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GUO Songfeng
  Special-term Professor
Highest Education  
Subject Categories  
  Geomechanics and Geoengineering
Zip Code  
  No.19 Beitucheng West Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100029, China

Education and Appointments:

Guo Songfeng
Associate Professor in Geoengineering
Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Key Laboratory of Shale Gas and Geoengineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences


  • 2015 Ph.D. Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing
  • 2009 B.S.Wuhan University, Wuhan

Professional Experience

  • 2018.1-present, Associate Professor, Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • 2015.5-2018.1, Post doctor, Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • 2013.3-2014.3, Visiting Scholar, Laurentian University, Canada

Research Interests:
  1. Progressive Failure of Rock Mass
  2. Quality Evaluation and Failure Mechanism of Rock mass during Excavation
  3. Macro and Microscopic Mechanical Behavior of Loess
Public Services:


2016 Win the First Prize of Natural Sciences Award from Chinese Society for Rock Mechanics and Engineering (CSRME), Ranking to the fourth Contributor.

Supported Projects:
  1. 2018.1-2020.12, Study on the Engineering Geomechanical Models and Progressive Failure Characteristics of Laminated Anisotropic Rock Masses, Funded by NSFC.
  2. 2017.7-2020.12, Collapse Mechanism and Stability Evaluation of Loess in Land Creation Projects in the Loess Plateau Area. Funded by MOST.
  3. 2017.7-2018.12, The Laboratory Study and Application of the Macro and Micro Characteristics During Progressive Failure of Para-metamorphic Rock, Funded by China Postdoctoral Science Foundation.
  4. 2015.10-2017.12, The Strength and Progressive Failure Study on Strong Anisotropic Rock Masses, Funded by China Postdoctoral Science Foundation.

  1. Hou Xiaokun, Li Tonglu, Qi Shengwen, Guo Songfeng, Li Ping, Xi Yu, Xing Xianli, 2021. Investigation of the cumulative influence of infiltration on the slope stability with a thick unsaturated zone Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment. DOI: 10.1007/s10064-021-02287-2.
  2. Zheng Bowen, Qi Shengwen, Luo Guangming, Liu Fangcui, Huang Xiaolin, Guo Songfeng, 2020. Characterization of discontinuity morphology based on extensive 3D fractal dimension by integrating laser scanning with ArcGIS. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 80, 2261–2281.
  3. Huang Xiaolin, Qi Shengwen, Zheng Bowen, Liang Ning, Li Lihui, Xue Lei, Guo Songfeng, Sun Xiang, Tai Daping, 2021. An advanced grain-based model to characterize mechanical behaviors of crystalline rocks with different weathering degrees. Engineering Geology, 280, 105951.
  4. Yao Xianglong, Qi Shengwen, Liu Chunling, Guo Songfeng, Huang Xiaolin, Xu Chong, Zheng Bowen, Zhan Zhifa, Zou Yu, 2021. An empirical attenuation model of the peak ground acceleration (PGA) in the near field of a strong earthquake. Natural Hazards,
  5. He Jianxian, Qi Shengwen, Zhan Zhifa, Guo Songfeng, Li Chunlei, Zheng Bowen, Huang Xiaolin, Zou Yu, Yang Guoxiang, Liang Ning, 2021. Seismic response characteristics and deformation evolution of the bedding rock slope using a large-scale shaking table. Landslides, DOI: 10.1007/s10346-021-01682-w.
  6. Guo Songfeng, Qi Shengwen, Zhan Zhifa, Ma Lina, Getahun Ephrem, Zhang Shishu, 2020. Numerical study on the progressive failure of heterogeneous geomaterials under varied confining stresses. Engineering Geology, 269, 10556.
  7. Guo Songfeng, Qi Shengwen, Saroglou Charalampos, 2020. A-BQ, A classification system for anisotropic rock mass based on China National Standard. Journal of Central South University, 27, 3090-3102.
  8. Ma Lina, Qi Shengwen*, Zheng Bowen, Guo Songfeng*, Huang Qiangbing, Yu Xinbao, 2020. Farming Influence on Physical-Mechanical Properties and Microstructural Characteristics of Backfilled Loess Farmland in Yan’an, China. Sustainability, 12, 5516.
  9. Zhang Linxin, Qi Shengwen, Ma Lina, Guo Songfeng, Li Zhiqing, Li Guoliang, Yang Jijin, Zou Yu, Li Tonglu, Hou Xiaokun, 2020. Three-dimensional pore characterization of intact loess and compacted loess with micro scale computed tomography and mercury intrusion porosimetry. Scientific Reports, 10:8511.
  10. Zheng Bowen, Qi Shengwen, Guo Songfeng, Huang Xiaolin, Liang Ning, Zou Yu, Luo Guangming, 2020. A New Shear Strength Criterion for Rock Masses with Non-Persistent Discontinuities Considering the Nonlinear Progressive Failure Process. Materials, 13, 4694; doi:10.3390/ma13214694.
  11. Qi Shengwen, Zheng Bowen, Wu Faquan, Huang Xiaolin, Guo Songfeng, Zhan Zhifa, Zou Yu, Barla Giovanni., 2020. A New Dynamic Direct Shear Testing Device on Rock Joints. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, DOI: 10.1007/s00603-020-02175-3.
  12. Hou Xiaokun, Qi Shengwen, Li Tonglu, Guo Songfeng, Wang Yu, Li Yan, Zhang Linxin, 2020. Microstructure and soil-water retention behavior of compacted and intact silt loess. Engineering Geology, DOI: 10.1016/j.enggeo.2020.105814
  13. Zheng Bowen, Qi Shengwen, Huang Xiaolin, Guo Songfeng, Wang Chonglang, Zhan Zhifa, Luo Guangming, 2020. An Advanced Shear Strength Criterion for Rock Discontinuities Considering Size and Low Shear Rate. Applied Sciences, 10(12):4095.
  14. Huang Xiaolin, Qi Shengwen, Zheng Bowen, Guo Songfeng, Liang Ning, Zhan Zhifa, 2020. Progressive Failure Characteristics of Brittle Rock under High-Strain-Rate Compression Using the Bonded Particle Model. Materials, 13, 3943.
  15. Zheng Bowen, Qi Shengwen, Huang Xiaolin, Liang Ning, Guo Songfeng, 2020. Compression-induced tensile mechanical behaviors of the crystalline rock under dynamic loads. Materials, 13, 5107. 
  16. Saroglou Charalampos, Qi Shengwen, Guo Songfeng, Wu Faquan, 2019. ARMR, a new classification system for the rating of anisotropic rock masses. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 78(5): 3611-3626.
  17. Getahun Ephrem, Qi Shengwen, Guo Songfeng, Zou Yu, Liang Ning. Characteristics of grain size distribution and the shear strength analysis of Chenjiaba long runout coseismic landslide. Journal of Mountain Science, 2019, 16(9): 2110-2125.
  18. Guo Songfeng, Qi Shengwen, Zhan Zhifa, Zheng Bowen. 2017. Plastic- strain- dependent strength model to simulate the cracking process of brittle rocks with an existing non-persistent joint. Engineering Geology, 231, 114-125.
  19. Guo Songfeng, Qi Shengwen, Zou Yu, Zheng Bowen, 2017. Numerical Studies on the Failure Process of Heterogeneous Brittle Rocks or Rock-Like Materials under Uniaxial Compression. Materials, 10, 378, 1-22.
  20. Guo Songfeng, Qi Shengwen, Yang Guoxiang, Zhang Shishu, Charalampos Saroglou. 2017. An analytical solution for block toppling failure of rock slopes during an earthquake. Applied Sciences, 2017, 7(10), 1008, 1-17.
  21. Guo Songfeng, Qi Shengwen, Cai Ming. 2016. Influence of tunnel wall roughness and localized stress concentrations on the initiation of brittle spalling. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment. 75(4), 1597-1607.
  22. Guo Songfeng, Qi Shengwen. 2015. Numerical study on progressive failure of hard rock samples with an unfilled undulate joint. Engineering Geology, 193, 173-182.
  23. Guo Songfeng, Qi Shengwen, Zheng Bowen, Li Xingxing. 2013. The deformation and strength properties of Jinping marble with different confining pressures under cyclic loading—unloading tests. In: Global View of Engineering Geology and the Environment. 413-417.
  24. Qi Shengwen, Li Xingxing, Guo Songfeng, Liao Haijun. Landslide-risk zonation along mountainous highway considering rock mass classification. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2015, 74(5): 4493-4505.
  25. Zheng Bowen, Qi Shengwen, Guo Songfeng, et al. 2015. The Influence of Shear Deformation Velocity on the Strength Characteristics of Rock Joints. In: 13th ISRM International Congress of Rock Mechanics. International Society for Rock Mechanics, 2015.
  26. Zhan Zhifa, Qi Shengwen, Huang Xiaolin, Guo Songfeng, et al. 2015. Discussion of Some Fundamental Issues of FLAC3D in Research of Dynamic Response of Rock Slope, In: 13th ISRM International Congress of Rock Mechanics. International Society for Rock Mechanics, 2015.
  27. Huang Xiaolin, Qi Shengwen, Guo Songfeng, Dong Wanli. Experimental study of ultrasonic waves propagating through a rock mass with a single joint and multiple parallel joints. Rock mechanics and rock engineering, 2014, 47(2): 549-559.
  28. Zheng Bowen, Qi Shengwen, Guo Songfeng, Li Xingxing. 2013. Experimental research on deformability and strength of marble in Jin Ping under different confining pressures. Global View of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 419-425.
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