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Associate Professor
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HE Zhilin
  Special-term Associate Professor
Highest Education  
Subject Categories  
  Quaternary Geology
Zip Code  
  No.19 Beitucheng West Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100029, China

Education and Appointments:
  • 2008-2012. B.S. Jiangxi Normal University
  • 2012-2015, M.S. Cold and Arid Regions Environmental and Engineering Research Institute,Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • 2015-2019, Ph.D. Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • 2019-2023, Postdoc. Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • 2023.12-present, Special-Term Associate Professor, Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Research Interests:
  1. Meso-Cenozoic paleogeography and paleoclimate
  2. Tectonic geomorphology
Public Services:


Supported Projects:
  1. Young Scientists Fund of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 42007398), 2021-2023.


1.    He Zhilin, Zhang Zhongshi, Guo Zhengtang, Tan Ning, Zhang Zijian, Wu Zhipeng, Zhang Chunxia, Deng Chenglong. The spatial–temporal evolution of the Asian summer monsoon during the late Miocene and potential CO2 forcing: A data–model comparison. Global and Planetary Change, 2023, 221,

2.    He Zhilin, Zhang Zhongshi, Guo Zhengtang, Scotese, C. R., Deng Chenglong. An early Miocene (~20 Ma) paleogeographic reconstruction for paleoclimate modelling. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2023, 612,

3.      He Zhilin, Zhang Zhongshi, Guo Zhengtang, Scotese, C. R., Deng Chenglong. Middle Miocene (14 Ma) and late Miocene (6 Ma) paleogeographic boundary conditions. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, 2021, 36,

4.      He Zhilin, Guo Zhengtang, Yang Fan, Sayem, A.S.M., Wu Haibin, Zhang Chunxia, Hao Qingzhen, Xiao Guoqiang, Han Long, Fu Yang, Wu Zhipeng, Hu Bin. Provenance of Cenozoic sediments in the Xining Basin revealed by Nd and Pb isotopic evidence: Implications for tectonic uplift of the NE Tibetan Plateau. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 2019, 20, 4531–4544.

5.      He Zhilin, Zhang Zhongshi, Guo Zhengtang. Reconstructing early Eocene (~55 Ma) paleogeographic boundary conditions for use in paleoclimate modelling. Science China Earth Sciences, 2019, 62, 1416–1427.

6.      Tan Ning, Li Huan, Zhang Zhongshi, Wu Haibin, Ramstein Gilles, Sun Yong, He Zhilin, Su Baohuang, Zhang Zijian, Guo Zhengtang. Closure of tropical seaways favors the climate and vegetation in tropical Africa and South America approaching their present conditions. Global and Planetary Change, 2024, 233,

7.      Zhang Zijian, Zhang Zhongshi, Nummelin Aleksi, Straume Eivind O, Meckler Anna Nele, Langebroek Petra M, He Zhilin, Tan Ning, Guo Zhengtang. Influence of plate reference frames on deep-time climate simulations. Global and Planetary Change, 2024, 233,

8.      Zhang Zhongshi, Zhang Zijian, Zhang Ze, Tan Ning, He Zhilin, Huang Chunju, Guo Zhengtang. Resolving Cenozoic climate pattern debate in East Asia: Insights from orbital-scale oscillations. Global and Planetary Change, 2024, 232,

9.      Zhang Chunxia, Zhang Ran, Hu Bin, Zhang Xiaoyan, Li Pei, Tan Ning, Jia Yunxia, He Zhilin, Wu Haibin, Guo Zhengtang. A relatively warm and humid Oligocene climate in the northeastern Tibetan Plateau based on a high-resolution clay mineralogical and geochemical record. Global and Planetary Change, 2023, 227,

10.    Zhang Zijian, Zhang Zhongshi, Yan Qin, He Zhilin, Tan Ning, Guo Zhengtang. Understanding the causes and consequences of the northward extension of the tropical monsoon in Asia in the Eocene. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2023, 623,

11.     Zhang Zijian, Zhang Zhongshi, He Zhilin, Tan Ning, Guo Zhengtang, Zhu Jiang, Steinig S, Donnadieu Y, Ladant J B, Chan W L, Abe-Ouchi A, Niezgodzki I, Knorr G, Hutchinson D, De Boer A. Impact of Mountains in Southern China on the Eocene Climates of East Asia. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 2022, 127,

12.     Tan Ning, Zhang Zhongshi, Guo Zhengtang, Guo Chuncheng, Zhang Zijian, He Zhilin, Ramstein Gilles. Recognizing the role of tropical seaways in modulating the Pacific circulation. Geophysical Research Letters, 2022, 49,

13.     Yang Fang, Guo Zhengtang, Zhang Chunxia, Sayem ASM, He Zhilin, Deng Chenglong. High-resolution Eocene magnetostratigraphy of the Xijigou section: Implications for the infilling process of Xining Basin, northeastern Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 2019, 124: 7588–7603.

14.   Sayem ASM, Guo Zhengtang, Wu Haibin, Zhang Chunxia, Yang Fan, Xiao Guoqiao, He Zhilin. Sedimentary and geochemical evidence of Eocene climate change in the Xining Basin, northeastern Tibetan Plateau. Science China Earth Sciences, 61, 1292–1305.

No. 19, Beitucheng Xilu, Chaoyang District, 100029, Beijing, P.R.China
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