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Associate Professor
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Cui Zhendong
  Associate Professor
Highest Education  
Subject Categories  
  Geomechanics and Geoengineering
Zip Code  
  No.19 Beitucheng West Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100029, China

Education and Appointments:

Zhendong Cui

Associate Professor in Geoengineering
Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)
Key Laboratory of Shale Gas and Geoengineering, CAS


  • 2010 Ph.D. Institute of Geology and Geophysics, CAS, Beijing
  • 2005 B.S. Xi'an University of Science and Technology, Xi'an

Professional Experience

  • 2014.1-present Associate Professor of the Institute of Geology and Geophysics, CAS
  • 2011.8~2011.12 Visiting Scholar, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia
  • 2010.6-2014.1 Postdoctor of the Institute of Geology and Geophysics, CAS

Research Interests:
  1. Engineering Geomechanics 
  2. Fracture Mechanism of Engineering Rock Mass and Resistance to In-situ Fracturing 
  3. Sealing Safety of Cap Rocks in CO2 Geological Sequestration Site 
  4. Hydraulic fracturing mechanism and technology in shale gas exploitation
Public Services:

  • 2012  Win the First Prize of Award for Scientific and Technology Advancement from Chinese Society for Rock Mechanics and Engineering (CSRME), Ranking to the Fifth Contributor. 
  • 2014  Win the First Prize of Award for Scientific and Technology Advancement from Chinese Society for Rock Mechanics and Engineering (CSRME), Ranking to the Eighth Contributor. 

Supported Projects:
  1. Mechanism of micro seismicity and wave propagation law due to hydraulic fracturing in tight reservoirs. Funded by MOST.
  2. Hydraulic fracturing experiments of shale and evolution of fracture networks. Funded by CAS.
  3. In-situ fracture mechanism of ultra-low permeability rock in deep formation induced by multi-stage fluid injection. Funded by NSFC.
  4. In-situ resistance of deep formation rocks to hydraulic fracturing during fluid injection and pressure boost. Funded by Key Laboratory of Shale Gas and Geoengineering, CAS.
  5. Geomechanical response of caprocks and the potential failure modes during CO2 injection and storage. Funded by China Postdoctoral Science Foundation.

  1. Zhen-dong Cui, Da-an Liu, Fa-quan Wu. 2014. Influence of dip directions on the main deformation region of layered   rock around tunnels. 2013. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 73:441–450.  
  2. Zhen-Dong Cui, Da-An Liu, Rong-Shu Zeng, Jing-Rui Niu, Hong-Jian Wang, Xiao-Shan Shi. 2013. Resistance of caprock to hydraulic fracturing due to CO2 injection into sand lens reservoirs. Engineering Geology, 164: 146-154.  
  3. Ernest Swierczek, Cui Zhen-Dong, Simon Holford, Guillaume Backé, Rosalind King, Andy Mitchells. 2013. Quantifying fault reactivation risk in the western Gippsland Basin using geomechanical modeling. APPEA Journal, pp.255-272. 
  4. Zhen-dong Cui, Da-an Liu, Guang-ming An, Bo Sun, Miao Zhou, Fu-quan Cao. 2010. A comparison of two ISRM suggested chevron notched specimens for testing mode-I rock fracture toughness. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 47: 871-876.
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