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Chen Qifu
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  No.19 Beitucheng West Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100029, China

Education and Appointments:

Qi-Fu Chen 
Professor, Institute of Geology and Geophysics (IGG), Chinese Academy of Sciences 
Key Laboratory of Earth and Planetary Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Nov. 1994-Dec.1997 Ph.D., Geophysics, Institute of Geophysics, China Seismological Bureau
Sep.1980-Jun.1984 BSc., Computational Mathematics, Department of Mathematics, Fudan University
Professional Experience
Aug. 1984-Dec. 1990, Research Assistant, Center for Analysis and Prediction, CSB
Dec. 1990-Aug.1996, Assistant Research Professor, Center for Analysis and Prediction, CSB
Aug. 1996-Jun. 2001, Associate Research Professor, Center for Analysis and Prediction, CSB
Dec. 1999-Dec.2000, Royal Society Fellowship Visitor, International Seismological Centre (ISC), United Kingdom
Jun. 2001-Sep. 2011, Research Professor, Institute of Earthquake Science, CEA*
2004-2007, Chinese Coordinator for Sina-Canada joint project of “Investigation of Earthquake Precursors”Aug. Aug. 2006-Nov. 2006, Visiting Professor, Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo, Japan
Aug. 2009-Oct.2009, Visiting Professor, Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica, Chinese Taipei
Oct. 2011-, Professor, Institute of Geology and Geophysics (IGG), Chinese Academy of Sciences
Oct. 2012-Jan.2013, Visiting Professor, Department of Earth Science, Rice University, USA
* The Center for Analysis and Prediction, China Seismological Bureau (CSB) was renamed to the Institute of Earthquake Science, China Earthquake Administration (CEA) in 2004.

Research Interests:

Seismological Studies of Mantle Transition Zone and Deep Subducting Slab 
Earthquake Activities and Deep structure

Public Services:

2009: New Century National Hundred, Thousand and Ten Thousand Talent Project
2006: Special Government Allowance issued by the State Council of China
2006-  Representative of IRIS Foreign Affiliate Institution
2005-2011 Member of Executive Committee and Governing Council, International Seismological Centre
1999  Royal Society Postdoctoral Fellowships to the UK from China
1998 Fu Cheng-yi¢s Science and Technology Award of Chinese Geophysical Society
1996  National Award for Youth in Science and Technology

Supported Projects:
7. Seismic Array for Interaction between Crustal Earthquakes of Northeast China and Pacific Subduction Zone(NSFC General Project:41474041,2015.01-2018.12)
6. Seismic Array for Deep Subducting Dynamics beneath Northeast China(NSFC Key Project: 41130316, 2012.01-2016.12) 
5. Earthquake Mechnisms in the Junction of the Yanshan tectonic belt and the Taihangshan region(NSFC General Project: 41074038, 2011.01-2013.12)
4. Seismic Hazard Assessment and Microzonation in the Metropolitan Beijing Area with Microtremor Array Observation and High-performance Computational Simulation(MOST International S&T Cooperation Project: 2006DFA21650, 2007.01-2010.4 )
3. High-Resolution Waveform Tomography for the Capital Circle Area Using Full-Wave 3-D Fréchet Kernels(NSFC General Project:40674020, 2007.01-2009.12)
2. Comparative Studies of Physical Mechanisms of Earthquake Precursors(MOST International S&T Cooperation Project: 2005DFA20980, 2005.06-2007.12 )
1. Approach to Precise Relocation of Earthquakes with 3-D Earth Structure and Implications for the Rupture Nucleation Process of Lijiang and Ninglang Events(NSFC General Project: 40174014, 2002.01-2004.12)

50. Xu,XiangWenbin Chen,Qi-Fu Chen,Jin Cheng,2015.New regularized algorithms based on the spectral method for solving deformable layer tomography,Applicable Analysis, 94(3): 506-523, doi: 10.1080/00036811.2014.901504
49. Legendre, C. P.,Q.-F. Chen,L. Zhao, 2014.Lithospheric Structure beneath the East China Sea Revealed by Rayleigh-wave Phase Velocities.Journal of Asian Earth Sciences,96, 213–225, DOI: 10.1016/j.jseaes.2014.08.037
48. Legendre, C. P., F. Deschamps, L. Zhao,S. Lebedev,Q.-F. Chen,2014,Anisotropic Rayleigh wave phasevelocity maps of eastern China,J. Geophys.Res. Solid Earth,119, 4802–4820,doi:10.1002/2013JB010781
47. Liu, Lanbo,Qi-Fu Chen, Wenjun Wang, Eric Rohrbach, 2014, Ambient noise as the new source for urban engineering seismology and earthquake engineering: a case study from Beijing metropolitan area. Earthquake Science, 27(1): 89-100.
46. Gong, Xuan,Qi-Fu Chen, Zhigang Peng, Weijun Wang, Chunquan Wu, Jing Wu. 2014, Remotely triggered seismicity around the Fangshan Pluton near Beijing following the 2010 Mw8.8 Chile earthquake.Chinese J.Geophys., 57(1): 115-128,doi: 10.6038/cjg20140111,(in Chinese with English abstract)
45. Li, Le,Qi-Fu Chen, Fenglin Niu, Jia-Bin He, Hong Fu, 2013. Estimates of deep slip rate along the Xiaojiang fault with repeating microearthquake data.Chinese J. Geophys.,56(10): 3373-3384, doi:10.6038/cjg20131013,(in Chinese with English abstract)
44. Li, Sheng-Qiang,Qi-Fu Chen, Li Zhao, Lupei Zhu, Jin-Zhe Gao, Min-Feng Li, Gui-Ping Liu, Bin Wang, 2013. Anomalous focal mechanism of the May 2011 Mw 5.7 deep earthquake in Northeastern Chinaregional waveform inversion and possible mechanism.Chinese J. Geophys., 56(9): 2959-2970,doi: doi:10.6038/cjg20130910,(in Chinese with English abstract)
43. Tan, Yi-Pei,Qi-Fu Chen, 2013. Source parameters estimation of historical earthquake with magnitude about 6,Chinese J. Geophys.,56(8): 2701-2717,doi: 10.6038/cjg20130819,(in Chinese with English abstract).
42. Wu, Jing, Zhigang Peng, Weijun Wang, Xuan Gong,Qi-Fu Chen, Chunquan Wu, 2012, Comparisons of dynamic triggering near Beijing, China following recent large earthquakes in Sumatra,Geophysical Research Letters, 39, L21310.
41. Hua, Cheng, Jin Cheng,Qi-Fu Chen, 2012, A viscoelastic model for time-dependent simulating analysis of the Wenchuan earthquake fault,Journal of Math-for-Industry, 4(A): 79-83
40. Le Li,Qi-fu Chen, Fenglin Niu, Jinrong Su,2011,Deep slip rates along the Longmen Shan fault zone estimated from repeating microearthquakes,J. Geophys.Res.,116, B09310 
39. Zhongjie Zhang,Qifu Chen, Zhiming Bai, Yong Chen and José Badal, 2011. Crustal structure and extensional deformation of thinned lithosphere in Northern China, Tectonophysics, 508(2011): 62-72
38. Chunquan Wu, Zhigang Peng, Weijun Wang,Qi-Fu Chen, 2011, Dynamic triggering of shallow earthquakes near Beijing, China,Geophys. J. Int.,185:1321-1334
37. WANG Wei-Jun,CHEN Qi-Fu, QI Cheng, TAN Yi-Pei, ZHANG Xiang, ZHOU Qing-Yun, 2011. The feasibilities and limitations to explore the near-surface structure with microtremor HVSR method—A case in baoding area of Hebei Province,Chinese J.Geophys.,54(7): 1783-1797 (in Chinese with English abstract)
36. Qifu Chen, Le Li, Fenglin Niu, Jinrong Su. 2011, Large slip rate detected at the seismogenic zone of the 2008 MW7.9 Wenchuan earthquake,Earthquake Science,24(1): 101-106
35. Wang Liwei,Chen Qi-fu, 2010. Uncertainty Analysis of Static Coulomb Stress Change Induced by Earthquake—— Case Study on the 2008 Wenchuan M8.0 Earthquake,Earthquake Research in China, 26(3): 251-264 (in Chinese with English abstract)
34. Peng, Z., W. Wang,Q.-F. Chen, T. Jiang, 2010, Remotely triggered seismicity in northeast China following the 2008 Mw7.9 Wenchuan earthquake,Earth Planets Space,62(11): 893-898.
33. Qi-fu Chen, Kelin Wang, 2010, The 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake and Earthquake Prediction in China,Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am., 100(5B): 2840-2857
32. Tao, J., Z. Peng, W. Wang,Q.-F. Chen, 2010, Remotely triggered seismicity in Continental China by the 2008 Mw7.9 Wenchuan earthquake,Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am., 100(5B): 2574-2589
31. Le Li,Qi-fu Chen, 2010. Slip rates at depth along the buried faults in Beijing plain area etstimated from repeating microearthquakes,Seismology and Geology, 32(3):508-519 (in Chinese with English abstract)
30. Zheng Zhao, Zhao Li,Chen Qi-fu, Zhou Shiyong. Finite-Source Waveform Modeling of the 2006 WEN'AN Mw 4.9 Earthquake,Chinese J. Geophys.52(2):424-430
29. Le Li,Qi-Fu Chen, Fenglin Niu, Hong Fu, Ruifeng Liu, Yanyan Hou, 2009, Slip rate in the Lijiang-Ninglang fault zone estimated from repeating microearthquakes,Chinese Science Bulletin, 54(3): 447-455
28. Qi-fu Chen, Lanbo Liu, Weijun Wang, Eric Rohrbach, 2009, Site Effects on Earthquake Ground Motion Based on Microtremor Measurements for Metropolitan Beijing,Chinese Science Bulletin, 54(2): 280-287
27. F. Niu,Q.-F. Chen, 2008, Seismic evidence for a distinctly anisotropic innermost inner core,Nature Geoscience, 1(10): 692-696.
26. Chen Q.-F.,Zheng, D. and Huang, W. (Eds.), Earthquake Cases in China (2000–2002) (Seismological Press, Beijing, 2008) (in Chinese with English abstract and captions).
25. Juan Li,Qi-fu Chen, Fenglin Niu, 2008. Topography of the 660-km discontinuity beneath northeast China: Implications for a retrograde motion of the subducting Pacific slab,Geophys. Res. Lett.,35(1),L01302
24. Le Li,Qi-Fu Chen, Xin Cheng, Fenglin Niu, 2007. Spatial clustering and repeating of seismic events observed along the 1976 Tangshan fault, North China,Geophys. Res. Lett., 34(23), L23309
23. Chen Qi-fu, Zhang Zhaocheng, Che Shi, Zheng Dalin, Liu Guiping, Su shengping. 2007. Specification for earthquake case summarization, DB/T24-2007,ICS 91.120.25,Beijing: Seismological Press. (in Chinese)
22. Yinshuang Ai,Qi-fu Chen, Fei Zeng, Xing Hong, Wenyan Ye, 2007, The crust and upper mantle structure beneath southeastern China,Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 260(3-4): 549-563
21. LIU Ning, CHEN QiFu, NIU FengLin, CHEN Yong, 2007, Rupture of the 2004 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake inferred from direct P-wave imaging,Chinese Science Bulletin, 52(14): 1986-1991
20. LI Le,CHEN Qi-fu, CHEN Yong, 2007. Relocated seismicity in Big Beijing area and its tectonic implication,Progress in Geophysics, 22(1): 24-34 (in Chinese with English abstract)
19. Kelin Wang,Qi-fu Chen, Shihong Sun, Andong Wang, 2006. Predicting the 1975 Haicheng Earthquake,Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am., 96(3): 757-795
18. JIA Shi-xu, QI Cheng, WANG Fu-yun,CHEN Qi-fu,ZHANG Xian-kang, CHEN Yong, 2005,Three-dimensional crustal gridded structure of the Capital area,Chinese J. Geophys.,48(6):1397-1407
17. Qi-fu Chen, Hongliang Mi,Jing Huang, 2005. A Simplified Approach to Earthquake Risk in China Mainland,Pure Appl. Geophys., 162: 1225-1269.
16. CHEN Qi-fu,LI Li, LI Gang, CHEN Ling, PENG Wen-tao, TANG Yi, CHEN Yong, WANG Fu-yun,2004, Seismic features of vibration induced by train,ACTA Seismologica SINICA, 17(6):715-724
15. Chen Qi-fu, Zheng Dalin, Gao Rongsheng (eds.), 2003. Earthquake cases in China (1997-1999), pp468,Beijing: Seismological Press. (in Chinese with English abstract)
14. Chen Qi-fu, Zheng Dalin, Liu Guiping, Li ming (eds.), 2002b. Earthquake cases in China (1995-1996), pp489,Beijing: Seismological Press. (in Chinese with English abstract)
13. Chen Qi-fu, Zheng Dalin, Che Shi (eds.), 2002a. Earthquake cases in China (1992-1994), pp429,Beijing: Seismological Press.(in Chinese with English abstract)
12. Dongping Wei,Qi-fu Chen, 2002. Implicit randomness in earthquakes,Geophys. Res. Lett.29(8):36, 10.1029/2001GL013795
11. Chen Yong,Chen Qi-fu, Liu Jie, Chen Ling, Li Juan, 2002. Seismic hazard and risk analysis: a simplified approach, pp227,Beijing: Science Press.
10. Chen Q. F., R. J. Willemann, 2001. Global test of seismic event locations using three dimensional earth models.Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 91: 1704-1716.
9. Chen Yong,Chen Qi-fu,Chen Ling, 2001. Vulnerability Analysis in Earthquake Loss Estimate,Natural Hazards, 16: 1-16.
8. Chen Qi-fu, Chen Yong, Chen Ling, Liu Jie, LI Mingfeng, 1999. Estimation of Earthquake Loss By Using Macroeconomic Approach,Chinese Science Bulletin, 44(3): 199-204.
7. Chen Qi-fu, Chen Yong, Liu Jie, Chen Ling, 1997. Quick and approximate estimation of earthquake loss based on macroscopic index of exposure and population distribution,Natural Hazards, 15: 217-229.
6. Chen Qi-fu, Shi Yaolin, 1997. Classifier system based on genetic algorithms and its application in earthquake Prediction,Chinese J. Geophys.40(3): 539-549 (in Chinese with English abstract).
5. Chen Qi-fu, YIN Xiang-chu, MA Li, 1997. The natural probability distribution of load and unload response ratio,Earthquake Research in China, 11 (1): 39-45.
4. Chen Qi-fu, Shi Yaolin, Wang Huimin, 1996. A simple earthquake prediction classification system based on genetic algorithm,Journal of Earthquake Prediction Research,5(1): 92-100.
3. Chen Yong,Chen Qi-fu, 1995. Completeness analysis of the historical earthquake catalogue in China,Earthquake Research in China, 9(4): 365-369.
2. Chen Qi-fu, Ma Li, Chen Jian-min, LI Zhi-xiong, 1994. Algorithms for self-affine fractals and application in time series of geophysical and geochemical data,Earthquake Research in China, 10(1): 47-53 (in Chinese with English abstract).
1. Chen Qi-fu, Ma Li, 1990. Method of probability judgment for comprehensive analysis and prediction on earthquake,Earthquake, 10(3): 40-47 (in Chinese with English abstract).
No. 19, Beitucheng Xilu, Chaoyang District, 100029, Beijing, P.R.China
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