The Academicians
Associate Professor
Professor of Engineering
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Pan Yongxin
Highest Education  
Subject Categories  
  Geophysics,Geobiology,Planetary Science
Zip Code  
  D1 Building, -Room 1303, No.19 Beitucheng West Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100029, China

Education and Appointments:

Professor, Institute of Geology and Geophysics (IGG), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) , 2002-
Professor, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2015-

Associate Professor, IGG, CAS, 1998-2002
Assistant Professor, Institute of Geophysics, CAS, 1998-1998
Deputy Director, Key Laboratory of the Earth’s Deep Interior, CAS, 2007-2011
Director, Key Laboratory of the Earth’s Deep Interior, CAS, 2011-2014
Deputy Director, Key Laboratory of Earth and Planetary Physics, CAS, 2014-2020
Director, Franco-China Bio-Mineralization and Nano-Structures Laboratory, CAS, 2009-2018
Head, Division of Deep Earth’s Deep Structure and Process, IGG, CAS, 2007-2017
Assistant Professor, Taiyuan University of Science and Technology, Shanxi, 1988-1995
Visiting Professor, Department of Earth, Atmosphere, Planetary Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA, 2010 (3-months)
Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellowship Visitor, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany, 2003-2004
Royal Society Royal Fellowship Visitor, Department of Earth and Ocean Sciences, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom, 2000-2001

1985, B.Sc. Geology, China University of Geosciences
1988, M.Sc. Geology, China University of Geosciences
1998, Ph.D. Geophysics, Institute of Geophysics, CAS

Chinese Geophysical Society, 1998-
American Geophysical Union, 1999-
American Society of Microbiology, 2009-
American Society of Biophysics, 2010-2011

Academic Services
President, Paleomagnetism committee, Geological Society of China, 2019-
Chair, Academic degree committee, IGG, CAS, 2022-
Member, Advisory committee for Earth Science Division of NSFC, 2021-2023
Vice Chair, Academic committee, IGG, CAS, 2017-
Project scientist, Tianwen-1 Mars Exploration Mission of China, 2021-
Director, Scientific committee of Key Laboratory of Bioelectromagnetism of Beijing, 2019-
Director, Academic committee, Key Laboratory of Palaeomagnetism and Tectonic Reconstruction, Ministry of Natural Resources, 2018-
Deputy Chair, Scientific committee, State Key Laboratory of Lunar and Planetary Sciences, Macao University of Science and Technology, 2018-2023
Scientific Steering committee of the Franco-China Bio-Mineralization and Nano-Structures Laboratory, 2009-2018
Advisory and Review committee, Institute for Rock Magnetism, University of Minnesota, US, 2011-2014
Member, Executive committee of Study of Earth’s Deep Interior, IUGG, 2012-
Editorial Board of Chinese Science Bulletin, 2004-2023 
Associate Editor, Anns Geophys, 2010-2013
Advisory Editor, Physics of Earth and Planetary Interior, 2011-
Associate Editor, Earth and Planetary Physics, 2017-2019
Editor-in-Chief, Earth and Planetary Physics, 2020-
Secretary, Beijing Earth and Planetary Interior Symposium, 2007-2019
Chair, Beijing Earth and Planetary Interior Symposium, 2020-
Editor-in-Chief, Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 2018-
Editor-in-Chief, Progress in Geophysics, 2018-
Chair, The 2nd International Conference of Magnetotactic Bacteria and Biomineralization, Sep. 1-4, 2010, Beijing

Research Interests:

My major research interests include bio-geomagnetism, mineral and rock magnetism, paleointensity of Earth’s magnetic field, biomineralization of iron minerals, paleomagnetism and their applications to geosciences, planetary magnetism. 
(1) Bio-geomagnetism and biomineralization: to understand how magnetic field may influence biosphere, from bacteria to animals, in present, past and future; to investigate the diversity, biomineralization and magnetism of uncultured and cultured magnetotactic bacteria, magnetic navigation of animals; to study magnetic biominerals formed by bacteria and ferritins, as well as their application in geoscience and medical science; 
(2) Paleomagnetism: to study the paleointensity variations in geological times and their constraints on Earth’s deep interior process;
(3) Mineral magnetism: magnetic minerals of earth and meteorites and their implications; biominerals as biomarkers for searching early life and as potential indicators of paleoenvironments.
(4) Magnetic field and habitability of terrestrial planets.

My Graduate Students 
Yuan DU, Jie REN, Fengjiao FANG, Yukai LUO, Yuxin FANG, Zhiduo SUN, Fengqing ZHOU, Hongyuan CHEN 

Former Graduate Students 
Dr. Yunchang FAN, 2019-2024; currently a staff at Zhejiang University; Dr. Min ZHANG, 2017-2022; currently a postdoc at IGG; Dr. Jiacheng YU, 2016-2021; currently a postdoc at IGG; Dr. Wenbo LI; currently a postdoc at Shanghai Astronomy Observatory; Dr. Huangtao XU, 2015-2020; currently a staff of a company at Changzhou; Dr. Bingfang ZHANG, 2013-2020; currently an associate professor at Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences ; Dr. Xiaohua HAN, microbial biomineralization, 2014-2020; currently a postdoc at IGG; Ms. Yunlu GAO, rockmagnetism, 2017-2020; Ms. Wei REN, biogeophysics, 2016-2019; currently work in a geophysical company; Mr. Jingpeng SUN, paleomagnetism, 2013-2016; Dr. Fei HAN, paleomagnetism, 2012-2017; currently a professor at Changjiang University; Dr. Caiyun YANG, biomineralization, 2011-2017; currently a teacher of high school; Dr. Yao CAI, biomineralization, 2010-2016; currently a researcher at National Nanoscience Centre; Dr. Yanzhao WANG, geomicrobiology, 2010-2016; currently an associate professor at Shanghai Jiaotong University; Ms. Haitao CHEN, biomagnetism, 2010-2013; currently an assistant professor at IEECAS

Dr. Wenfang WU, microbial mineralization, 2008-2014; currently a teacher of high school; Dr. Jinhua LI, biogeomagnetism, 2007-2010; currently a professor at IGG

Dr. Bi LI, biomineralization, 2006-2011; currently a staff at CAS; Dr. Xinlin JI, meteorite magnetism, 2006-2011; currently a lecturer at Chang’an University; Dr. Changqian CAO, biomineralization, 2006-2011; currently an associate professor at IGG; Mr. Lei WANG, paleomagnetism, 2005-2008; currently work at a geophysical company; Dr. Lanxiang TIAN, biogeomagnetism, 2005-2008; currently an associate professor at IGG; Dr. Wei LIN, biogeomagnetism, 2004-2010; currently a professor at IGG

Public Services:

  • 1998, Excellent Prize of Chinese Academy of Sciences’ President Scholarship for Postgraduate Students
  • 1999, Young Scientist Award of Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • 2002, Fu Chengyi Prize of Chinese Geophysical Society
  • 2003, Distinguished Young Scholar Fund of the National Natural Science Foundation of China
  • 2006, National Award of Natural Science of China (the 2nd Class)
  • 2006, Chinese National Award for Youth in Science and Technology
  • 2009, State Council Special Allowance of China
  • 2009, New Century National Hundred, Thousand and Ten Thousand Talent Project of China
  • 2011, Excellent Postgraduate Supervisor Award, Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • 2017, Elected Academician, Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • 2018, Outstanding Alumni, College of Earth and Planetary Sciences, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences 
  • 2022, Contribution Award for China’s Tianwen-1 Mars Exploration Mission
  • 2022, Outstanding Science and Technology Achievement Prize of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • 2023, National Award for Innovation

Supported Projects:
  1. CAS/SAFEA International Partnership Program for Creative Research Teams: Bio-geomagnetism and Biomineralization, 2009-2013, P.I.
  2. NSFC key project: Paleointensity in Superchron and Constraining on the Earth’s Deep Interior, 2007-2010, P.I.


1            Han X H, Wang F X, Zheng S L, Qiu H, Liu Y, Wang J, Menguy N, Leroy E, Bourgon J, Kappler A, Liu F H,Pan Y X, Li J H. Morphological, microstructural, and in situ chemical charterizatics of siderite produced by iorn-reducing bacteria.Environmental Science & Technology(2024) 58(25): 11016-11026.

2            Han X H, Pan Y X. Mineralization products of iron-reducing bacteria and their implications to iron formations deposition. Acta Petrologica Sinica (2024)40(4): 1299-1310

3            Fan Y C, Cai S H, Pavon-Carrasco F J, Xiong J G, Deng C L, Pan Y X. High-resolution paleomagnetic secular variation since ~13ka from a loess section in northwest China and a regional geomagnetic directional model for East Asia. Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth (2024) 129(4) DOI10.1029/2023JB028094

4            Zhang L, Li C, Zhang J H, Zhou B, Zhao Y Y, Liu Y, Di K C, Mitchell R N, Li J, Zhang Z G, Chen L, Liang X F, Sun W J, Liu Y K, Zhao , Hao J L, Xu C Y, Zheng Y K, Wang Y B, Wang X, Zhao P, Lv W M, Li Y, Lan H Q, Li Y X, Wang W, Lu Y, Lin H L, Fang P, Lin W, Wei Y, Chen L, Fang G Y, Lin Y T, Yao Z X, Pan Y X. Buried palaeo-polygonal terrain detected underneath Utopia Planitia on Mars by the Zhurong radar. Nature Astronomy(2024). 8(2) DOI:10.1038/s41550-023-02117-3.

5            Pan Y X*, Li J H. On the biospheric effects of geomagnetic reversals. National Science Review (2023) 10(6). DOI10.1093/nsr/nwad070

6            Lin H L, Lin YT, Wei Y, Gou S, Zhang C, Ruan R H, Pan Y X. Mineralogical evidence of water activity in the northern lowlands of Mard based on inflight-calibrated spectra from the Zhurong rover. Science China-Earth Sciences (2023) 66(11): 2463-2472.

7            Cai Y H, Yue X A, Zhou X, Ren Z P, Wei Y, Pan Y X. Simulated long-term evolution of the thermosphere during the Holoence -Part 1: Neutral density and temperature. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (2023) 23(9): 5009-5021

8            Zhou X, Yue X A, Cai Y H, Ren Z P, Wei Y, Pan Y X. Simulated long-term evolution of the thermalsphere during the Holocence – Part 2: Circulation and solar tide. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (2023) 23(11): 6383-6393.

9            Wang Y, Zhong J, Slavin J, Zhang H, Lee LC, Shan L C, Rong Z J, Wei Y, Pan Y X. MESSENGER observations of standing whistle waves upstream of Mercury’s bow shock. Geophysical Research Letters (2023) 50(10): DOI10.1029/2022GL102574

10         Chen Y, Sun Y, Liu L, Shen J, Qu Y, Pan Y X, Lin W. Biosignatures preserved in carbonate nodules from the western Qaidam Basin, NW China: implications for life detection on Mars. Astrobiology (2023). DOI: 10.1089/ast.2021.0196

11         Liu P Y, Zheng Y, Zhang R R, Bai J L, Zhu K L, Benzerara K, Menyuy N, Zhao X, Roberts A P, Pan Y X, Li J H. Key gene networks that control magnetosome biomineralization in magnetotactic bacteria. National Science Review (2023) 10(1). DOI:10.1093/nsr/nwac238

12         Zhang R R, Liu P Y, Wang Y Q, Roberts A P, Bai JL, Liu Y, Zhu K L, Du Z J, Chen G J, Pan Y X, Li J H.  Phylogenetics and biomineralization of a novel magnetotactic Gammaproteobacterium from a freshwater lake in Beijing, China. FEMS Microbiology Ecology (2023) 66(12). DOI:10.1093/femsec/fiad150.

13         Liu Y, Kissel C, Mazaud A, Pan Y X, Li J H. Glacial-interglacial circulation and climatic changes in the South Indian Ocean (Kerguelen Plateau region) recorded by detrital and biogenic magnetic minerals. Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth (2023) 128(1). DOI: 10.1029/2023JB027741.

14         Liu L, Chen Y, Shen JX, Pan Y X, Lin W. Metabolic versatility of soil microbial communities below the rocks of the hyperarid Dalangtan Playa. Applied and Environmental Microbiology (2023) 89 (11). DOI10.1128/aem.01072-23.

15         Shen J X, Paterson GA, Wang Y Z, Kirschvink JL, Pan Y X, Lin W. Renaissance for magnetotactic bacteria in astrobiology. ISME Journal (2023) 17(10): 1526-1534. DOI10.1038/s41396-023-01495-w.

16         Du A M, Ge YS, Wang H P, Li HY, Zhang Y, Luo H, Huang C, Shan LC, Han F, Liu Y, Zou Y L, Wang C, Pan Y X, Liu Q S, Mitchell R N, Jia Y, Chen B C, Jin S Y, Jiang Y, Zhang T L, Zhu RX , Gubbins D, Zhang K K. Ground magnetic survey on Mars from the Zhurong rover. Nature Astronomy (2023) 7(9). DOI10.1038/s41550-023-02008-7.

17         Yu J C, Cao C Q, Pan Y X. A solar-driven degradation-evaporation strategy for membrane self-cleaning in the efficient separation of viscous crude oil/ water emulsions. Journal of Hazardous Materials (2023) 457. DOI:10.1016/j.jhazmat.2023.131826

18         Chen Y, Shen J X, Liu L, Sun Y, Pan Y X, Lin W. Preservation of organic matter in aqueous deposits and soils across the Mars-analog Qaidam Basin, NW China: Implications for biosignature detection on Mars. Journal of Geophysical Research -Planets (2022) 127(12). DOI:10.1029/2022JE007418

19         Han F, Wang Q, Wang H P, Zhu X F, Zhou X Y, Wang Z X, Fang K Y, Stidham T A, Wang W, Wang X L, Liu X Q, Qin H F, Fan L G, Wen C, Luo J H, Pan Y X, Deng C L. Low dinosaur biodiversity in central China 2 million years prior to the end-Cretaceous mass extinction. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (2022) 119(39). DOI10.1073/pnas.2211234119

20         Han X H, He Y S, Li J H , Kappler A, Pan Y X. Iron isotope fractionation in anoxygenic phototrophic Fe(II) oxidation by Rhodobacter ferrooxidans SW2. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta (2022) 332: 355-368. DOI10.1016/j.gca.2022.06.034

21         Li C, Zheng Y, Wang X, Zhang J, Wang Y, Chen L, Zhang L, Zhao P, Liu Y, Lv W, Liu Y, Zhao X, Hao J, Sun W, Liu X, Jia B, Li J, Lan H, Fa W, Pan Y X, Wu F. Layered subsurface in Utopia Basin of Mars revealed by Zhurong rover radar. Nature (2022) 610(7931): 308-312. DOI:10.1038/s41586-022-05147-5

22         Shen J, Chen Y, Sun Y, Liu L, Pan Y X, Lin W. Detection of biosignatures in terrestrial analogs of Martian regions: Strategical and technical assessments. Earth and Planetary Physics (2022) 6: 431-450. DOI:10.26464/epp2022042

23         Chen Y, Shen J, Liu L, Sun Y, Pan Y X, Lin W. Preservation of Organic Matter in Aqueous Deposits and Soils across the Mars-Analog Qaidam Basin, NW China: Implication for Biosignature Detection on Mars. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets (2022) 127. DOI:10.1029/2022JE007418

24         Cai S H, Qin H F, Deng C L, Liu S C, Chen Y, He H Y, Pan Y X. Magnetic property and paleointenstiy study of the lunar regolith (E21). Acta Petrologica Sinica (2022) 38(6): 1832-1842. DOI:10.18654/1000-0569/2022.06.20

25         Fan K, Yan L, Wei Y, Zhang A, Kong L, Franz M, He F, Chai L, Yuan C, Wang Y, Zhong J, Rong Z, Yao Z, Pan Y X, Cui J, He J, Li W, Tang B, Wang C. The solar wind plasma upstream of Mars observed by Tianwen-1: Comparison with Mars Express and MAVEN. Science China-Earth Sciences (2022) 65(4): 759-768. DOI:10.1007/s11430-021-9917-0

26         Goswami P, He K, Li J, Pan Y X, Roberts A P, Lin W. Magnetotactic bacteria and magnetofossils: ecology, evolution and environmental implications. Npj Biofilms and Microbiomes (2022) 8(1). DOI:10.1038/s41522-022-00304-0

27         Han X, He Y, Li J, Kappler A, Pan Y X. Iron isotope fractionation in anoxygenic phototrophic Fe(II) oxidation by Rhodobacter ferrooxidans SW2. Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta (2022) 332: 355-368. DOI:10.1016/j.gca.2022.06.034

28         Li J H, Liu P Y, Menguy N, Benzerara K, Bai J, Zhao X, Leroy E, Zhang C, Zhang H, Liu J, Zhang R, Zhu K, Roberts A P, Pan Y X. Identification of sulfate-reducing magnetotactic bacteria via a group-specific 16S rDNA primer and correlative fluorescence and electron microscopy: Strategy for culture-independent study. Environmental Microbiology (2022) 24(11): 5019-5038. DOI:10.1111/1462-2920.16109

29         Li J H, Liu P Y, Menguy N, Zhang X, Wang J, Benzerara K, Feng L, Sun L, Zheng Y, Meng F, Gu L, Leroy E, Hao J, Chu X, Pan Y X. Intracellular silicification by early-branching magnetotactic bacteria. Science Advances (2022) 8(19): eabn6045. DOI:10.1126/sciadv.abn6045

30         Lin W, He F, Zhang W, Yao Z, Shen J, Ren Z, Yuan H, Cai R, Wei Y, Pan Y X. Astrobiology at altitude in Earth's near space. Nature Astronomy (2022) 6(2): 289-289. DOI:10.1038/s41550-022-01606-1

31         Liu J, Zhang W, He K, Liu L, Wang C, Jiang Y, Ma S, Tian J, Li Y, Zhang T, Tian L, He F, Paterson G A, Wei Y, Pan Y X, Lin W. Survival of the magnetotactic bacterium Magnetospirillum gryphiswaldense exposed to Earth's lower near space. Science Bulletin (2022) 67(13): 1335-1339. DOI:10.1016/j.scib.2022.03.005

32         Liu L, Liu H, Zhang W, Chen Y, Shen J, Li Y, Pan Y X, Lin W. Microbial diversity and adaptive strategies in the Mars-like Qaidam Basin, North Tibetan Plateau, China. Environmental Microbiology Reports (2022) 14(6): 873-885. DOI:10.1111/1758-2229.13111

33         Liu P Y, Tamaxia A, Liu Y, Qiu H, Pan J, Jin Z, Zhao X, Roberts A P, Pan Y X, Li J. Identification and characterization of magnetotactic Gammaproteobacteria from a salt evaporation pool, Bohai Bay, China. Environmental Microbiology (2022) 24(2): 938-950. DOI:10.1111/1462-2920.15516

34         Qin H F, Hao W X, Deng C L, Zhao P, Shen Z S, Han F, He H Y, Pan Y X, Zhu R X. Sinistral displacement along the Tan-Lu Fault during the Cretaceous induced by Paleo-Pacific subduction: Constraints from new paleomagnetic and U-Pb geochronological data. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences (2022) 237. DOI:10.1016/j.jseaes.2022.105362

35         Sun Y, Li Y, Zhang C, Qin X, Shen J, He H, Pan Y X. Weathering of chlorite illite deposits in the hyperarid Qaidam Basin: Implications to post-depositional alteration on Martian clay minerals. Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences (2022) 9. DOI:10.3389/fspas.2022.875547

36         Tian L X, Luo Y K, Zhan A S, Ren J, Qin H F, Pan Y X. Hypomagnetic field induces the production of reactive oxygen species and cognitive deficits in mice hippocampus. International Journal of Molecular Sciences (2022) 23(7). DOI:10.3390/ijms23073622

37         Yu J C, Cao C Q, Fang F, Pan Y X. Enhanced magnetic hyperthermia of magnetoferritin through synthesis at elevated temperature. International Journal of Molecular Sciences (2022) 23(7). DOI:10.3390/ijms23074012

38         Yu J C, Cao C Q, Liu S, Pan Y X. Eco-friendly magneto-photothermal sponge for the fast recovery of highly viscous crude oil spill. Separation and Purification Technology (2022) 298. DOI:10.1016/j.seppur.2022.121668

39         Li J H, Li Q L, Zhao L, Zhang J H, Tang X, Gu L X, Guo Q, Ma H X, Zhou Q, Liu Y, Liu P Y, Qiu H, Li Gang, Gu L, Guo S, Li C L, Li X H, Wu F Y, Pan Y X. Rapid screening of Zr-containing particles from Chang’e-5 lunar soil samples for isotope geochronology: Technical roadmap for future study. Geoscience Frontiers (2022) 13. DOI: 10.1016/j.gsf.2022.101367

40         Ji R J, Zhang W S, Pan Y X, Lin W. MagCluster: a Tool for Identification, Annotation, and Visualization of Magnetosome Gene Clusters. Microbiology Resource Announcements (2022) 11(1): e0103121. DOI: 10.1128/mra.01031-21

41         Zhang T W, Xu H, Liu J W, Pan Y X, Cao C. Determination of the heating efficiency of magnetotactic bacteria in alternating magnetic field. Journal of Oceanology and Limnology (2021) 39(6): 2116-2126. DOI:10.1007/s00343-021-1071-4

42         Zhao W J, Pan Y X, Wang C. Tianwen-1 and China's Mars exploration program. National Science Review (2021) 8(2). DOI: 10.1093/nsr/nwab001

43         Qiu Z J, Fan H R, Santosh M, Yang K F, Li X C, Lan T G, Tang Y W, Pan Y X. Saline fluids drive Cu mineralization in Precambrian metasediments: Evidence from the Trans-North China Orogen. Ore Geology Reviews (2021) 139. DOI: 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2021.104462

44         Wu S, Wang Q, Wang X, Guo R X, Zhang T W, Pan Y X, Li F, Li Y. MamZ protein plays an essential role in magnetosome maturation process of Magnetospirillum gryphiswaldense MSR-1. Journal of Oceanology and Limnology (2021) 39(6): 2082-2096. DOI: 10.1007/s00343-021-0321-9

45         Liu C Y, Paterson G A, Li S H, Pan Y X, Zhu R X. Remagnetization of Permian Emeishan basalts: Constraints on the timing of native copper mineralization in northeast Yunnan Province, China. Frontiers in Earth Science (2021) 8. DOI: 10.3389/feart.2020.590939

46         Zhang B F, Wang L, Zhan A S, Wang M, Tian L X, Guo W X, Pan Y X. Long-term exposure to a hypomagnetic field attenuates adult hippocampal neurogenesis and cognition. Nature Communications (2021) 12(1). DOI: 10.1038/s41467-021-21468-x

47         Li J H, Liu P Y, Tamaxia A, Zhang H, Liu Y, Wang J, Menguy N, Zhao X, Roberts A P, Pan Y X. Diverse intracellular inclusion types within magnetotactic bacteria: implications for biogeochemical cycling in aquatic environments. Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences (2021) 126: e2021JG006310. DOI: 10.1029/2021JG006310

48         Zhang M, Qin H F, He K, Hou Y F, Zheng Q F, Deng C L, He Y, Shen S Z*, Zhu R X, Pan Y X*. Magnetostratigraphy across the end-Permian mass extinction event from the Meishan sections, southeastern China. Geology (2021) 49(11): 1289-1294. DOI: 10.1130/G49072.1

49         Zhang W S, Wang Y Z, Liu L, Pan Y X, Lin W. Identification and genomic characterization of two previously unknown magnetotactic nitrospirae. Frontiers in Microbiology (2021) 12. DOI: 10.3389/fmicb.2021.690052

50         Han X H, Tomaszewski E J, Schoenberg R, Konhauser K O, Amor M, Pan Y X, Warter V, Kappler A, Byrne J M. Using Zn and Ni behavior during magnetite precipitation in banded iron formations to determine its biological or abiotic origin. Earth and Planetary Science Letters (2021) 568. DOI: 10.1016/j.epsl.2021.117052

51         Chou Y M, Jiang X D, Lo L, Wang L C, Lee T Q, Wang C C, Pan Y X, Zou J J, Humbert F, Liu Z Q. Controls on terrigenous detritus deposition and oceanography changes in the Central Okhotsk Sea over the past 1550 ka. Frontiers in Earth Science (2021) 9. DOI: 10.3389/feart.2021.683984

52         Han F, Sun J P, Qin H F, Wang H P, Ji Q, He H Y, Deng C L, Pan Y X. Magnetostratigraphy of the Upper Cretaceous and Lower Paleocene terrestrial sequence, Jiaolai Basin, eastern China. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology (2020) 538. DOI: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2019.109451

53         Li J H, Menguy N, Leroy E, Roberts A P, Liu P Y, Pan Y X. Biomineralization and magnetism of uncultured magnetotactic coccus strain THC-1 with non-chained magnetosomal magnetite nanoparticles. Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth (2020) DOI: 10.1029/2020JB020853

54         Li J H, Liu P, Wang J, Roberts A P, Pan Y X. Magnetotaxis as an adaptation to enable bacterial shuttling of microbial sulfur and sulfur cycling across aquatic oxic-anoxic interfaces. Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences (2020) 125(12). DOI: 10.1029/2020JG006012.

55        He K, Zhao X Y, Pan Y X, Zhao X, Qin H F, Zhang T W. Benchmarking component analysis of remanent magnetization curves with a synthetic mixture series: Insight into the reliability of unmixing natural samples. Journal of Geophysical Research-solid Earth (2020) 125(10). DOI: 10.1029/2020JB020105

56         Cai S H, Tauxe L, Wang W, Deng CL, Pan Y X, Yang L, Qin H F. High-fidelity archeointensity results for the late Neolithic Period from central China. Geophysical Research Letters (2020), doi: 10.1029/2020GL087625.

57         He K, Pan Y X. Magnetofossil abundance and diversity as paleoenvironmental proxies: A case study from southwest Ibertian margin sediments. Geophysical Research Letters (2020), 47, e2020GL087165, DOI: 10.1029/2020GL087165.

58         Han X H, Tomaszewski E J, Sorwat J, Pan YX, Kappler A, Byrne J M. Oxidation of green rust by anoxygenic phototrophic Fe (II)-oxidising bacteria. Geochemical Perspectives Letters (2020), 12: 52–57. DOI: 10.7185/geochemlet.2004.

59         Han X H, Tomaszewski E J, Sorwat J, Pan Y X, Kappler A, Byrne J M. Effect of microbial biomass and humic acids on abiotic and biotic magnetite formation. Environmental Science & Technology (2020). DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.9b07095.

60         Han F, Sun JP, Qin H F, Wang H P, Ji Q, He H Y, Deng C L, Pan Y X*. Magnetostratigraphy of the Upper Cretaceous and Lower Paleocene terrestrial sequence, Jiaolai Basin, eastern China. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology (2020) 538, DOI: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2019.109451

61         Lin W*, Kirschvink J L, Paterson G A, Bazylinski D A, Pan Y X*. On the origin of microbial magnetoreception. National Science Review (2019), DOI: 10.1093/nsr/nwz065

62         Lin W, Li Y L, Wang G H, Pan Y X. Overview and perspectives of Astrobiology (in Chinese). Chin Sci Bull (2019), 64, doi: 10.1360/TB-2019-0396

63         Xu H T, Pan Y X*. Experimental evaluation on the heating efficiency of magnetoferritin nanoparticles in an alternating magnetic field. Nanomaterials (2019) 9(10), 1457, DOI: 10.3390/nano9101457

64         Yu J C, Zhang T W, Xu H T, Dong X L, Cai Y, Pan Y X. Cao C Q*. Thermostable iron oxide nanoparticle synthesis within recombinant ferritins from the hyperthermophile Pyrococcus yayanosii CH1. RSC Advances (2019) 9: 39381-39393. DOI: 10.1039/c9ra07397c

65         Du H J, Zhang W Y, Zhang W S, Zhang W J, Pan H M, Pan Y X, Bazylinski DA, Wu LF, Xiao T*, Lin W*. Magnetosome Gene Duplication as an Important Driver in the Evolution of Magnetotaxis in the Alphaproteobacteria. Msystems (2019) 4(5), DOI: 10.1128/mSystems.00315-19

66         Tian L X*, Zhang B F, Zhang J S, Zhang T W, Cai Y, Qin H F, Metzner W, Pan Y X. A magnetic compass guides the direction of foraging in a bat. Journal of Comparative Physiology A-Neuroethology Sensory Neural and Behavioral Physiology (2019) 205(4): 619-627. DOI: 10.1007/s00359-019-01353-1

67         Li J H*, Zhang H, Liu P Y, Menguy N, Roberts A P, Chen H T, Wang YZ, Pan Y X. Phylogenetic and Structural Identification of a Novel Magnetotactic Deltaproteobacteria Strain, WYHR-1, from a Freshwater Lake. Applied and Environmental Microbiology (2019) 85(14), DOI: 10.1128/AEM.00731-19

68         Wang Y Z*, Casaburi G, Lin W, Li Y, Wang F P, Pan Y X. Genomic evidence of the illumination response mechanism and evolutionary history of magnetotactic bacteria within the Rhodospirillaceae family. BMC Genomics (2019) 20, DOI: 10.1186/s12864-019-5751-9

69         Tian L X*, Pan Y X*. The Geomagentic field effects on animals: A review. Chinese Science Bulletin (2019) 64(8): 761-772.

70         Cai Y*, Wang Y, Xu H T, Cao C Q, Zhu R X, Tang X, Zhang T W, Pan Y X*. Positive magnetic resonance angiography by ultrafine ferritin-based iron oxide nanoparticles. Nanoscale (2019).

71         Zhang T W, Pan Y X*. Constraining the magnetic properties of ultrafine- and fine-grained biogenic magnetite. Earth, Planets and Space (2018) 70:206

72         Chou Y M, Jiang X Y, Liu Q S, Hu H M, Wu C C, Liu J X, Jiang Z , Lee T Q, Wang C C, Shen Y F, Chiang C C, Tan L C, Lone M A, Pan Y X, Zhu R X, He Y Q, Chou Y C, Tan A H, Roberts A P, Zhao X, Shen C C. Multidecadally resolved polarity oscillations during a geomagnetic excursion. Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (2018) 115 (36): 8913-8918

73         Lin W*, Zhang W S, Zhao X, Roberts A P, Paterson G A, Bazylinski D A, Pan Y X* Genomic expansion of magnetotactic bacteria reveals an early common origin of magnetotaxis with lineage-specific evolution. The ISME Journal (2018) doi:10.1038/s41396-018-0098-9

74         Li Y J, He H Y, Deng C L, Pan Y X, Ji Q, Wang C S, Zheng D W, Zhu R X. Ar-40/Ar-39 dating results from the Shijiatun Formation, Jiaolai Basin: New age constraints on the Cretaceous terrestrial volcanic-sedimentary sequence of China. Cretaceous Research (2018) 86: 251-260

75         Liu J, Zhang W Y, Li X G, Li X G, Chen X M, Li J H, Teng Z J, Xu C, Santini C L, Zhao L, Zhao Y, Zhang H, Zhang W J, Xu K D, Li C L, Pan Y X, Xiao T, Pan H M, Wu L F. Bacterial community structure and novel species of magnetotactic bacteria in sediments from a seamount in the Mariana volcanic arc. Scientific Reports (2017) 7, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-17445-4

76         Lin W*, Pan Y X*, Bazylinski D A*. Diversity and ecology of and biomi=neralization by magnetotactic bacteria. Environmental Microbiology Reports (2017) 8 (4): 345-356

77         Paterson G A, Muxworthy A R, Yamanoto Y, Pan Y X. Bulk magnetic domain stability controls paleoinensity fidelity. Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (2017) 114 (50): 13120-13125

78         Lin W*, Paterson G A, Zhu Q Y, Wang Y Z, Kopylova E, Li Y, Knight R, Bazylinski D A, Zhu R X, Kirschvink J L*, Pan Y X*. Reply to Wang and Chen: An ancient origin of magnetotactic bacteria. Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (2017) 114(26): E5019-E5020. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1707301114

79         Lin W*,Paterson G A, Zhu Q, Wang Y Z, Kopylova E, Li Y, Knight R, Bazylinski D A, Zhu R X, Kirschvink J L*,Pan Y X*. Origin of microbial biomineralization and magnetotaxis during the Archean. Proceedings of NationalAcademy of Sciences of the United States of America 114 (2017), 2171-2176

80         Li J H, Zhang H, Menguy N, Benzerara K, Wang F, Lin X T, Chen Z B, Pan Y X. Single-Cell Resolution of Uncultured Magnetotactic Bacteria via Fluorescence-Coupled Electron Microscopy. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, (2017) 83:e00409-17,

81         Li S H, Yang Z Y, Deng C L, He H Y, Qin H F, Sun L, Yuan J, van Hinsbergen J J, Krijgsman W, Dekkers M J, Pan Y X, Zhu R X. Clockwise rotations recorded in redbeds from the Jinggu Basin of northwestern Indochina. GSA Bulletin, (2017).DOI: 10.1130/B31637.1. 129 (9-10): 1100-1122

82         Wu, W F, Swanner E D, Kleinhanns I C, Schoenberg R, Pan Y X, Kappler A. Fe isotope fractionation during Fe(II) oxidation by the marine photoferrotroph Rhodovulum iodosum in the presence of Si - Implications for Precambrian iron formation deposition. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 211 (2017), 307-321.

83         Yang C Y, Cao C Q, Cai Y, Xu H T, Zhang T W, Pan Y X*. Effects of PEGylation on biomimetic synthesis of magnetoferritin nanoparticles. Journal of Nanoparticle Research, (2017) 19:101,

84         Cai S H, Jin G Y, Tauxe L, Deng CL, Qin H F, Pan Y X, and Zhu R X. Archaeointensityresultsspannng the past 6 kiloyears from eastern China and implications for extremebebaviors of the geomagnetic field. Proceedings of NationalAcademy of Sciences of the United States of America, 114 (2017), 39-44

85         Zhang T W, Cao C Q, Tang X, Cai Y, Yang C Y, Pan Y X*. Enhanced peroxidaseactivity and tumor visualization by cobalt-doped magnetoferritin nanoparticles. Nanotechnology, 28(4) (2017) doi: 10.1088/1361-6528/28/4/045704

86         Wang Y Z, Zhang T W, Lin W, Zhang B F, Cai Y, Yang C Y, Li J H, Xu H T, Pan Y X*. Complete genome sequence of Magnetospirillum sp. strain XM-1, isolated from the Xi’an Citymoat, China. Genome Announcement 4(5) (2016), e01171-16. doi:10.1128/genomeA.01171-16

87         Paterson G A, Heslop D, Pan Y X. The pseudo-Thellier palaeointensity method: new calibration and uncertainty estimates. Geophysical Journal International, 207(3) (2016), 1596-1608

88         Cai SH, Tauxe L, Deng C L, Qin H F, Pan Y X, Jin G Y, Chen X, Chen W, Xie F and Zhu R X. New archaeomagnetic direction results from China and their constraints on palaeosecular variation of the geomagnetic field in Eastern Asia. Geophysical Journal of International (2016) 207: 1332-1342

89         Zhou L, Algeo T, Feng L P, Zhu R X, Pan Y X, Gao S, Zhao L S, Wu Y B. Relationship of pyroclastic volcanism and lake-water acidification to Jehol Biota mass mortality events (Early Cretaceous, northeastern China). Chemical Geology (2016) 428: 59-76

90         Li J H, Menguy N, Arrio M-A, Sainctavit P, Juhin A, Wang Y Z, Chen H T, Bunau O, Otero E, Ohresser P, Pan Y X. Controlled cobalt doping in the spinel structure of magnetosome magnetite: new evidences from element- and site-specific X-ray magnetic circular dichroism analyses. J R Soc Interface (2016) 13: 20160355

91         Chen Y R, Zhang W Y, Zhou K, Pan H M, Du H J, Xu C, Xu J H, Pradel N, Santini C, Li J H, Huang H, Pan Y X, Xiao T, Wu L F. Novel species and expanded distribution of ellipsoidal multicellular magnetotactic prokaryotes. Environmental Microbiology Reportds (2016) 8: 218-226, DOI: 10.1111/1758-2229.12371

92         Yang C Y, Cao C Q, Cai Y, Zhang T W, Pan Y X*. The Surface modification of ferritin and its applications. Progress in Chemistry (2016) 28: 91-102 (in Chinese)

93         Liu S Z, Deng C L, Xiao J L, Li J H, Paterson G A, Yi L, Qin HF, Pan Y X, Zhu R X. Insolation driven biomagnetic response to the Holocene Warm Period in semi-arid East Asia. Scientific Reports (2015), doi:10.1038/srep08001

94         Lin W, Pan Y X. A putative greigite-type magnetosome gene cluster from the candidate phylum, Environmental Microbiology Reports (2015) 7: 237–242

95         Wang Y Z, Lin W, Li J H, Zahng T W, Li Y, Tian J S, Gu L X, Heyden Y V, Pan Y X*. Characterizing and optimizing magnetosome production of Magnetospirillum sp XM-1 isolated from Xi'an City Moat, China. FEMS Microbiology Letters (2015) 362, DOI: 10.1093/femsle/fnv167

96         Swanner, E D, Wu W F, Schoenberg R, Byrne J, Michel F M, Pan Y X, Kappler A. Fractionation of Fe isotopes during Fe(II) oxidation by a marine photoferrotroph is controlled by the formation of organic Fe-complexes and colloidal Fe fractions. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta (2015) 165: 44-61

97         Cai S H, Chen W, Tauxe L, Deng C L, Qin H F, Pan Y X, Zhu R X. New constraints on the variation of the geomagnetic field during the late Neolithic period: Archaeointensity results from Sichuan, southwestern China. Journal of Geophysical Research (2015) 120: 2056-2069, DOI: 10.1002/2014JB011618

98         Tian L X, Pan Y X*, Metzner W, Zhang J S, Zhang B F. Bats respond to very weak magnetic field. PLOS ONE, (2015), doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0123205

99         Cai Y, Cao C Q, He X Q, Yang C Y, Tian L X, Zhu R X, Pan Y X*. enhanced magnetic resonance imaging and staining of cancer cells using ferrimagnetic h-ferritin nanoparticles with increasing core size. International Journal of Nanomedicince (2015) 10: 2619-2634

100       Li J H*, Menguy N*, Gatel C, Boureau V, Snoeck E, Patriarche G, Leroy E, Pan Y X*, Crystal growth of bullet-shaped magnetite in magnetotactic bacteria of the Nitrospirae phylum, Journal of the Royal Society Interface (2015), 12, DOI: 10.1098/rsif.2014.1288

101       Lin W, Benzerara K, Faivre D, Pan Y X, Intracellular biomineralization in bacteria. Frontiers in Microbiology, (2014), 5, doi:210.3389/fmicb.2014.00293

102       Lin W, Deng A H, Wang Z, Li Y, Wen T Y, Wu L-F, Wu M, Pan Y X*, Genomic insights into the uncultured genus ‘Candidatus Magnetobacterium’ in the phylum Nitrospirae, The ISME Journal, 8 (2014), 2463-2477

103       Cao C Q*, Wang X, Cai Y, Sun L, Tian L X, Wu H, He X, Lei H, Liu W F, Chen G J, X, Zhu R X, Pan Y X*, Targeted in vivo imaging of microscopic tumors with ferritin-based nanoprobes across biological barriers, Advanced Materials (2014) DOI: 10.1002/adma.201304544

104       Lin W, Bazylinski D, Xiao T, Wu L F, Pan Y X*. Life with compass: diversity and biogeography of magnetotactic bacteria, Environmental Microbiology (2014), doi:10.1111/1462-2920.12313

105       Wu W F, Swanner E D, Hao L, Zeitvogel F, Obst M, Pan Y X, Kappler A. 2014. Characterization of the physiology and cell–mineral interactions of the marine anoxygenic phototrophic Fe(II) oxidizer Rhodovulum iodosum – implications for Precambrian Fe(II) oxidation, FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 88: 503-515Lin W, Bazylinski D, Xiao T, Wu L F, Pan Y X* 2014. Life with compass: diversity and biogeography of magnetotactic bacteria, Environmental Microbiology, doi:10.1111/1462-2920.12313

106       Lin W*, Wang Y Z, Gorby Y, Nealson K, Pan Y X*, 2013. Integrating niche-based process and spatial process in biogeography of magnetotactic bacteria, Scientific Reports, 3: 1643, DOI: 10.1038/srep01643.

107       Katzmann E, Eibauer M, Lin W, Pan Y X, Plitzko J, Schüler D, 2013. Analysis of magnetosome chains in magnetotactic bacteria by magnetic measurements and automated image analysis of electron micrographs, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, online published

108       Paterson, G A, Wang Y Z, Pan Y X, 2013. The fidelity of paleomagnetic records carried by magnetosome chains, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 383:82-91

109       Li J H, Ge K P, Pan Y X, Williams W, Li Q S, Qin H F, 2013. A strong angular dependence of magnetic properties of magnetosome chains: Implications for rock magnetism and paleomagnetism, Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., DOI: 10.1002/ggge.20228

110       Yang J, Li S Q, Huang X L, Li J H, Li L, Pan Y X, Li Y, 2013. MamX encoded by the mamXY operon is involved in control of magnetosome maturation in Magnetospirillumgryphiswaldense MSR-1, BMC Microbiology, 13: 203.

111       Wu W F, Wang F P, Li J H, Yang X W, Xiao X and Pan Y X*, 2013. Iron reduction and mineralization of deep-sea iron reducing bacterium Shewanella piezotolerans WP3 at elevated hydrostatic pressures, Geobiology, 11: 593-601, DOI: 10.1111/gbi.1206, 11: 593-601.

112       Wang Y Z, Lin W, Li J H, Pan Y X*, 2013. High diversity of Magnetotactic Deltaproteobacteria in a freshwater niche, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 79: 2813-2817. DOI: 10.1128/AEM.03635-12.

113       Pan Y X, Lin W, Wu W F, Di Q Y, Zhu R X and Liu Q S2013. Biogeophysical observations on deep biosphere, in Methods of Solid Earth Sciences (ed. by Z.L. Ding), p277-285, Science Press, 2013, Beijing. (in Chinese)

114       Chen H T, Lin W, Wang Y Z, Li J H, Chen G J and Pan Y X*, Diversity and magnetism of magnetotactic bacteria in Lake Weiyang near Xi’an city, Quaternary Sciences, 33(1): 89-96 (in Chinese)

115       Li S H, Deng C L, Yao H T, Huang S, Liu C Y, He H Y,Pan Y X, Zhu RX, 2013. Magnetostratigraphy of the Dali Basin in Yunnan and implications for late Neogene rotation of the southeast margin of the Tibet Plateau, Journal of Geophysical Research,  doi: 10.1002/jgrb.50129. 

116       Walls M G, Cao C Q, Yu-Zhang K, Li J H, Che R C, Pan Y X, 2013. Identification of ferrous-ferric Fe3O4 nanoparticles in recombinant human ferritin cage, Microscopy and Microanalysis, 1-7, DOI: 10.1017/S1431927613001724s.

117       Lin W, Li JH, Pan YX. 2012. Newly isolated but uncultivated magnetotactic bacterium of the Phylum Nitrospirae from Beijing, China, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 78(3): 668-675

118       Lin W, Wang YZ, Pan YX. 2012. Short-term effects of temperature on the abundance and diversity of dominant magnetotactic bacteria: implications for extreme heat events reconstruction across geological history, MicrobiologyOpen, doi: 10.1002/mbo3.7

119       Li J H, Wu W F, Liu Q S, Pan Y X*. 2012. Magnetic anisotropy, magnetostatic interaction and the identification of magnetofossils. Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 13, Q10Z51, doi:10.1029/2012GC004384

120       Ji X L, Pan Y X*. 2012. Magnetic properties of iron–nickel alloys: A case study of the Jilin chondrite. Chinese Journal of Geophysics (in Chinese), 55(6): 1973-1979

121       Fan KL, Cao CQ, Pan YX, Lu D, Yang DL, Feng J, Song LN, Liang MM, Yan XY, 2012. Magnetoferritin nanoparticles for targeting and visualizing tumour tissue, Nature Nanotechnology, 7(7): 459-464.

122       Wu  W F, Li Y L, Pan Y X*. 2012. Microbial mineralization in Precambrian banded iron formation. Chinese Journal of Geology (in Chinese), 47(2): 548-560

123       Lin W, Wang YZ, Li B, Pan Y X*. 2012. A biogeographic distribution of magnetotactic bacteria influenced by salinity, The ISME Journal, doi:10.1038/ismej.2011.112, 6: 475-479

124       Tian L X, Cao C Q, Pan Y X. 2012. The influence of reaction temperature on biomineralization of ferrihydrite cores in human H-ferritin. Biometals, 25 (1): 193-202

125       Li J H, Pan Y X*. 2012. Environmental factors affect magnetite magnetosome synthesis in magnetospirillum magneticum amb-1: Implications for biologically controlled mineralization. Geomicrobiology Journal, 29(4): 362-373

126       He H Y, Deng C L, Wang P J, Pan Y X, Zhu R X. 2012. Toward age determination of the termination of the Cretaceous Normal Superchron. Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 13, Q02002, doi:10.1029/2011GC003901.

127       Pan Y X*, Zhu R X. 2011. A review of biogeophysics: The establishment of a new discipline and recent progress. Chinese Science Bulletin (Chinese Ver), 56: 1335–1344, doi: 10.1036/972010-467

128       Pan Y X*, Hill M J, Tauxe L. 2011. Planetary magnetism, dynamo and dynamics: Preface, Physics of The Earth and Planetary Interiors Special Issue, 187 (3–4): 77

129       Lin W, Pan Y X*. 2011. Snapping magnetosome chains by asymmetric cell division in magnetotactic bacteria. Molecular Microbiology, 82 (6): 1301-1304 (invited)

130       Lin W, Jogler C, Schüler D, Pan Y X. 2011. Metagenomic analysis reveals unexpected subgenomic diversity of magnetotactic bacteria within the Phylum Nitrospirae. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 77 (1): 323-326

131       Lin W, Li B, Pan Y X*. 2001. DMTB: A comprehensive online resource of 16S rRNA genes, ecological metadata, oligonucleotides, and magnetic properties of magnetotactic bacteria. Chinese Science Bulletin, 56 (6): 476-478

132       He H Y, Deng C L, Pan Y X, Deng T, Luo Z H, Sun J M, Zhu R X. 2011. New 40Ar/39Ar dating results from the Shanwang Basin, eastern China: Constraints on the age of the Shanwang Formation and associated biota. Physics of The Earth and Planetary Interiors, 187 (1–2): 66-75

133       Wu W F, Li B, Hu J, Li J H, Wang F P, Pan Y X*. 2011 Iron reduction and magnetite biomineralization mediated by a deep-sea iron reducing bacterium Shewanella piezotolerans WP3. Journal of Geophysical Research, 116: G04034, doi: 10.1029/2011JG001728

134       Li B, Wu W F, Li J H, Pan Y X*. 2011. Effects of temperature and AQDS on biomineralization of Shewanella putrefaciens CN32. Chinese Journal of Geophysics (in Chinese), 54 (10): 2631-2638

135       Tong Y B, Yang Z Y, Pan Y X, Zheng L D, Sun Z M, Pei L J, Zhuang Z H. 2011. Geomagnetic polarity transitions recorded in the Miocene lavas of the Wuyu basin, Tibet. Science in China Series D: Earth Sciences, 54 (4): 561-570

136       Ji X L, Pan Y X*. 2011. A review of meteorites magnetism. Progress in Geophysics (in Chinese), 26 (6): 1983-1992

137       Lin W, Pan Y X*. 2010. Temporal variation of magnetotactic bacterial communities in two freshwater sediment microcosms. FEMS Microbiology Letters, 302 (1): 85-92

138       Cao C Q, Tian L X, Liu Q S, Liu W F, Chen G J, Pan Y X*. 2010. Magnetic characterization of noninteracting, randomly oriented, nanometer-scale ferrimagnetic particles. Journal of Geophysical Research, 115: B07103, doi: 10.1029/2009JB006855

139       Li J H, Pan Y X*, Liu Q S, Yu-Zhang K, Menguy N, Che R C, Qin H F, Lin W, Wu W F, Petersen N. 2010. Biomineralization, crystallography and magnetic properties of bullet-shaped magnetite magnetosomes in giant rod magnetotactic bacteria. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 293 (3-4): 368-376

140       Li J H, Ge X, Zhang X, Chen G, Pan Y X. 2010. Recover vigorous cells of Magnetospirillum magneticum AMB-1 by capillary magnetic separation. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 28 (4): 826-831

141       Tian L X, Lin W, Zhang S Y, Pan Y X*. 2010. Bat Head contains soft magnetic particles: evidence from magnetism. Bioelectromagnetics, 31 (7): 499-503

142       Ding Y, Li J, Liu J, Yang J, Jiang W, Tian J, Li Y*, Pan Y X*. 2010. Deletion of the ftsZ-like gene results in the production of superparamagnetic magnetite magnetosomes in Magnetospirillum gryphiswaldense. Journal of Bacteriology, 192(4): 1097-1105

143       Zhu K L, Pan H M, Li J H, Yu-Zhang K, Zhang S D, Zhang W Y, Zhou K, Yue H D, Pan Y X, Xiao T A, Wu L F. 2010. Isolation and characterization of a marine magnetotactic spirillum axenic culture QH-2 from an intertidal zone of the China Sea. Research in Microbiology, 161 (4): 276-283

144       Pan Y X*, Ji X L, Zhu R X. 2010. A review of lunar magnetism. Geochemistry (in Chinese), 39: 32-36

145       Tian L X, Cao C Q, Liu Q S, Pan Y X. 2010. Low-temperature magnetic properties of horse spleen ferritin. Chinese Science Bulletin, 55 (27-28): 3174-3180

146       Ji X L, Wang L, Pan Y X*. 2010. Magnetic fabrics of the Fangshan pluton in Beijing and constraints on its emplacement. Chinese Journal of Geophysics (in Chinese), 53 (7): 1671-1680

147       Wu W F, Li J H, Zhang C X, Pan Y X*. 2010. Effects of organic matter on thermal stability of nanometer-sized magnetite. Chinese Journal of Geophysics (in Chinese), 53 (10): 2427-2434

148       Du A M, Pan Y X. 2010. Geomagnetic Navigation and Lessons from Organisms, 10000 Selected Problems in Sciences: Earth Sciences (in Chinese), 719-721.]

149       Zhang W Y, Zhang S D, Xiao T, Pan Y X, Wu L F. 2010. Geographical distribution of Magnetotactic bacteria. Environmental Science, 31(2): 450-458

150       Li J H, Pan Y X*, Liu Q S, Qin H F, Deng C L, Che R C, Yang X A. 2010. A comparative study of magnetic properties between whole cells and isolated magnetosomes of Magnetospirillum magneticum AMB-1. Chinese Science Bulletin, 55 (1): 38-44 (Cover-page Paper)

151       Pan Y X*, Lin W, Li J H, Wu W F, Tian L X, Deng C L, Liu Q S, Zhu R X. Winklhofer M, Petersen N, Yang X A. 2009. Reduced efficiency of magnetotaxis in magnetotactic coccoid bacteria in higher than geomagnetic fields. Biophysical Journal, 97 (4): 986-991

152       Pan Y X*, Lin W, Tian L X, Zhu R X, Petersen N. 2009. Combined approaches for characterization of an uncultivated magnetotactic coccus from Lake Miyun near Beijing. Geomicrobiology Journal, 26 (5): 313-320

153       Zhu R X, Li X H, Hou X G, Pan Y X, Wang F, Deng C L, He H Y. 2009. SIMS U-Pb zircon age of a tuff layer in the Meishucun section, Yunnan, southwest China: constraint on the age of the Precambrian-Cambrian boundary. Science in China Series D: Earth Sciences, 52 (9): 1385-1392

154       Lin W, Pan Y X*. 2009. Specific primers for the detection of freshwater alphaproteobacterial magnetotactic cocci. International microbiology, 12 (4): 237-242

155       Jogler C, Lin W, Meyerdierks A, Kube M, Katzmann E, Flies C, Pan Y X, Amann R, Reinhardt R, Schüler D. 2009. Toward cloning of the magnetotactic metagenome: identification of magnetosome island gene clusters in uncultivated magnetotactic bacteria from different aquatic sediments. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 75 (12): 3972-3979

156       Lin W, Pan Y X*. 2009. Uncultivated magnetotactic cocci from Yuandadu park in Beijing, China. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 75(12): 4046-4052

157       Li J H, Pan Y X*, Chen G J, Liu Q S, Tian L X, Lin W. 2009. Magnetite magnetosome and fragmental chain formation of Magnetospirillum magneticum AMB-1: transmission electron microscopy and magnetic observations. Geophysical Journal International, 177 (1): 33-42

158       Lin W, Li J H, Schüler D, Jogler C, Pan Y X*. 2009. Diversity analysis of magnetotactic bacteria in Lake Miyun, northern China, by restriction fragment length polymorphism. Systematic and Applied Microbiology, 32 (5): 342-350

159       Liu T, Zheng G D, Pan Y X, Liu H F. 2009. Influence of geo-microbes on the formation of marine gas hydrates. Natural Gas Geoscience (in Chinese), 20(6), 992-999

160       Lin W, Tian L X, Li J H, Pan Y X*. 2008. Does capillary racetrack-based enrichment reflect the diversity of uncultivated magnetotactic cocci in environmental samples? FEMS Microbiology Letters, 279: 202-206

161       Tauxe L, Pan Y X. 2008. Paleomagnetism and the Earth's deep interior: preface. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 169: 1-2

162       Zhu R X, Pan Y X, He H Y, Qin H F, Ren S M. Palaeomagnetism and 40Ar/39Ar age from a Cretaceous volcanic sequence, Inner Mongolia, China: Implications for the field variation during the Cretaceous normal superchron. Physics of The Earth and Planetary Interiors, 169 (1-4): 59-75

163       Hill M J, Pan Y X, Davies C J. 2008. An assessment of the reliability of palaeointensity results obtained from the Cretaceous aged Suhongtu section, Inner Mongolia, China. Physics of The Earth and Planetary Interiors, 169(1-4): 76-88

164       He H Y, Pan Y X, Tauxe L, Qin H F, Zhu R X. 2008. Toward age determination of the M0r (Barremian-Aptian boundary) of the Early Cretaceous. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 169 (1-4): 41-48

165       Qin H F, Liu Q S, Pan Y X. 2008. The first-order reversal curve (FORC) diagram: Theory and case study. ChineseJournal of Geophysics (in Chinese), 51 (3): 743-751

166       Wang L, Pan Y X*, Li J H, Qin H F. 2008. Magnetic properties related to thermal treatment of pyrite. Science in China Series D-Earth Sciences, 51 (8): 1144-1153

167       Deng C L, Zhu R X, Zhang R, Ao H, Pan Y X. 2008. Timing of the Nihewan formation and faunas. Quaternary Research, 69 (1): 77-90

168       Zhu R X, Potts R, Pan Y X, Lue L Q, Yao H T, Deng C L, Qin H F. 2008. Paleomagnetism of the Yuanmou Basin near the southeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau and its constraints on late Neogene sedimentation and tectonic rotation. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 272 (1-2): 97-104

169       Zhu R X, Potts R, Pan Y X, Yao H T, Lu L Q, Zhao X, Gao X, Chen L W, Gao F, Deng C L. 2008. Early evidence of the genus Homo in East Asia. Journal of Human Evolution, 55 (6): 1075-1085

170       Ke L, Gao S, Pan Y X, Hu Z C. 2008. Geochemistry and Provenance of the Early Cretaceous Lacustrine Clastic Sedimentary Rocks of Yixian Formation from the Sihetun Section, West Liaoning. Earth Science-Journal of China University of Geosciences(in Chinese) 33 (4): 504-514

171       Zhu R X, Pan Y X, Shi R P, Liu Q S, Li D M. 2007. Palaeomagnetic and 40Ar/39Ar dating constraints on the age of the Jehol Biota and the duration of deposition of the Sihetun fossil-bearing lake sediments, northeast China. Cretaceous Research, 28 (2): 171-176

172       Tian L X, Xiao B, Lin W, Zhang S Y, Zhu R X, Pan Y X*. 2007. Testing for the presence of magnetite in the upper-beak skin of homing pigeons. Biometals, 20 (2): 197-203

173       Wang Y N, Pan Y X, Parsons S, Walker M, Zhang S Y. 2007. Bats respond to polarity of a magnetic field. Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences, 274 (1627): 2901-2905

174       Liu Q S, Deng C L, Pan Y X. 2007. Temperature-dependency and frequency-dependency of magnetic susceptibility of magnetite and maghemite and their significance for environmental magnetism. Quaternary Sciences, 27 (6): 955-962

175       Zhu R, X., Deng C L, Pan Y X. 2007. Magnetochronology of the fluvio-lacustrine sequences in the Nihewan basin and its implications for early human colonization of northeast Asia. Quaternary Sciences, 27 (6): 922-944

176       Deng C L, Liu Q S, Pan Y X, Zhu R X. 2007. Environmental magnetism of Chinese loess-paleosol sequences. Quaternary Sciences,27 (2): 193-209

177       He H Y, Pan Y X, Zhu R X. 2007. Age of the Barremian-Aptian boundary of the early Cretaceous. Journal of China University of Geosciences, 18: 414

178       Zhu R, Zhang R, Deng C, Pan Y X, Liu Q S, Sun Y B. 2007. Are Chinese loess deposits essentially continuous? Geophysical Research Letters, 34, L17306. doi: 10.1029/2007gl030591

179       Deng C L, Xie F, Liu C C, Ao H, Pan Y X, Zhu R X. 2007. Magnetochronology of the Feiliang Paleolithic site in the Nihewan Basin and implications for early human adaptability to high northern latitudes in East Asia. Geophysical Research Letters, 34, L14301. doi: 10.1029/2007gl030335

180       Pan Y X*, Liu Q S, Deng C L, Qin H F, Zhu R X. 2006. Thermally induced inversion of Al-substituted titanomagnetite in basalts: evidence for partial self-reversal. Journal of Geophysical Research, 111, B12S29. doi: 10.1029/2006jb004576

181       Liu Q S, Yu Y J, Torrent J, Roberts A P, Pan Y X, Zhu R. 2006. Characteristic low-temperature magnetic properties of aluminous goethite [α-(Fe, Al)OOH] explained. Journal of Geophysical Research, 111, B12S34. doi: 10.1029/2006jb004560

182       Zhu R X, Pan Y X, Deng C L. 2006. Geomagnetism and Biomagnetism. Science and Technology Review (in Chinese), 24(8): 5-7

183       Xiao B, Pan Y X. 2006. Review of the low temperature magnetic properties of magnetite. Progress in Geophysics (in Chinese), 21(2), 408-415

184       Lin W, Tian L X, Pan Y X. 2006. Formation of magnetosomes in magnetotactic bacteria. Microbiology (in Chinese), 33(3): 133-137

185       Zhu R X, Liu Q S, Pan Y X, Deng, C L, Sun J M. 2006. Identifying the origin of the magnetic directional anomalies recorded in the Datong loess profile, northeastern Chinese loess plateau. Geophysical Journal International, 164 (2): 312-318

186       Deng C L, Wei Q, Zhu R X, Wang H Q, Zhang R, Ao H, Chang L, Pan Y X. 2006. Magnetostratigraphic age of the Xiantai Paleolithic site in the Nihewan Basin and implications for early human colonization of Northeast Asia. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 244 (1-2): 336-348

187       Deng C L, Shaw J, Liu Q S, Pan Y X, Zhu R X. 2006. Mineral magnetic variation of the Jingbian loess/paleosol sequence in the northern Loess Plateau of China: Implications for Quaternary development of Asian aridification and cooling. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 241 (1-2): 248-259

188       Pan Y X*, Hill M J, Zhu R X. 2005. Paleomagnetic and paleointensity study of an Oligocene-Miocene lava sequence from the Hannuoba Basalts in northern China. Physics of The Earth and Planetary Interiors, 151 (1-2): 21-35

189       Pan Y X*, Petersen N, Davila A F, Zhang L M, Winklhofer M, Liu Q S, Hanzlik M, Zhu R X. 2005. The detection of bacterial magnetite in recent sediments of Lake Chiemsee (southern Germany). Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 232 (1-2): 109-123

190       Pan Y X*,Petersen N, Winklhofer M, Davila A F, Liu Q S, Frederichs T, Hanzlik M, Zhu R X. 2005. Rock magnetic properties of uncultured magnetotactic bacteria. Earth and Planetary Science Letters,237 (3-4): 311-325

191       Zhu R X, Liu Q S, Yao H T, Guo Z T, Deng C L, Pan Y X, Lu L Q., Chang Z G., Gao F. 2005. Magnetostratigraphic dating of hominoid-bearing sediments at Zhupeng, Yuanmou Basin, southwestern China. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 236 (3-4): 559-568

192       Pan Y X*,  Zhu R X. 2005. Rock magnetism and magnetic fabric studies of the ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) metamorphic rocks from the Dabie orogenic belt, east-central china: Implications for retrograde metamorphism. Acta Petrologica Sinica (in Chinese), 21(4): 1101-1108

193       Liu Q S, Banerjee S K, Jackson M J, Deng C L, Pan Y X, Zhu R X. 2005. Inter-profile correlation of the Chinese loess/paleosol sequences during Marine Oxygen Isotope Stage 5 and indications of pedogenesis. Quaternary Science Reviews, 24 (1-2): 195-210

194       Wang Y N, Pan Y X, Tian L X, Liang B, hang S Y. 2005. Development of biomagnetism in avian orientation. Chinese Journal of Zoology (in Chinese), 40(5), 119-123

195       Liu Q S, Yu Y, Pan Y X, Zhu R X, Zhao X X. 2005. Partial anhysteretic remanent magnetization (pARM) of synthetic single- and multi-domain magnetites and its paleoenvironmental significance. Chinese Science Bulletin, 50(20): 2381-2384

196       Zhu R X, Potts R, Xie F, Hoffman K A, Deng C L, Shi C D, Pan Y X, Wang H Q, Shi RP, Wang Y C, Shi G H, Wu N Q. 2004. New evidence on the earliest human presence at high northern latitudes in northeast Asia. Nature, 431 (7008): 559-562

197       Pan Y X*, Hill M J, Zhu R X, Shaw J. 2004. Further evidence for low intensity of the geomagnetic field during the early Cretaceous time: using the modified Shaw method and microwave technique. Geophysical Journal International, 157 (2): 553-564

198       Pan Y X*, Deng C L, Liu Q S, Petersen N, Zhu R X. 2004. Biomineralization and magnetism of bacterial magnetosomes. Chinese Science Bulletin, 49 (24): 2563-2568

199       Tian L X, Lin W, Wang Y N, Pan Y X, Zhang S. 2004. Progress in studies of geomagnetic navigation of animals. Science Foundation in China 13: 17-19

200       Zhu R X, Lo C H, Shi R P, Pan Y X, Shi G H, Shao J A. 2004. Is there a precursor to the Cretaceous normal superchron? New paleointensity and age determination from Liaoning province, northeastern China. Physics of The Earth and Planetary Interiors, 147 (2-3): 117-126

201       Zhu R X, Lo C H, Shi R P, Shi G H, Pan Y X, Shao J. 2004. Palaeointensities determined from the middle Cretaceous basalt in Liaoning Province, northeastern China. Physics of The Earth and Planetary Interiors, 142 (1-2): 49-59

202       Zhu R X, Hoffman K A, Nomade S, Renne P R, Shi R, Pan Y X, Shi G. 2004. Geomagnetic paleointensity and direct age determination of the ISEA (M0r?) chron. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 217 (3-4): 285-295

203       Liu Q S, Jackson M J, Banerjee S K, Maher B A, Deng C L, Pan Y X, Zhu R X. 2004. Mechanism of the magnetic susceptibility enhancements of the Chinese loess. Journal of Geophysical Research, 109, B12107. doi: 10.1029/2004jb003249

204       Liu Q S, Banerjee S K, Jackson M J, Maher B A, Pan Y X, Zhu, R X, Deng C L, Chen F H. 2004. Grain sizes of susceptibility and anhysteretic remanent magnetization carriers in Chinese loess/paleosol sequences. Journal of Geophysical Research, 109, B03101. doi: 10.1029/2003jb002747

205       Liu Q S, Banerjee S K, Jackson M J, Deng C L, Pan Y X, Zhu R X. 2004. New insights into partial oxidation model of magnetites and thermal alteration of magnetic mineralogy of the Chinese loess in air. Geophysical Journal International, 158 (2): 506-514

206       Liu Q S, Banerjee S K, Jackson M J, Chen F, Pan Y X, Zhu R X. 2004. Determining the climatic boundary between the Chinese loess and palaeosol: evidence from aeolian coarse-grained magnetite. Geophysical Journal International, 156 (2): 267-274

207       Shi R P, He H Y, Zhu R X, Pan Y X. ISEA reversed event in the Cretaceous Normal Superchron (CNS): 40Ar/39Ar dating and paleomagnetic results. Chinese Science Bulletin, 49 (9): 926-930

208       Zhu R X, Shi R P, Pan Y X. 2004. Geomagnetic field strength in the Cretaceous and its links with the Earth’s interior process. The deep structure and dynamics of the Chinese continent (Zhang Z J. et al., eds.) (in Chinese) Beijing: Science Press, 589-595

209       Zhu R X, Deng C L, Pan Y X. 2004. Geomagnetic field changes and Earth’s interior geodynamo processes. Progress in geodesy and geodynamic (Zhu Y Z and Sun H P eds.) (in Chinese) Wuhan: Hunei Sci and Tech. Press, 45-52

210       Zhu R X, Hoffman K A, Pan Y X, Shi R P, Li D M. 2003. Evidence for weak geomagnetic field intensity prior to the Cretaceous normal superchron. Physics of The Earth and Planetary Interiors, 136 (3-4): 187-199

211       Pan Y X*, Shaw J, Zhu R X, Hill M J. 2003. Reply to comment by Y. Yamamoto on “Experimental reassessment of the Shaw paleointensity method using laboratory-induced thermal remanent magnetization”. Journal of Geophysical Research, 108 (B5): 2279. doi: 10.1029/2002jb002355

212       Liu Q S, Jackson M J, Banerjee S K, Zhu R X, Pan Y X, Chen F H. 2003. Determination of magnetic carriers of the characteristic remanent magnetization of Chinese loess by low-temperature demagnetization. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 216 (1-2): 175-186

213       Liu Q S, Banerjee S K, Jackson M J, Chen F H, Pan Y X, Zhu R X. 2003. An integrated study of the grain-size-dependent magnetic mineralogy of the Chinese loess/paleosol and its environmental significance. Journal of Geophysical Research, 108 (B9): 2437. doi: 10.1029/2002jb002264

214       Zhu R X, Huang B C, Pan Y X, Deng C L. 2003. A brief guide to the laboratory of bock magnetism and paleomagnetism at the institute of geology and geophysics, chinese academy of sciences. Progress in Geophysics (in Chinese), 18(2): 177-181

215       Pan Y X*, Zhu R X, Liu Q S, Jackson M. 2002. Low-temperature magnetic behavior related to thermal alteration of siderite. Geophysical Research Letters, 29 (23): 2087. doi: 10.1029/2002gl016021

216       Pan Y X*, Zhu R X, Liu Q S, Guo B, Yue L P, Wu H N. 2002. Geomagnetic episodes of the last 1.2 Myr recorded in Chinese loess. Geophysical Research Letters, 29 (8): 1282. doi: 10.1029/2001gl014024

217       Pan Y X*, Shaw J, Zhu R X, Hill M J. 2002. Experimental reassessment of the Shaw paleointensity method using laboratory-induced thermal remanent magnetization. Journal of Geophysical Research, 107 (B7). doi: 10.1029/2001jb000620

218       Shi R P, Zhu R X, Pan Y X, Shi G H, Hoffman K A.2002. Paleointensity study of Early Miocene lavas from Pingzhuang, Inner Mongolia, China. Geophysical Research Letters, 29 (21): 2026. doi: 10.1029/2002gl015990

219       Tian L L, Zhu R X, Pan Y X. 2002. Rock magnetic properties of Hannuoba Basalts, Zhangbei, China. Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 45 (6): 872-878

220       Liu Q S, Banerjee S K, Jackson M J, Zhu R X, Pan Y X. 2002. Effects of low-temperature oxidation on natural remanent magnetization of Chinese loess. Chinese Science Bulletin, 47(24): 2100-2105

221       Liu Q S, Banerjee S K, Jackson M J, Zhu R X, Pan Y X. 2002. A new method in mineral magnetism for the separation of weak antiferromagnetic signal from a strong ferrimagnetic background. Geophysical Research Letters, 29. doi: 10.1029/2002gl014699

222       Zhu R X, Shao J, Pan Y X, Shi R P, Shi G H, Li D M. 2002. Paleomagnetic data from Early Cretaceous volcanic rocks of West Liaoning: evidence for intracontinental rotation. Chinese Science Bulletin, 47(21): 1832-1837

223       Zhu R X, Pan Y X, Shi R P. 2002. New Cretaceous palaeointensity data and the constraints on geodynamics. Science in China Series D: Earth Sciences, 45 (10): 931-938

224       Pan Y X*, Zhu R, Shaw J, Liu Q, Guo B. 2001. Can relative paleointensities be determined from the normalized magnetization of the wind-blown loess of China? Journal of Geophysical Research, 106 (B9): 19221-19232

225       Pan Y X*, Zhu R X, Shaw J, Zhou Y X. Magnetic polarity ages of the fossil-bearing strata at the Sihetun section, West Liaoning: A preliminary result. Chinese Science Bulletin, 46 (17): 1473-1476]

226       Zhu R X, Hoffman K A, Potts R, Deng C L, Pan Y X, Guo B, Shi C D, Guo Z T, Yuan B Y, Hou Y M, Huang W W. 2001. Earliest presence of humans in northeast Asia. Nature, 413 (6854): 413-417

227       Zhu R X, Pan Y X, Shaw J, Li D M, Li Q. 2001. Geomagnetic palaeointensity just prior to the Cretaceous normal superchron. Physics of The Earth and Planetary Interiors, 128 (1-4): 207-222

228       Shi C D, Zhu R X, Suchy V, Zeman A, Guo B, Pan Y X. 2001. Identification and origins of iron sulfides in Czech loess. Geophysical Research Letters, 28 (20): 3903-3906

229       Zhu R X, Shi C D, Suchy V, Zeman A, Guo B, Pan Y X. 2001. Magnetic properties and paleoclimatic implications of loess-paleosol sequences of Czech Republic. Science in China Series D: Earth Sciences, 44 (5): 385-394

230       Guo B, Zhu R X, Florindo F, Pan Y X, Yue L P. 2001. Pedogenesis affecting the Matuyama-Brunhes polarity transition recorded in Chinese loess? Chinese Science Bulletin, 46 (12): 975-980]

231       Pan Y X*, Zhu R X, Banerjee S K. 2000. Rock magnetic properties related to thermal treatment of siderite: behavior and interpretation. Journal of Geophysical Research, 105(B1): 783-794

232       Zhu R X, Pan Y X, Coe R S. 2000. Paleointensity studies of a lava succession from Jilin Province, northeastern China: Evidence for the Blake event. Journal of Geophysical Research, 105 (B4): 8305-8317

233       Zhu R X, Guo B, Pan Y X, Zeman A, Suchy V. 2000. Reliability of geomagnetic secular variations recorded in a loess section at Lingtai, north-central China. Science in China Series D: Earth Sciences,43 (1): 1-9]

234       Liu Q S, Zhu R X, Pan Y X, Guo B. 2000. The statistical model for the secondary quick reversals during the geomagnetic pole transition. Science in China Series D: Earth Sciences, 43 (3): 237-242]

235       Pan Y X*, Zhu R X, Ping J Y. 1999. Mineralogical alteration of thermally treated siderite in air: Mössbauer spectroscopy results. Chinese Science Bulletin, 44 (18): 1712-1717

236       Pan Y X*, Zhu R X, Liu J M. 1999. Chemico-viscous remanent magnetization in the oxidation of siderite and its implications in paleomagnetism. Science in China Series D-Earth Sciences, 42(4), 442-448

237       Pan Y X*, Lin M, Hao J Q. 1999. Rock-magnetic properties related to thermal mineral alterations in siderite samples. Chinese Journal of Geophysics (in Chinese), 42(6): 756-763

238       Zhu R X, Pan Y X, Liu Q S. 1999. Geomagnetic excursions recorded in Chinese loess in the last 70,000 Years. Geophysical Research Letters, 26 (4): 505-508

239       Zhu R X, Lin M, Pan Y X. 1999. History of the temperature-dependence of susceptibility and its implications: preliminary results along an E-W transect of the Chinese Loess Plateau. Chinese Science Bulletin, 44 (Supp. 1): 81-86

240       Florindo F, Zhu R X, Guo B, Yue L P, Pan Y X, Speranza F. 1999. Magnetic proxy climate results from the Duanjiapo loess section, southernmost extremity of the Chinese loess plateau. Journal of Geophysical Research, 104 (B1): 645-659

241       Zhu R, Liu Q S, Pan Y X. 1999. Link between the geomagnetic polarity reversal and global-geology events. Chinese Science Bulletin, 44 (20): 1843-1851

242       Liu Q S, Zhu R X, Pan Y X, Guo B. 1999. Secular variations in g10 component of geomagnetic field and its origin. Science in China Series D: Earth Sciences, 42 (2): 195-201

243       Liu Q S, Zhu R X, Pan Y X, Guo B. 1999. Secular variations in geomagnetic field caused by the fluctuations in the fluid flow in the outer-core. Chinese Science Bulletin, 44 (13): 1214-1218

244       Liu Q S, Zhu R X, Pan Y X, Guo B. 1999. Secular variations in geomagnetic dipole and non-dipole components: constrains on the earth's interior process. Chinese Journal of Geophysics (in Chinese), 42(2): 178-184

245       Pan Y X*, Zhu R X. 1998. The recent progress in magnetic fabrics. Progress in Geophysics (in Chinese), 13(1), 52-59

246       Pan Y X*, ZHu R X, Liu Q S, Guo B. 1999. Magnetic susceptibility variation and AMS exchange related to thermal treatment of siderite. Chinese Science Bulletin, 44 (12): 1135-1139

247       Zhu R X, Pan Y X, Guo B, Liu Q S. 1998. A recording phase lag between ocean and continent climate changes: constrained by the Matuyama/Brunhes polarity boundary. Chinese Science Bulletin, 43 (19): 1593-1599]

248       Zhu R X, Pan Y X, Liu Q S. 1998. The strength of the geomagnetic field during the Mesozoic and its constraining on the geodynamics. Progress in Geophysics (Chen R et al. Eds.) (in Chinese), Science Press, Beijing, pp.611-617

249       Zeman A, Suchy V, Zhu R X, Pan Y X, Guo B. 1997. Loess section from last glaciation in central China NW from Lingtai: preliminary report. Geoscience Research Reports for 1997, 178-179

250       Zhu R X, Liu Q S, Pan Y X. 1997. Geomagnetic constraint on geodynamo. Recent Developments in World Seismology (in Chinese), Z1 (7-8): 71-75]

251       Zhu R X, Li C J, Pan Y X. 1997. The earth interior physics. Progress in Geophysics (in Chinese), 12(3), 65-70]

252       Pan Y X*, Zhu R X. 1996. The progress of environmental magnetism. Progress in Geophysics (in Chinese), 11(4): 87-99]

253       Zhu R X, Pan Y X, Ding Z L. 1996. Magnetic property of red clay. Quaternary Sciences (in Chinese), 3:232-238

254       Wu Y Q, Pan Y X. 1995. Origin of aragonite in Ordovician carbonates of Taiyuan Xishan. Shanxi Mining Institute Journal (in Chinese), 13(1): 23-29

255       Huang N H, Pan Y X. 1992. An ancient estuary deposit in Gemudi, Guizhuo province, China. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica (in Chinese), 10(4): 111-118

256       Pan Y X*, Wang X Q. 1991. Mud-belts serve as criteria of sandstones in palaeotidalites. Shanxi Mining Institute Journal (in Chinese), 9(2): 157-161]

Book Edited

Biogeomagnetism —— Phenomena, Mechanisms and Applications.
Eds. Pan Y X and Tian L X.
Science Press, Beijing. 2024. 308pp. (in Chinese)

Special Issues Edited

1. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interior Special Issue:
Planetary Magnetism, Dynamo and Dynamics.

(Eds.) Pan Y X, Hill M J, and Tauxe L

187 (3-4): 77-416, 2011

2. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interior Special Issue: 
Palaeomagnetism and the Earth’s Deep Interior.
(Eds.) Pan Y X and Tauxe L
169 (1-2): 1-220, 2008

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