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An Zhiguo
  Associate Professor
Highest Education  
Subject Categories  
  Applied geophysics
Zip Code  
  No.19 Beitucheng West Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100029, China

Education and Appointments:
  1. 2014.1-currentAssociate Professor, Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences 
  2. 2008.7-2013.12Postdoc, Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences; 
  3. 2008Ph. D (Solid Geophysics), Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences; 
  4. 2005M. E. (Geo-exploration and Information technology), China University of Geosciences (Beijing); 
  5. 2000B. E. (Geology and Geophysics), China University of Geosciences (Beijing);

Research Interests:
  1. Geoelectromagnetic method 
  2. Applied Geophysics
Public Services:


Supported Projects:
  1. NSFC project: Valid transformation from CSAMT diffused signal in frequency domain to wave signal in time domain(2012-2014) 
  2. R&D of Key Instruments and Technologies for Deep Resources Prospecting (the National R&D Projects for Key Scientific Instruments), No.ZDYZ2012-1-05-04-01(2013-2016)



  1. Zhiguo An, Qingyun Di*, Zhongxing Wang, Changmin Fu. Deep geological structures associated with terrestrial volcanic hydrothermal metallogenic system: Evidence from geophysical survey in Taohemu super-large silver-polymetallic deposit, Inner Mongolia.. (Under Review)


  1. Qingyun Di, Zhiguo An, Changmin Fu, ZhongxingWang. 2018. Imaging underground electric structure over a potential HLRW disposal site. Journal of Applied Geophysics. 155, 102–109.


  1. Di Qing-Yun, Fu Chang-Min, An Zhi-Guo, et al. 2017. Field testing of the surface electromagnetic prospecting system. Applied Geophysics. 10.1007/s11770-017-0639-4.


  1. Zhiguo An, Qingyun Di*. 2016. Investigation of geological structures with a view to HLRW disposal, as revealed through 3D inversion of aeromagnetic and gravity data and the results of CSAMT exploration. Journal of Applied Geophysics. 135, 204-211.


  1. Di Qingyun, An Zhiguo, Ma Fengshan, Fu Changmin, Xu Cheng, Electromagnetic exploration on Geological structure of Expressway tunnel in Karst Area, 2014Journal of Engineering Geology, 224:692-698. 


  1. Zhiguo An, Qingyun Di, Ruo Wang and Miaoyue Wang, Multi-geophysical Investigation of Geological Structures in a Pre-selected High-level Radioactive, Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, 2013,18(2): 137-146. 
  2. Zhiguo An, Qingyun Di, Changmin Fu, Cheng Xu, Bo Cheng, Geophysical evidence of the deep geological structure through CSAMT survey at a potential radioactive waste site at Beishan, Gansu, China, Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, 2013, 18(1): 43-54. 
  3. Fu Changmin, Di Qingyun, An Zhiguo, 2013. Application of the CSAMT method to groundwater exploration in a metropolitan environment, Geophysics, 78(5): B201-B209. 


  1. Zhiguo An, Qingyun Di, Faquan Wu, Guangjie Wang, Ruo Wang, Geophysical exploration over a long deep shield tunnel, for the west route diversion project from the Yangtze River to the Yellow River, Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 2012, 71: 195-200. 


  1. Qingyun Di, Zhiguo An. CSAMT exploration over rock deep geology structure for radioactive waste repositories. The 9th International Workshop on the Application of Geophysics to Rock Engineering, Beijing, China, 17, October 2011. 
  2. Qingyun Di, Zhiguo An, Ruo Wang, Miaoyue Wang. Geophysical investigation on geological structures with different scale in preselected areas of high level radioactive waste. GEM Beijing 2011: International Workshop on Gravity, Electrical and Magnetic Methods and Their Applications, Beijing, China, 10-13 October 2011. 
  3. Zhiguo An, Qingyun Di, Changmin Fu, Exploration study over rock deep geological structure in preselected site of high level waste with CSAMT method, IUGG 2011 General Assembly, Earth on the edge: Science for a sustainable planet, 28 June-7 July, 2011, Melbourne, Australia, A022-3077.00. 


  1. Zhiguo An, Qingyun Di, Application of the CSAMT Method for Exploring Deep Coal Mines in Fujian Province, Southeastern China, Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, 2010, 15(4): 243-249. 
  2. Zhiguo An, Qingyun Di, Confirmation of geological structure with CSAMT method, The 20th International Workshop on Electromagnetic Induction in the Earth, Giza, Egypt, September 18-24, 2010, S5_P13. 
  3. Zhiguo An, Qingyun Di, Static correction for CSAMT data and its application on long and deep shield tunnel exploration, The 20th International Workshop on Electromagnetic Induction in the Earth, Giza, Egypt , September 18-24, 2010, S5_P12. 
  4. Zhang Qiwei, An Zhiguo, Lin Wanshun, Liu Guanghua, A exploration study of emergent water sources for the Olympic Games with the CSAMT method along the Chaobai river and Huaihe river area, Beijing. Progress in Geophysics, 201025(1):337-342. 


  1. An Zhiguo, Di Qingyun, Wang Guangjie, Analytic study on rock property of long deep tunnel with CSAMT method, Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering, 2008, 27(S1):3286-3297. 
  2. An Zhiguo, Di Qingyun, Guo Shaohua, Study of exploration for coal stratum with CSAMT method in concealed mine area, Journal of China University of Mining & Technology, 2008, 37(1): 118-124. 
  3. Zhiguo An, Qingyun Di, Miaoyue Wang, Kirchhoff Integral Migration of Active Source EM Diffused Field for Stratified Media, The 19th International Workshop on Electromagnetic Induction in the Earth, October 23-29, 2008, volume 2 of 2, S5_E07, 526-530. 


  1. An Zhiguo, Huang Zhaohui, Di Qingyun, Wang Guangjie, Study of static correction in the tunnel exploration, Journal of Engineering Geology, 2007, 15(S), 213-217. 


  1. An Zhiguo, Di Qingyun, Discussion on CSAMT's resolving power on thin layer with low resistivity, Seismological and Geomagnetic Observation and Research, 2006, 27(2):213-217. 
  2. Di Qingyun, Wang Guangjie, An Zhiguo,, Geophysical exploration of a long deep tunnel on the west route of South-to-North Water Diversion Project, Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 2006, 49(6): 1836-1842.
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