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BAO Xiujuan
  Special-term Associate Professor
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  No.19 Beitucheng West Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100029, China

Education and Appointments:
  • 2010-2014, China University of Geosciences, Beijing, B. S.
  • 2014-2016, China University of Geosciences, Beijing, M. S.
  • 2016-2020, China University of Geosciences, Beijing, Ph.D.
  • 2018-2019, Harvard University, visiting scholar
  • 2020-2023, Peking University, Postdoc.
  • 2024-present, Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Associate Professor

Research Interests:
  1. Environmental evolution and mineralization
  2. Paleoclimate simulation
Public Services:


Supported Projects:
  1. 2021-2023, Postdoctoral Science Foundation of China
  2. 2023-2023, Postdoctoral Science Foundation of China


(1) Bao Xiujuan; Hu Yongyun*, Quantitative estimation of global mean precipitation throughout the Phanerozoic era. Science China-Earth Sciences, 2024, 67,

 (2) Lin Qifan, Liu Yonggang*, Guo Jiaqi, Li Xiang, Lan Jiawenjing, Zuo Haoyue, Zhang Ming, Zhang Jian, Zhao Zhouqiao, Yuan Shuai, Bao Xiujuan, Hu Yongyun. Simulated dust activity in typical time periods of the past 250 million years. Fundamental Research, 2024,

(3) Li Zhibo, Hu Yongyun*, Zhang Jian, Li Xiang, Guo Jiaqi, Lan Jiawenjing, Lin Qifan, Yuan Shuai, Wei Mengyu, Yin Zihan, Wei Qiang, Bao Xiujuan, Han Jing, Yang Jun, Liu Yonggang, Nie Ji; The Pacific-North American teleconnection in the Cenozoic, Global and Planetary Change, 2024, 235 104402

(4) Bao Xiujuan; Hu Yongyun*; Scotese R Christopher, Li Xiang, Guo Jiaqi, Lan Jiawenjing, Lin Qifan, Yuan Shuai, Wei Mengyu, Li Zhibo, Man Kai, Yin Zihan, Han Jing, Zhang Jian, Wei Qiang, Liu Yonggang, Yang Jun, Nie Ji, Quantifying climate conditions for the formation of coals and evaporites, National Science Review, 2023, nwad051,

(5) Bao Xiujuan; Zhang Shihong*; Jiang Ganqing; Chan Duo; Hu Yongyun; Wu Huaichun; Li Haiyan; Wang Xinqiang; Yang Tianshui. Climate changes in the Cryogenian nonglacial epoch: A global synthesis with new findings from the Datangpo Formation in South China, Global and Planetary Change, 2023, 229: 104234

(6) Hu Yongyun*; Li Xiang; Boos William R; Guo Jiaqi; Lan Jiawenjing; Lin Qifan; Han Jing; Zhang Jian; Bao Xiujuan; Yuan Shuai; Wei Qiang; Liu Yonggang; Yang Jun; Nie Ji, Guo Zhengtang; Emergence of the modern global monsoon from the Pangaea megamonsoon set by palaeogeography. Nature geoscience,2023,

(7) Han Jing, Nie Ji*, Hu Yongyun*, Boos W. R., Liu Yonggang, Yang Jun, Yuan Shuai, Li Xiang, Guo Jiaqi, Lan Jiawenjing, Lin Qifan, Bao Xiujuan, Wei Mengyu, Li Zhibo, Man Kai, Yin Zihan. Continental drift shifts tropical rainfall by altering radiation and ocean heat transport. Science Advcance,2023, 9, eadf7209.

(8) Bao Xiujuan; Zhao Hanqing; Zhang Shihong*; Li Xinlei; Tan Wengang; Li Chao; Wu Huaichun; Li Haiyan; Yang Tianshui; Length of day at ca. 1.1 Ga based on cyclostratigraphic analyses of the Nanfen Formation in the North China craton, and its geodynamic implications, Journal of the Geological Society, 2022, 10.1144/jgs2022-022

(9) Li Xiang; Hu Yongyun*; Guo Jiaqi; Lan Jiawenjing; Lin Qifan; Bao Xiujuan; Yuan Shuai; Wei Mengyu; Li Zhibo; Man Kai; Yin Zihan; Han Jing; Zhang Jian; Zhu Chenguang; Zhao Zhouqiao; Liu Yonggang; Yang Jun; Nie Ji ; A high-resolution climate simulation dataset for the past 540 million years, Scientific Data, 2022, 9(371)

(10) Liu Guanghong; Zhang Shihong*; Li Haiyan; Bao Xiujuan; Zhao Hanqing; Liang Dandan; Wu Huaichun; Tang Dongjie; Zhu Xiyan; Yang Tianshui ; Cyclostratigraphic calibration of the ca. 1.56 Ga carbon isotope excursion and oxygenation event recorded in the Gaoyuzhuang Formation, north China, Global and Planetary Change, 2022, 216: 103916

(11) Wang Guowei; Yao Shuo*; Yu Yiqun; Wei Dong; Di Fei; Bao Xiujuan; Zhang Shihong; Liu Jianjun ; Aurora Sightings Observed in the Chinese History Caused by CIRs or Great-Storm CMEs, The Astrophysical Journal, 2021, 908(187)

(12) Bao Xiujuan; Zhang Shihong*; Jiang Ganqing; Wu Huaichun; Li Haiyan; Wang Xinqiang; An Zhengze; Yang Tianshui ; Cyclostratigraphic constraints on the duration of the Datangpo Formation and the onset age of the Nantuo (Marinoan) glaciation in South China, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2018, 483: 52-63

No. 19, Beitucheng Xilu, Chaoyang District, 100029, Beijing, P.R.China
Tel: 010-82998001 Fax: 010-62010846 Email: