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Associate Professor
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AN Wenling
  Associate Professor
Highest Education  
Subject Categories  
  Quarternary Geology
Zip Code  
  No.19 Beitucheng West Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100029, China

Education and Appointments:


  • 2010-2013, Ph. D. Cold and Arid Regions Environmental and Engineering Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Physical Geography.
  • 2007-2010, M.S. Cold and Arid Regions Environmental and Engineering Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Physical Geography.
  • 2003-2007, B.S. Henan University. Physical Geography.
Employment and Working experience:
  • 2018.07-present, Associate Professor, Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China.
  • 2016.10-2018.07, postdoctoral, Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China.
  • 2013-2016, Assistant Researcher, Nanjing University, China

Research Interests:
Tree ring and global changes
Public Services:


Supported Projects:
  1. Principal Investigator, Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China, Characteristics and mechanism of the dry/wet changes recorded in tree ring carbon and oxygen isotopes in southern Xinjiang over the past 500 years, 2019-2022
  2. Participant, Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China, The streamflow field reconstruction at the upper Yangtze river water system and the mechanism research based on tree-ring, 2018-2021
  3. Participant, Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China, Tree ring oxygen isotopes variations during the last 300 years in Yunnan and Myanmar and Southwest monsoon variability, 2018-2021
  4. Principal Investigator, Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China, Drought and moisture history in the central Himalayas since the Little Ice Age inferred from tree-ring δ18O and δD, 2015-2017

  1. Wenling An, Xiaohong Liu, Shugui Hou, Xiaomin Zeng, Weizhen Sun, Wenzhi Wang, Yu Wang, Guobao Xu, Jiawen Ren (2018) Unstable relationships between tree ring δ18O and climate variables over southwestern China: possible impacts from increasing central Pacific SSTs. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, in press, doi: 10.1007/s00704-018-2483-8.
  2. Wenling An, Shugui Hou, Qiong Zhang, Wangbin Zhang, Shuangye Wu, Hao Xu, Hongxi Pang, Yetang Wang, Yaping Liu (2017) Enhanced recent local moisture recycling on the northwestern Tibetan Plateau deduced from ice core deuterium excess records. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmosphere, 122, doi: 10.1002/2017JD027235.
  3. Wenling An, Shugui Hou, Yongyun Hu, Shuangye Wu (2017) Delayed warming hiatus over the Tibetan Plateau. Earth and Space Science, 4 (3), 128-137, doi:10.1002/2016EA000179.
  4. Wenling An, Shugui Hou, Wangbin Zhang, Shuangye Wu, Hao Xu, Hongxi Pang, Yetang Wang, Yaping Liu (2016) Possible recent warming hiatus on the northwestern Tibetan Plateau derived from ice core records. Scientific Reports, 6, 32813, doi: 10.1038/srep32813.
  5. Wenling An, Shugui Hou, Wangbin Zhang, Yetang Wang, Yaping Liu, Shuangye Wu, Hongxi Pang (2016) Significant recent warming over the northern Tibetan Plateau from ice core δ18O records. Climate of the Past, 12, 201-211, doi:10.5194/cp-12-201-2016.
  6. Wenling An, Xiaohong Liu, Steven W. Leavitt, Guobao Xu, Xiaomin Zeng, Wenzhi Wang, Dahe Qin, Jiawen Ren (2014) Relative humidity history on the Batang–Litang Plateau of western China since 1755 reconstructed from tree-ring δ18O and δD data. Climate Dynamics, 42(9), 2639-2654, 10.1007/s00382-013-1937-z.
  7. Wenling An, Xiaohong Liu, Steven W. Leavitt, Jiawen Ren, Weizhen Sun, Wenzhi Wang, Yu Wang, Guobao Xu, Tuo Chen, Dahe Qin (2012) Specific climatic signals recorded in earlywood and latewood δ18O of tree rings in southwestern China. Tellus B, 64, 18703, doi: 10.3402/tellusb.v64i0.18703.
  8. Xiaohong Liu, Wenling An, K. Treydte, Wenzhi Wang, Guobao Xu, Xiaomin Zeng, Guoju Wu, Bo Wang, Xuanwen Zhang (2015) Pooled versus separate tree-ring δD measurements, and implications for reconstruction of the Arctic Oscillation in northwestern China. Science of the Total Environment, 511: 584-594, 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2015.01.002.
  9. Xiaohong Liu, Wenling An, Steven W. Leavitt, Wenzhi Wang, Guobao Xu, Xiaomin Zeng, Dahe Qin (2014) Recent strengthening of correlations between tree-ring δ13C and δ18O inmesic western China: Implications to climatic reconstruction and physiological responses. Global and Planetary Change, 113: 23-33, doi: 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2013.12.005.
  10. Xiaohong Liu, Wenling An, K. Treydte, Xuemei Shao, Steven Leavitt, Shugui Hou, Tuo Chen, Weizhen Sun, Dahe Qin (2012) Regional Cloud Cover and SST Variations Recorded in Tree-ring δ18O of a Temperate Forest in Southwestern China. Chemical Geology, doi:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2011.10.001.
No. 19, Beitucheng Xilu, Chaoyang District, 100029, Beijing, P.R.China
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