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Lei Yuhong
  Associate Senior Engineer
Highest Education  
Subject Categories  
  Petroleum Geology
Zip Code  
  19 Beitucheng West Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100029, China

Education and Appointments:
  • Mar. 2007-Jun. 2010 P.D., Geology, Institute of Geology and Geophysics Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan, China.
  • Sept.2001- Jun. 2004 M.S., Geology, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan, China.
  • Sept.1997- Jul.2001 B.S., Petroleum Geology, China University of Geosciences, Beijing, China.

Work experience: 

  • Jan. 2015-    Senior Engineer, Institute of Geology and Geophysics Chinese Academy of Sciences.
  • Jun. 2010-Jan. 2015  Post Doctor, Research Assistant, Institute of Geology and Geophysics Chinese Academy of Sciences.
  • Jul.2004- Mar. 2007   Engineer, BGP INC China National Petroleum Corporation.

Research Interests:
  • Hydrocarbon migration and accumulation.
  • Numerical basin modeling.
  • Sandstone carriers for migration.
  • Shale oil and gas.
Public Services:


Supported Projects:
  1. Study on the formation and mechanism of shale gas of Yanchang formation in the southeastern Ordos Basin. The major national science and technology special project on oil and gas resources, 20112015.
  2. Study on methods of hydrocarbon losses estimation during secondary migration and its application. Chinese National Natural Science Foundation, 20122014.
  3. Study on the mechanism and the role of silty laminae in lacustrine shale gas formation in Ordos Basin. Science Foundation China Postdoctoral, 20122014.

  1. Lei Y. H., Luo X. R., Wang X. Z., et al. 2015.Characteristics of silty laminae in Zhangjiatan Shale of southeastern Ordos Basin, China: Implications for shale gas formation, AAPG Bulletin(in press,DOI: 10.1306/ 0930141405. 
  2. Lei Y. H., Luo X. R., Song G. Q., Zhang L. K, et al., 2014, Quantitative characterization of connectivity and conductivity of sandstone carriers during secondary petroleum migration, applied to the Third Member of Eocene Shahejie Formation, Dongying Depression, Eastern China. Marine and Petroleum Geology, v. 51, pp.268-285, DOI: 10.1016/j.marpetgeo. 2013.12.022. 
  3. Lei Y. H., Luo X. R., Zhang L. K, et al., 2013. A Quantitative method for characterizing transport capability of compound hydrocarbon carrier system. Journal of Earth Science, v.17, no.3, pp.262-268, DOI: 10.1007/s12583-013-0337-y.  
  4. Lei Y. H., Luo X. R., Zhang L. K., et al., 2013. Quantitative characterization on sandstone carriers connectivity of Shahejie formation, eastern part of south slope in Dongying depression. Acta petrolei sinica, v. 34, no.4, pp.692-700. 
  5. Lei Y. H., Luo X. R., Pan J. et al.,2010. Simulation on hydrocarbon migration and accumulation dynamics of the first member of yaojia formation in the west of daqing oil f ield. Acta petrol ei sinica, v.31, no. 2, pp. 204-210. 
  6. Lei Y. H., Ma C. Q., Wang G. C., 2006, The Basement of Baryan Har Basin Is A Part of Western Yangtze Platform: evidence from Granites. Geological Journal of China Universities. v.12, no.3, pp. 298-309. 
  7. Lei Y. H., Ding S. J., Ma C. Q., et al., 2005, Nd isotopic constraints on crustal growth and basement characters of hainan island, southern china. Chinese journal of geology. v.40, no.3, pp. 439-456. 
  8. Wang X. ,Z., Lei Y. H*, Wang X.F.,2015. Genesis Types and Sources of Mesozoic lacustrine shale gas in Southern Ordos Basin, NW China. Energy Exploration & Exploitation (in press). 
  9. Wang X. F., Li X. F., Wang X. Z., Shi B. G., Luo X. R., Zhang L. X., Lei Y. H., et al.,2015.Relatively lighter carbon isotopic composition of methane in shale gas. Marine and Petroleum Geology, v. 60, pp.79–86. DOI: 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2014.11.003. 
  10. Cheng M., Luo X. R., Lei Y. H., et al., 2015. The distribution, fractal characteristic and thickness estimation of silty laminae and beds in Zhangjiatan shale, Ordos Basin, Natural Gas Geoscience (in press). 
  11. Zheng Y. D., Lei Y. H., Zhang L.Q.,2015. Characteristics of element geochemistry and paleo sedimentary environment evolution of Zhang Jiatan Shale in the Southeast of Ordos Basin and its geological significance for oil and gas, Natural Gas Geoscience (in press). 
  12. Guo H. J., Jia W. L., Peng P. A., Lei Y. H, et al., 2014, The organic geochemistry, mineralogy and methane sorption of lacustrine shales from the Upper Triassic Yanchang Formation, Ordos Basin, China, Marine and Petroleum Geology, v. 57, pp.509–520. DOI:10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2014.05.010. 
  13. Zhang L. K., Luo X. R., Song G. Q., Hao X. F., Qiu G. Q., Song C. P., Lei Y. H., et al., 2013. Quantitative evaluation of parameters to characterize fault opening and sealing during hydrocarbon migration. Acta Perolei Sinica(in Chinese), v.34, no.1, pp.92-100. 
  14. Luo X. R., Lei Y. H., Zhang L. K.,,et al. Characterization of carrier formation for hydrocarbon migration:concepts and approaches.Acta Petrolei Sinica, 2012, v. 33, no. 3, PP. 428-236. 
  15. Luo X. R., Zhang L. K., and Lei Y. H., 2012. Dynamic studies on hydrocarbon migration and accumulation: methodology and application. Chinese Journal of Geology, v.47, no.4, pp.1188-1210. 
  16. Zhang L. K., Luo X. R., Guy V., Yu, C. H.,Yang, W., Lei Y. H., et al., 2011, Evaluation of geological factors in characterizing fault connectivity during hydrocarbon migration: Application to the Bohai Bay Basin. Marine and Petroleum Geology, v.28, pp.1634-1647. DOI: 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2011.06.008.  
  17. He Z. X.,Dong W. B, Lei Y. H.,2007, Joint processing and integrated interpretation of EM and seismic data - An effective method for detecting complicated reservoir targets. Society of Exploration Geophysicists, v.26, no.3 ,pp.336-340. 
  18. She Z. B., Ma C.Q., Mason R., Li J. W., Wang G. C., Lei Y. H., 2006.Provenance of the Triassic Songpan-Ganzi flysch, west China .Chemical geology.v. 231, no.1-2, pp.159-175. DOI: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2006.01.001.
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