising Method for the TEM Response of a PRBS Source Signal. Pure and Applied Geophysics 2016, 173, 2777-2789, doi:10.1007/s00024-016-1308-x
(48) Chen, W.Y.; Xue, G.Q.; Khan, M.Y. Quasi MT Inversion of Short-Offset Transient Electromagnetic Data. Pure and Applied Geophysics 2016, 173, 2413-2422, doi:10.1007/s00024-016-1274-3
(47) Li, H.; Xue, G.Q.; Zhao, P.; Zhou, N.N.; Zhong, H.S. Inversion of arbitrary segmented loop source TEM data over a layered earth. J Appl Geophys 2016, 128, 87-95, doi:10.1016/j.jappgeo.2016.03.017.
(46) Zhou, N.N.; Xue, G.Q.; Li, H.; Younis, M.; Hou, D.Y.; Zhong, H.S.; Chen, W.Y.; Cui, J.W. A Comparison of Different-Mode Fields Generated from Grounded-Wire Source Based on the 1D Model. Pure and Applied Geophysics 2016, 173, 591-606, doi:10.1007/s00024-015-1088-8
(45) 闫述 薛国强 邱卫忠 李海 钟华森. 中心回线TEM 法探测多层积水采空区的可行性//Feasibility of central loop TEM method for prospecting multilayer water-filled goaf, APPLIED GEOPHYSICS, 2016, 13(4), P.587-597
(44) Xue, G.Q.; Yan, S.; Chen, W.Y. A fast topographic correction method for electromagnetic data. Chinese J Geophys-Ch 2016, 59, 4408-4413, doi:10.6038/cjg20161202.
薛国强 闫述,陈卫营电磁测深数据地形影响的快速校正,地球物理学报,2016Vol. 59(12):4408-4413
(43) Zhong, H.S.; Xue, G.Q.; Li, X.; Zhi, Q.Q.; Di, Q.Y. Pseudo wavefield extraction in the multi-channel transient electromagnetic (MTEM) method. Chinese J Geophys-Ch 2016, 59, 4424-4431, doi:10.6038/cjg20161204
钟华森, 薛国强, 李貅, 智庆全, 底青云,多道瞬变电磁法(MTEM)虚拟波场提取技术,2016革者Vol. 59(12):4424-4431
(42) Li, H.; Xue, G.Q.; Zhong, H.S.; Di, Q.Y. Joint inversion of CMP gathers of multi-channel transient electromagnetic data. Chinese J Geophys-Ch 2016, 59, 4439-4447, doi:10.6038/cjg20161206
李海, 薛国强, 钟华森, 底青云,多道瞬变电磁法共中心点道集数据联合反演,地球物理学,2016 Vol. 59(12):4439-4447
(41) Tian, Z.B.; Zhang, Y.B.; Wang, J.Q.; Yang, X.D.; Shen, Y.Y.; Huang, H.D.; Xiang, K.; Xue, G.Q. Study on the pre-stack seismic inversion prediction method for rich coal-bed-gas reservoirs: a case in southeastern Shanxi province. Chinese J Geophys-Ch 2016, 59, 4494-4504, doi:10.6038/cjg20161212.
田忠斌, 张胤彬, 王建青, 杨晓东, 申有义, 黄捍东, 向坤, 薛国强(通讯作者).富含煤层气储层的叠前地震反演预测方法研究——以山西晋东南测区为例,2016 Vol. 59 (12): 4494-4504
(40) Wu, X.; Xue, G.Q.; Chen, W.Y.; Wu, K.; Qi, L.; Liu, F.B.; Fang, G.Y. Contrast test of the transient electromagnetic system (CASTEM) at the Dawangzhuang iron mine in Anhui province. Chinese J Geophys-Ch 2016, 59, 4448-4456, doi:10.6038/cjg20161207.
武欣, 薛国强(通讯作者), 陈卫营, 吴凯, 齐林, 刘富波, 方广有,瞬变电磁探测系统(CASTEM)试验对比——安徽颖上大王庄铁矿 2016Vol. 59(12):4448-4456
(39) Wang, R.; Wang, M.Y.; Di, Q.Y.; Xue, G.Q.; Yin, C.C.; Lei, D. Signal synthesis of time-domain electromagnetic response excited by a pseudo random binary sequence source. Chinese J Geophys-Ch 2016, 59, 4414-4423, doi:10.6038/cjg20161203
王若, 王妙月, 底青云, 薛国强, 殷长春, 雷达,伪随机编码源激发下的时域电磁信号合成,2016Vol.59(12):4414-4423

Yan, S.; Xue, G.Q.; Chen, M.S. Response of CSAMT electromagnetic component in the magnetized layered earth. Chinese J Geophys-Ch 2016, 59, 4457-4463, doi:10.6038/cjg20161208
闫述,薛国强(通讯作者),陈明生,磁性层状介质的CSAMT电场分量响应特征,地球物理学报  2016 Vol. 59(12):4457-4463

(37) Chen, W.Y.; Xue, G.Q.; Cui, J.W.; Zhong, H.S. Study on the response and optimal observation area for SOTEM. Chinese J Geophys-Ch 2016, 59, 739-748, doi:10.6038/cjg20160231
陈卫营,薛国强.SOTEM响应特性分析与最佳观测区域研究,地球物理学报,2016Vol. 59(2):739-748
(36) Cheng, J.L.; Chen, D.; Xue, G.Q.; Qiu, H.; Zhou, X.T. Synthetic aperture imaging in advanced detection of roadway using the mine transient electromagnetic method. Chinese J Geophys-Ch 2016, 59, 731-738, doi:10.6038/cjg20160230
程久龙, 薛国强. 矿井瞬变电磁法超前探测合成孔径成像研究,地球物理学报,2016 Vol. 59 (2): 731-738
2011--2015年 (26篇)
(35) Wu, X.; Xue, G.Q.; Di, Q.Y.; Zhang, Y.M.; Fang, G.Y. Accurate identification for the electromagnetic impulse response of the earth with pseudo random coded waveforms. Chinese J Geophys-Ch 2015, 58, 2792-2802, doi:10.6038/cjg20150814
(34) Xue, G.Q.; Li, X.; Gelius, L.J.; Qi, Z.P.; Zhou, N.N.; Chen, W.Y. A New Apparent Resistivity Formula for In-loop Fast Sounding TEM Theory and Application. J Environ Eng Geoph 2015, 20, 107-118, doi:10.2113/jeeg20.2.107.
(33) Li, H.; Xue, G.Q.; Zhou, N.N.; Chen, W.Y. Appraisal of an Array TEM Method in Detecting a Mined-Out Area Beneath a Conductive Layer. Pure and Applied Geophysics 2015, 172, 2917-2929, doi:10.1007/s00024-015-1075-0
(32) Xue, G.Q.; Yan, S.; Gelius, L.J.; Chen, W.Y.; Zhou, N.N.; Li, H. Discovery of a Major Coal Deposit in China with the Use of a Modified CSAMT Method. J Environ Eng Geoph 2015, 20, 47-56, doi:10.2113/jeeg20.1.47.
(31) Zhou, N.N.; Xue, G.Q.; Chen, W.Y.; Cheng, J.L. Large-depth hydrogeological detection in the North China-type coalfield through short-offset grounded-wire TEM. Environ Earth Sci 2015, 74, 2393-2404, doi:10.1007/s12665-015-4240-y.
(30) Zhou, N.N.; Xue, G.Q.; Gelius, L.J.; Wang, H.Y.; Yan, S. Analysis of the near-source error in TEM due to the dipole hypothesis. J Appl Geophys 2015, 116, 75-83, doi:10.1016/j.jappgeo.2015.02.026
(29) Chen, W.Y.; Xue, G.Q. (通讯作者); Muhammad, Y.K.; Gelius, L.J.; Zhou, N.N.; Li, H.; Zhong, H.S. Application of Short-Offset TEM (SOTEM) Technique in Mapping Water-Enriched Zones of Coal Stratum, an Example from East China. Pure and Applied Geophysics 2015, 172, 1643-1651, doi:10.1007/s00024-014-1028-z.
(28) Xue, G.Q.; Gelius, L.J.; Sakyi, P.A.; Zhou, N.N.; Chen, W.Y.; Su, B.C.; Li, H.; Zhong, H.S.; Su, Y.P. Discovery of a hidden BIF deposit in Anhui province, China by integrated geological and geophysical investigations. Ore Geol Rev 2014, 63, 470-477, doi:10.1016/j.oregeorev.2014.05.007.
(27) Xue, G.Q.; Zhou, N.N.; Chen, W.Y.; Li, H.; Yan, S. Research on the Application of a 3-m Transmitter Loop for TEM Surveys in Mountainous Areas. J Environ Eng Geoph 2014, 19, 3-12, doi:10.2113/jeeg19.1.3.
(26) Zhou, N.N.; Xue, G.Q. The ratio apparent resistivity definition of rectangular-loop TEM. J Appl Geophys 2014, 103, 152-160, doi:10.1016/j.jappgeo.2014.01.015.
(25) Xue, G.Q.; Wang, H.Y.; Yan, S.; Zhou, N.N. Time-domain Green function solution for transient electromagnetic field. Chinese J Geophys-Ch 2014, 57, 671-678, doi:10.6038/cjg20140230.
(24) Chen, W.Y.; Xue, G.Q. Effective skin depth of whole EM field due to a grounded wire source. Chinese J Geophys-Ch 2014, 57, 2314-2320, doi:10.6038/cjg20140725.
(23) Xue, G.Q.; Cheng, J.L.; Zhou, N.N.; Chen, W.Y.; Li, H. Detection and monitoring of water-filled voids using transient electromagnetic method: a case study in Shanxi, China. Environ Earth Sci 2013, 70, 2263-2270, doi:10.1007/s12665-013-2375-2.
(22) Zhou Nan-nan,Xue Guo qiang,Wang He-yuan. Comparison of the time domain electromagnetic field from an infinitesimal point charge and dipole source. Applied Geophysics, 2013,10(3):349-356(SCI).
(21) Xue, G.Q.; Gelius, L.J.; Xiu, L.; Qi, Z.P.; Chen, W.Y. 3D pseudo-seismic imaging of transient electromagnetic data - a feasibility study. Geophysical Prospecting 2013, 61, 5571, doi:10.1111/j.1365-2478.2012.01109.x.
(20) Xue, G.Q.; Chen, W.Y.; Zhou, N.N.; Li, H. Short-offset TEM technique with a grounded wire source for deep sounding. Chinese J Geophys-Ch 2013, 56, 255-261, doi:10.6038/cjg20130126.
(19) Li, X.; Xue, G.Q.; Liu, Y.A.; Qian, J.B. A research on TEM imaging method based on synthetic-aperture technology. Chinese J Geophys-Ch 2012, 55, 333-340, doi:10.6038/j.issn.0001-5733.2012.01.034
李貅,薛国强,刘银爱等.瞬变电磁合成孔径成像方法研究.地球物理学报,2012,55 (1): 333-340.
(18) Xue, G.Q.; Li, X.; Quan, H.J.; Jaggar, S.; Zhou, N.N. Physical simulation and application of a new TEM configuration. Environ Earth Sci 2012, 67, 1291-1298, doi:10.1007/s12665-012-1572-8.
(17) Xue, G.Q.; Qin, K.Z.; Li, X.; Li, G.M.; Qi, Z.P.; Zhou, N.N. Discovery of a Large-scale Porphyry Molybdenum Deposit in Tibet through a Modified TEM Exploration Method. J Environ Eng Geoph 2012, 17, 19-25, doi:10.2113/jeeg17.1.19.
(16) Xue, G.Q.; Bai, C.Y.; Yan, S.; Greenhalgh, S.; Li, M.F.; Zhou, N.N. Deep sounding TEM investigation method based on a modified fixed central-loop system. J Appl Geophys 2012, 76, 23-32, doi:10.1016/j.jappgeo.2011.10.007.
(15) Xue, G.Q.; Bai, C.Y.; Li, X. Extracting the Virtual Reflected Wavelet from TEM Data Based on Regularizing Method. Pure and Applied Geophysics 2012, 169, 1269-1282, doi:10.1007/s00024-011-0392-1.
(14) Guo, W.B.; Xue, G.Q. (通讯作者); Li, X.; Liu, Y.A. Correlation analysis and imaging technique of TEM data. Explor Geophys 2012, 43, 137-148, doi:10.1071/eg11034.
(13) Xue, G.Q.; Yan, S.; Zhou, N.N. Theoretical study on the errors caused by dipole hypothesis of large-loop TEM response. Chinese J Geophys-Ch 2011, 54, 2389-2396, doi:10.3969/j.issn.0001-5733.2011.09.022.
薛国强 闫述周楠楠,等 偶极子假设引起的大回线源瞬变电磁响应偏差分析,地球物理学报201154(9) 2389~2396
(12) Xue, G.Q.; Yan, Y.J.; Li, X. Control of the waveform dispersion effect and applications in a TEM imaging technique for identifying underground objects. J Geophys Eng 2011, 8, 195-201, doi:10.1088/1742-2132/8/2/007.
(11) Xue, G.Q.; Yan, Y.J.; Cheng, J.L. Researches on detection of 3-D underground cave based on TEM technique. Environ Earth Sci 2011, 64, 425-430, doi:10.1007/s12665-010-0862-2.
(10) Xue, G.Q.; Li, X.; Qi, Z.P.; Fan, T.; Zhou, N.N. Study of sharpening the TEM pseudo-seismic wave-form. Chinese J Geophys-Ch 2011, 54, 1384-1390, doi:10.3969/j.issn.0001-5733.2011.05.028.
2004-2010 (9篇)
(9) Li, X.; Qi, Z.P.; Xue, G.Q.; Fan, T.; Zhu, H.W. Three dimensional curved surface continuation image based on TEM pseudo wave-field. Chinese J Geophys-Ch 2010, 53, 3005-3011, doi:10.3969/j.issn.0001-5733.2010.12.025
(8) Xue, G.Q.; Li, X. The technology of TEM tunnel prediction imaging. Chinese J Geophys-Ch 2008, 51, 894-900.
(7) Xue, G.Q.; Yan, Y.J.; Li, X. Pseudo-seismic wavelet transformation of transient electromagnetic response in engineering geology exploration. Geophys Res Lett 2007, 34, doi:10.1029/2007gl031116. 
(6) Xue, G.Q.; Yan, Y.J.; Li, X.; Di, Q.Y. Transient electromagnetic S-inversion in tunnel prediction. Geophys Res Lett 2007, 34, doi:10.1029/2007gl031080.
(5) Guo, W.B.; Song, J.P.; Li, X.; Xue, G.Q.; Fan, J.S. Numerical calculation of borehole electrical survey in layered media and its applications. Chinese J Geophys-Ch 2006, 49, 1561-1566
郭文波,宋建平,李貅,薛国强等. 层状介质井中电测数值计算及其应用研究.地球物理学报,2006, 49 (5):1561-1566.
(4) Xue, G.Q.; Li, X.; Guo, W.B.; Song, J.P.; Di, Q.Y. Equivalent transformation from TEM field sounding data to plane-wave electromagnetic sounding data. Chinese J Geophys-Ch 2006, 49, 1539-1545.

Guo, W.B.; Li, X.; Xue, G.Q.; Song, J.P.; Gu, L.S. A study of the interpretation system for TEM tomography. Chinese J Geophys-Ch 2005, 48, 1400-1405.

(2) Li, X.; Xue, G.Q.; Song, J.P.; Guo, W.B.; Wu, J.J. An optimize method for transient electromagnetic field-wave field conversion. Chinese J Geophys-Ch 2005, 48, 1185-1190.
(1) XUE Guo Qiang LI Xiu SONG JianPing GUO WenBo.Theoretical analysis and numerical calculation of loop source transient electromagnetic imaging.Chinese Journal Of Geophysics,2004,47(2): 338-343
薛国强,李貅,宋建平,郭文波.回线源瞬变电磁成像的理论分析及数值计算.地球物理学报.2004, 47(2):338-343


(11) 底青云,薛国强,王中兴,张一鸣,王顺,雷达,付长民,安志国,王若,武杰. 多通道瞬变电磁探测技术,科学出版社, 2019年11月.
(10) 薛国强,刘树才,刘志新,赵育台.煤炭电法探测方法技术,科学出版社,2018年11月.
(9) 底青云,薛国强,李貅(译著)((美)Michael S.Zhdanov).地球物理反演理论与应用,科学出版社,2018年6月.
(8) 薛国强,周楠楠,陈卫营,武欣(译著)((德)Kurt M. Strack)).电性源瞬变电磁测深技术,科学出版社,2017年11月.
(7) 薛国强,闫述,周楠楠,王贺元.瞬变电磁场点微元响应问题,科学出版社,2017年5月.
(6) Qingyun Di ,Guoqiang Xue, Jianghai Xia. Technology and application of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics,Springer press . 2017 . Nov.
(5) Xiu Li ,Guoqiang Xue, Changchun Yin. Migration Imaging of the Transient electromagnetic method,Springer press . 2016 . Nov.
(4) 李貅,底青云,薛国强(译著)((美)Michael S.Zhdanov).地球物理电磁理论与方法,科学出版社,2015年6月.
(3) 薛国强,闫述,周楠楠,陈卫营.人工源电磁测深方法技术研究,地质出版社,2015年11月.
(2) 李貅,薛国强,李术才,郭文波,孙怀凤,戚志鹏.瞬变电磁隧道超前预报方法与应用,地质出版社,2013年8月.
(1) 李貅,薛国强.瞬变电磁拟地震偏移成像研究,科学出版社,2013年6月.


[1] X. Wu, G. Q. Xue, Q. Y. Di, Multi-mode data observation method based on unmanned aerial vehicle formation for semi-airborne electromagnetic surveying, US 10,838,099 B1, Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nov. 17, 2020
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[3] X. Wu, G. Q. Xue, Q. Y. Di, Z. Zhou, A method for airborne transient electromagnetic data processing, AU 2020101013, Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Jun. 16, 2020.
[4] X. Wu, G. Q. Xue, Z. Zhou, Ground-air short offset electromagnetic detection system and method for separating multi-source transmission signals, AU 2020100334, Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Mar. 6, 2020.
[4] ZHOU, Nannan; XUE, Guoqiang; LEI, Kangxin; ZHONG, Huasen and HOU, Dongyang. A Very-Short Offset Transient Electromagnetic Method with a Grounded-wire Source: Australia, 2020100496[P], 2020-04-29.
[5] ZHOU, Nannan; XUE, Guoqiang; LEI, Kangxin and HOU, Dongyang. Transient Electromagnetic Detection Method with Cross-Like Grounded-Wire Source: Australia, 2020100497[P], 2020-04-29.
[6] Qingyun Di ,Guoqiang Xue, RuoWang,ZhiGuo An, Chang ming Fu,Da Lei,xian, Xian junZhuo, Zhongxing Wang.WEM-based method for deep resource detection using sky waves. United patent US 15/851.754
[8] Qingyun Di ,Guoqiang Xue,Lihai,Wang Zhongxing.A method for multi-channel transient electromagnetic survey using broadside configuration. Auatralia patent No. 2020101906
[10] XUE, Guoqiang, Li Xiu, LiuBin, Sun Huaifen, Di qingyun, HouDongyang. 2020.11.03. Correction method for transient electromagnetic method-based prediction of water-bearing structure ahead of tunnel wall. . US10823872.
[11] XUE, Guoqiang,HouDongyang,WuXin,Yu Chuantao,Ahaoyang.A method for determining middle zone exploration depth of electromagnetic exploration.Auatralia patent No. 2020101905
[12] Chen weiying ,Xue guoqiang,Heyiming,Zhanglinbo,Chenwen. Artifial source near-zone frequency domain electromagnetic sounding method. Australia innovation patent, 2020100504
[13] HanSixu,Chen weiying,Xue guoqiang,LuoQiang.A multi-source short-offset frequency domainelectromagnetic detection method. Australia innovation patent, 2020101824
[14] GUO, Wenbo; WANG, Hongyu; XUE, Guoqiang; QIN, Xishe and LIU, Yinai .A Method and Apparatus for Ground-tunnel Wide Field Electromagnetic Surveying。Auatralia patent No. 2020100984
[15] ZhouZhou, XUE Guoqiang,YanShu,QiuWeizhong.Method, system and device for indentifying water-filled goaf area in coal mine. Auatralia patent No.2020102336
[16] Wang hongyu, Guowenbo,Xueguoqiang, LiuJianXin, LiuYinai Ground-Tunnel Tunnel Wide-Field Electromagnetic Exploration Method and Array. Auatralia patent No.2020100984



(1) 薛国强,郭文波,侯东洋. 一种地-井激发极化测量方法及相关设备. ZL201610727523.5,授权日:2018年12月14日
(2) 薛国强,钟华森,侯东洋,冯西会. 一种地下目标体导电指数提取方法与装置. ZL201610052096.5,授权日:2018年11月20日
(3) 薛国强,闫述,底青云,邱卫忠,陈卫营,钟华森,侯东洋. 一种用于电磁干扰地区的CSAMT测量方法和装置. ZL201510166597.1,授权日:2018年11月16日
(4) 薛国强,钟华森,底青云,李貅,程久龙. 一种矿井瞬变电磁超前探测的巷道效应消除方法和装置. ZL201510332956.6. 授权日:2018年8月7日
(5) 薛国强,崔江伟,底青云,钟华森,冯西会. 一种地下目标体异常定量判定方法和装置. ZL201510979352.0. 授权日:2018年5月4日
(6) 薛国强,陈康,底青云,吴燕清,田忠斌,赵育刚. 一种评估煤层顶板视涌水量的方法和装置. ZL201610077522.0. 授权日:2018年3月20日
(7) 薛国强,李海,钟华森,底青云,王若. 一种多道瞬变电磁探测数据的反演方法和装置. ZL201510332957.0. 授权日:2017年12月19日
(8) 薛国强,钟华森,底青云,侯东洋. 一种煤层基底奥灰顶界面起伏形态探测的方法和装置. ZL201510166548.8.授权日:2017年10月17日
(9) 薛国强,钟华森,底青云,侯东洋,马振军,陈康. 一种煤层埋藏深度的探测方法和装置. ZL201510332845.5. 授权日:2017年10月13日
(10) 薛国强,闫述,钟华森,底青云,侯东洋. 一种地下电性薄层的识别方法和装置. ZL201510210282.2.授权日:2017年8月25日
(11) 薛国强,钟华森,崔江伟,李海,底青云. 一种瞬变电磁探测的盲深度测量方法和装置. ZL201510210281.8.授权日:2017年7月25日
(12) 薛国强,闫述,底青云,邱卫忠,程久龙,陈卫营. 一种基于瞬变电磁法探测煤矿积水采空区的方法和装置. ZL201510051516.3. 授权日:2017年6月16日
(13) 薛国强,侯东洋,底青云,钟华森,马振军. 一种判断隧道围岩类别的方法. ZL201510166596.7. 授权日:2017年5月31日
(14) 薛国强,岳建华,底青云,陈卫营,崔江伟,韩德品. 长导线接地源地下瞬变电磁探测方法及装置. ZL201410746452.4.授权日:2017年1月4日
(15) 薛国强,崔江伟,底青云,李貅. 一种瞬变电磁B场确定地下目标体地质信息方法. ZL201410746339.6.授权日:2016年10月12日
(16) 薛国强,周楠楠,底青云,闫述,陈卫营,侯东洋. 一种瞬变电磁探测方法、装置和系统. ZL201510072462.9. 授权日:2016年8月17日
(17) 薛国强,闫述,周楠楠. 瞬变电磁测深数据的直接时间域处理方法. ZL201110181011.0.授权日:2013年8月14日
(18) 薛国强,李貅,郭文波. 一种煤矿充水采空区检测方法. ZL201110363286.6.授权日:2013年7月10日
(19) 薛国强,闫述,陈卫营. 电性源瞬变电磁法全场区探测方法. ZL201110181015.9. 授权日:2013年4月10日


(1) 薛国强,周楠楠,陈卫营,李海,郭伟立,苏艳平. 瞬变电磁探测接收功能主控装置. ZL201220377322.4. 授权日:2013年3月13日
(2) 薛国强,杨超,周楠楠,陈卫营,李海,郭伟立,苏艳平. 瞬变电磁发射装置和瞬变电磁发射系统. ZL201220377224.0. 授权日:2013年3月31日
(3) 汪青松,张金会,尤淼 薛国强 赵兴邦. 一种井中偏心贴壁电极 新型专利 Zl2019 2 2022960.9授权日:2019年11月21日


(1) 武欣,方广有,薛国强,底青云,张一鸣. 一种电磁大地冲激响应的辨识方法. ZL201410743525.4. 授权日:2017年7月28日
(2) 武欣,薛国强,周舟. 地空短偏移电磁探测系统、多源发射信号分离方法. 专利号:ZL 2020 1 0071726.X.日授权日:2020年11月10日
(3) 真齐辉、底青云、薛国强,一种减少瞬变电磁关断时间的装置及其方法.2017107391669,授权日:2019年10月10日
(4) 周楠楠,薛国强,钟华森,侯东洋. 一种接地导线源瞬变电磁超短偏移距探测方法. ZL201710436045.7,授权日:2019年6月28日
(5) 李海,周楠楠,薛国强. 一种电性源瞬变电磁电场响应成像方法. ZL201710079505.5,授权日2019年5月31日
(6) 周楠楠,薛国强,侯东洋. 一种类十字接地导线源瞬变电磁探测方法. ZL201710462820.6,授权日:2019年5月3日
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