Details of the Faculty or Staff |
Name |
Peng Peng |
Title |
Professor |
Highest Education |
Ph.D. |
Subject Categories |
Geology |
Phone |
010-82998530 |
Zip Code |
100029 |
Fax |
010-62010846 |
Email |
pengpengwj@mail.iggcas.ac.cn |
Office |
No.19 Beitucheng West Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100029, China |

Education and Appointments: |
Professor of Precambrian geology and petrology Visiting scientist to the Geological Survey of Canada (Ottawa, 2009.3-2009.9) Visiting Professor to the University of Western Australia (Perth, 2013.9-2014.3) Dr Peng Peng is a professor of Precambrian geology and petrology at the Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the director of the China-Brazil Joint Geoscience Research Center. His research concerns the Precambrian tectonics, particularly the Precambrian evolution of cratons, supercontinents and the Earth system, and the comparison of the Precambrian and modern tectonics.Currently, he is in editorship of Precambrian Research (EBM), Island Arc (AE), JMPS (AE), Acta Petrologica Sinica (EBM), Evolving Earth (EBM), Geotectonica et Metallogenia (EBM), etc. Web of Science ResearcherID B-5769-2011 ORCID 0000-0002-6743-4669 Homepage at the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences |
Research Interests: |
- Precambrian geology
- igneous petrology
- geochemistry
- Precambrian tectonics
- mafic dyke swarm
- volcanic association
- large igneous province
- greenstone belt
- supercontinent
- North China craton
Honors: |
The Shen-su Sun Award (The Shen-su Sun Foundation, 2014: Citation; Acceptance) The State Natural Sccience Award (Second class, 2013) Lu Jiaxi Award for Junior Scientists (Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2012) Silver Hammer Award (Geological Society of China, 2010) Liu Yongling Special Prize (Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2004) |
Supported Projects: |
1. Mafic dyke swarms and associations: ages, geometry, petrogenesis and paleogeographic reconstruction 2. Early Precambrian magmatism and Earth tectonics 3. Cratonization and associated minerals 4. Mineral separation and dating 5. China-Brazil Jointe Geoscience Research China-Brazil Joint Geoscience Research Center: Aim:Focus on the Precambrian tectonics and its surface effects based on the complementary Precambrian Geology in China and Brazil(South American) to understand better the evolution of early Earth and the forming of its habitability and to enhance exchange and cooperation between the two sides. Director:Peng Peng Prof/Dr Co-director: Wilson Teixeira Prof/Dr, Farid Chemale Junior Prof/Dr General:Ross N Mitchell Associate Prof/Dr 
TIMS Lab: The lab dedicates to develop and apply ID-TIMS technology to support researches of Earth and Planetary sciences with focuses in the fields of the early Earth, formation and evolution of continental crust and mineralization, crust-mantle interaction, changes of Earth’s environment, and comparative planetary geology. Director: Peng PENG 
The Precambrian Geology Group: The group dedicates to the field of the evolving Earth focusing on the early plate tectonics and their responses to the Earth’s multiple spheres, the formation and evolution of continental crust, the changing of Earth’s environments, and the supercontinent cycles. Leader: Peng PENG 
Postdoc positions: Seeking two outstanding candidates to fill two full-funded postdoctoral fellow positions on Precambrian paleogeographic reconstruction. Paleomagnetists, sedimentologists and Petrologists are most suitable. Graduate students needed: Seeking one MS student and one PhD student in each year. Foreign students are welcome. Postdoctors & Visitors: LIU Jiahui (刘嘉惠) Dr. Postdoctor, from August, 2022 Graduated from the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences Tenure: 2022.8- Research fields: metamorphic geology and Precambrian geology Current project: Bigdata to metamorphic geology e-mail: liujiahui16@mails.ucas.ac.cn WANG Chong (王冲) Dr. Postdoctor, from July, 2019 Graduated from IGGCAS (June, 2019) Tenure: 2019.7- Research fields: Precambrian Geology and Paleomagnetism Current project: Early plate tectonics and supercontinent reconstruction e-mail: wangchong@mail.iggcas.ac.cn ZHANG Jing (张京) Dr. Postdoctor, from August, 2016 Graduated from Durham University (June, 2016) Tenure: 2016.8-2018.8 Research fields: volcanology, mineralogy and geochemistry Current project:Crystal chemostratigraphy and insights into open-system magmatic processes e-mail: jing.zhang@mail.iggcas.ac.cn
Former graduate students: LI Yun (李云) Master degree (July 2011 to June 2014) Research fields: Mafic dyke swarms and associations: ages, geometry, petrogenesis and paleogeographic reconstruction Thesis: Geological comparison of 1800-1600 Ma mafic dyke swarms in the North China Craton: a study based on Luxi region Defence date: 30 May, 2014 e-mail: liyun110cug@sina.com WANG Xinping (王欣平) PhD (July 2012 to July 2017) Research fields: Early Precambrian magmatism and Earth tectonics Thesis: Research on the genesis and tectonic environment of the 2.1-1.9 Ga igneous events in Liaodong area, North China Defence date: 27 May, 2017, Beijing e-mail: wangxinping8@gmail.com
YANG Shuyan (杨书艳) Master degree (July 2014 to July 2017) Research fields: Mafic dyke swarms and associations: ages, geometry, petrogenesis and paleogeographic reconstruction (Genetic relationship of volcanics and feeder dykes) Thesis: Genetic relationship between 1780 Ma Taihang dykes and Xiong’er volcanic province in the Lvliang area,North China Defence date: 27 May, 2017, Beijing e-mail: yangshuyan14@mails.ucas.ac.cn WANG Chong (王冲) Master degree (July 2013 to June 2016) Research fields: Mafic dyke swarms and associations: ages, geometry, petrogenesis and paleogeographic reconstruction e-mail: wangchongrongr@163.com Master Thesis: Tectonic Environments of Yan-Liao Rift During Earth's Middle Age (1.7~0.75 Ga): Evidence from Mafic Dyke Swarms in Jidong Defense date: 20 May, 2016 PhD candidate (July 2016 to June 2019) PhD thesis: Paleogeographic reconstruction of the North China Craton in the supercontinent Nuna/Columbia: paleomagnetic and geological constraints Defense date: 2 June, 2019 SUN Fengbo (孙风波) PhD student, from July 2016 Research fields: Mafic dyke swarms and associations: ages, geometry, petrogenesis and paleogeographic reconstruction (sedimentology) PhD thesis: Sedimentary evolution of the Neoproterozoic Xuhuai Basin and its implication on the paleo-tectonic framework of the southeastern North China Craton Defense date: 5 Dec, 2019 e-mail: sunfengbonnn@126.com SU Xiangdong (苏向东) Master student, from July 2015, PhD candidate from July 2017, graduate at May 27, 2020 Research fields: Mafic dyke swarms and associations: ages, geometry, petrogenesis and paleogeographic reconstruction (petrogensis of high-Ti-Fe-P rocks) PhD thesis: Petrogenesis of the 945-900 Ma Xuhuai high-Fe-Ti mafic sills: Implications for the rifting along the SE margin of the North China Craton Defense date: 27 May, 2020 e-mail: xiangdongsu@163.com ZHANG Zhiyue (张志越) Master student, from July 2016; PhD candidate from July 2018; graduate at May 25, 2021 Research fields: Mafic dyke swarms and associations: ages, geometry, petrogenesis and paleogeographic reconstruction (environment analysis) PhD thesis: Neoproterozoic chemostratigraphy of the Dalian Basin, North China: Implications for early palaeoenvironmental and palaeoclimatic change Defense date: 25 2021 May e-mail: zhangzhiyue16@mails.ucas.ac.cn ZHOU Xiaotong (周小童) PhD student, from July 2016; graduate at May 25, 2021 PhD thesis: Tracing Open System Magmatic Processes: An Example from Mt. Lamington Volcano Defense date: 25 May, 2021 Research fields: volcanology, mineralogy and geochemistry e-mail: 641720030@qq.com Current graduate students: LI Run (李润) PhD candidate since July 2022 Research fields: carbon cycle in the Ediacaran ocean e-mail: 18801167381@163.com
XU Bisheng (徐毕升) Master student from July 2022 Research fields: Igneous petrology (genesis of the Rhyacian magmatism) e-mail: xubisheng22@mails.ucas.ac.cn
LI Binghe (李冰荷) PhD candidate since July 2022 Research fields: Igneous petrology and geochemistry (secular evolution of giant mafic dyke swarms) e-mail: libinghe22@mails.ucas.ac.cn
Qin Zhaoyuan (秦照原) Master student from July 2017 PhD from July 2019 Research fields: Micro-textures and in-situ compositions of igneous rocks and their differentiation processes e-mail: qinzhaoyuan17@mails.ucas.ac.cn LIU Xu (刘旭) PhD student from July 2019 Research fields: petrogenesis and environmental effects of syenite e-mail: liuxu@mail.iggcas.ac.cn KANG Jianli (康健丽) PhD candidate since Sept 2020 Research fields: early plate tectonics from interior to surface expression e-mail: kangjianliww@126.com DAI Ke (戴克) PhD student, from July 2021 Research fields: Precambrian paleoenvironment e-mail: daike21@mails.ucas.ac.cn
LIU Yushu(刘玉书) Phd student, from July 2023 Research fields: paleogeographic reconstruction of supercontinents E-mail: liuyushu23@mails.ucas.ac.cn Undergraduate students: Current: WANG Hao, WANG Kai, XU Pengxiao, YAN Zhen, YUE Xingzhi, ZHAO Xinhao, LIU Xu Graduated: ZHANG Zhiyue (2016) , QIN Zhaoyuan (2017) |
Publications: |
- Mitchell R.*, Feng L., Zhang Z., Peng P*, 2023. Carbonate–organic decoupling during the first Neoproterozoic carbon isotope excursion. The Innovation Geoscience 1(3), 100046. https://doi.org/10.59717/j.xinn-geo.2023.100046
- Kang, J.-L., Peng, P.*, Wang, H., Liu, X., Xiao, Z., Wang, X., Liu, J., Wang, C., 2024. Continental subduction in Paleoproterozoic: Insights from ∼1.9 Ga nepheline syenite in the North China craton. Precambrian Research 404, 108346 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.precamres.2024.107346
- Sun, F., Wu, Y., Zhao, T., Zheng, D.*, Peng, P.*, 2024. Detrital zircon geochronology and whole-rock geochemistry of the 1.8–1.7 Ga Xiong’er volcanic-sedimentary succession in the southern North China craton and their implications for basin evolution. Precambrian Research 414: 107608. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.precamres.2024.107608
- Zhai, MG, Peng, P, Zhou, YY, Zhao, L. 2024. Early Continent Evolution of the North China Craton. Elsevier, https://doi.org/10.1016/C2022-0-02935-4; Paperback ISBN: 9780443138898. eBook ISBN: 9780443138881
- Zhao, G., Li, X., Peng, P.*, Wang, J., 2024. Early plate tectonics and evolution of continental crust in the North China craton: Editorial preface. Earth-Science Reviews 252, 104748. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.earscirev.2024.104748 https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/earth-science-reviews/special-issue/1004P9S4HZR
- Liu, X., Peng, P., Mitchell, R. N., Wang, C., Kang, J., 2023. Circum-cratonic Triassic syenite province of North China craton reveals heterogeneous lithospheric mantle related to dual subduction. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 128, e2023JB027084. https://doi.org/10.1029/2023JB027084
- Cho, D.-L.#, Peng, P.*#, Hwan Lee, S., Park, J.-Y., Seo, I., Sun, F., Li, Q., and Zhang, Y., 2023 Identify vestiges of large igneous provinces in deep time: A 0.9 Ga case from North China (Sino-Korean) craton. Precambrian Research 398: 107220 https://doi.org:10.1016/j.precamres.2023.107220
- Peng, P.*, Liu, X., Feng, L., Zhou, X., Kuang, H., Liu, Y., Kang, J., Wang, X., Wang, C., Dai, K., Wang, H., Li, J., Miao, P., Guo, J., Zhai, M., 2023. Rhyacian intermittent large igneous provinces sustained Great Oxidation Event: Evidence from North China craton. Earth-Science Reviews 238: 104352. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.earscirev.2023.104352
- Peng, P.*, Mitchell, R. N.*, and Chen, Y., 2022, Earth's one-of-a-kind fault: The Tanlu fault. Terra Nova 34, 381-394: https://doi.org/10.1111/ter.12611 https://doi.org/10.1111/ter.12620
- Peng, P.*, Xu, H., Mitchell, R.N.*, Teixeira, W., Kirscher, U., Qin, Z., Oliveira, E.P., Girardi, V.A.V., Wang, C., Chemale, F., 2022. Earth's oldest hotspot track at ca.1.8 Ga advected by a global subduction system. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 585.117530 https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.epsl.2022.117530
- Peng, P.*, Abu Anbar, M.M., He, X.-F., Liu, X., Qin, Z., 2022. Cryogenian accretion of the Northern Arabian-Nubian shield: Integrated evidence from central Eastern Desert Egypt. Precambrian Research 371,106599. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.precamres.2022.106599
- Peng P*, Xu HR, Wang C, Su XD, Sun FB, Wang XP, 2022. Spatiotemporal evolution of large igneous provinces and their related rifts in North China craton: Role in craton breakup and destruction. Geological Society, London, Special Publications. SP518: SP518-2021-45. http://dx.doi.org/10.1144/SP518-2021-45
- Zhou XT(周小童), Peng P*, Zhang J, Wang C, 2021. In-situ chemistry of plagioclase and amphibole phenocrysts of Mt. Lamington volcano in Papua New Guinea: Evidence for influence of Woodlark spreading ridge to Papuan arc. Lithos 396–397: 106242. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lithos.2021.106242
- Zhang ZY(张志越), Peng P*, Feng LJ, Gong Z, Mitchell RN*, Li YL, 2021. Oldest-known Neoproterozoic carbon isotope excursion: Earlier onset of Neoproterozoic carbon cycle volatility. Gondwana Res 94 1-11. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gr.2021.01.013.
- Peng P*, Hu B*, Zhang ZY, Zhang YB, Guo JH, Zhai MG. 2021. Review on geological evolution of the Pyongnam basin in Korean peninsula. Acta Petrologica Sinica 37(1): 129-142.
- Su XD(苏向东), Peng* P, Foley S, Teixeira W, Zhai M-G, 2021. Initiation of continental breakup documented in evolution of the magma plumbing system of the ca. 925?Ma Dashigou large igneous province, North China. Lithos, DOI: 10.1016/j.lithos.2021.105984
- Zhai MG*, Peng P*, 2020. Origin of early continents and beginning of plate tectonics. Science Bulletin 5(2): 970-973.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scib.2020.03.022
- Su XD (苏向东), Peng P*, Zhu RZ, Mao YJ, Zhang ZY, Sun FB, 2020. Multi-stage evolution of the Xuhuai rift: Insights from the occurrence and compositional profiles of doleritic sills in the southeastern margin of the North China Craton. Gondwana Research 82:221-240. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gr.2020.01.003
- Sun FB (孙风波), Peng P*, Zhou XQ, Magalhaes AJC, Guadagnin F, Zhou XT, Zhang ZY, Su XD, 2020. Provenance analysis of the late Mesoproterozoic to early Neoproterozoic Xuhuai Basin in the southeast North China Craton: Implications for paleogeographic reconstruction. Precambrian Research 337: 105554. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.precamres.2019.105554
- Peng P*, Qin ZY, Sun FB, Zhou XT, Guo JH, Zhai MG, Ernst RE, 2019. Nature of charnockite and Closepet granite in the Dharwar Craton: Implications for the architecture of the Archean crust. Precambrian Research 334: 105478. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.precamres.2019.105478
- Peng P*, Ernst R, Soderlund U, Hamilton M, 2019. Dyke Swarms: Keys for Precambrian Paleogeographic Reconstruction – Proceedings of the Seventh International Dyke Conference. Precambrian Research 329, 1-4. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.precamres.2019.01.002
- Srivastava RK, Ernst R, Peng P, 2019. Dyke Swarms of the World: A Modern Perspective. Springer Singapore, 1-492. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-1666-1
- Yang SY(杨书艳), Peng P*, Qin ZY, Wang XP, Wang C, Zhang J, Zhao TP, 2017. Genetic relationship between 1780 Ma dykes and coeval volcanics in the Lvliang area, North China. Precambrian Research, 329, 232-246.
- Su XD (苏向东), Peng P*, Wang C, Sun FB, Zhang ZY, Zhou XT, 2018. Petrogenesis of a ~900?Ma mafic sill from Xuzhou, North China: Implications for the genesis of Fe-Ti-rich rocks. Lithos 318-319: 357-375.
- Peng P, Wang X, Zhou X, Wang C, Sun F, Su X, Chen L, Guo J, Zhai M, 2018. Identification of the ~810 Ma Qianlishan mafic dyke swarm and its implication for geological evolution of the western North China Craton. Acta Petrologica Sinica 34(4): 1191-1203.
- Peng P, Yang SY, Su XD, Wang XP, Zhang J, Wang C, 2017. Petrogenesis of the 2090 Ma Zanhuang ring and sill complexes in North China: A bimodal magmatism related to intra-continental process. Precambrian Research 303: 153-170. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.precamres.2017.03.015
- Wang XP(王欣平), Peng P*, Wang C, Yang SY, S?derlund U, Su XD, 2017. Nature of three episodes of Paleoproterozoic magmatism (2180 Ma, 2115 Ma and 1890 Ma) in the Liaoji belt, North China with implications for tectonic evolution. Precambrian Research 298: 252-267.
- Peng P, Feng LJ, Sun FB, Yang SY, Su XD, Zhang ZY, Wang C, 2017. Dating the Gaofan and Hutuo Groups – Targets to investigate the Paleoproterozoic Great Oxidation Event in North China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 138: 535-547.
- Peng P, Richard EE, Hou GT, Soderlund U, Zhang SH, Hamilton M, Xu YG, Denyszyn S, Mege D, Pisarevsky S, Srivastava, Kusky TM, 2016. Dyke swarms: keys to paleogeographic reconstructions. Science Bulletin 6(21): 1669-1671. doi:10.1007/s11434-016-1184-x
- Peng P, Yang SY, Wang XP, 2016. A preliminary study on the distribution, magma series and petrogenesis of the Triassic igneous rocks in middle-southern Korean Peninsula. Acta Petrologica Sinica 32(10): 3083-3097.
- Kim MC(金明哲), Yang JH, Peng P*, ZHai MG, Pak HU, Feng LJ, Ri CI, Ju SH, 2016. Characteristics of carbon isotope of the Ediacaran and Lower Cambrian strata in the Pyongnam basin, DPR Korea. Acta Petrologica Sinica 32(10): 3180-3186.
- Yang JH (杨正赫), Peng P*, Jong CS, Park U, Mun JG, Kim CH, Ku HC. 2016. Comparison on ages of detrital zircons from the Paleoproterozoic to Lower Paleozoic sedimenatry rocks in the Pyongnam Basin, Korea. Acta Petrologica Sinica, 32(10): 3155-3179.
- Peng P, Wang C, Yang JH, Kim JN, 2016. A preliminary study on the rock series and tectonic evnironment of the ~1.9 Ga plutonic rocks in DPR Korea. Acta Petrologica Sinica 32(10): 2993-3018.
- Peng P, 2016. Map of Precambrian Dyke Swarms and Related Plutonic/Volcanic Units in the North China Block (1:2500 000). Beijing: Science Press: 1–90
- Wang C (王冲), Peng P*, Wang XP, Yang SY, 2016. Nature of three Proterozoic (1680 Ma, 1230 Ma and 775 Ma) mafic dyke swarms in North China: implications for tectonic evolution and paleogeographic reconstruction. Precambrian Research, 285: 109-126. Doi: 10.1016/j.precamres.2016.09.015.
- Park HU(朴贤旭), Zhai MG, Yang JH, Peng P*, Kim JN, Zhang YB, Kim MC, Park U, Feng LJ, 2016. Deposition age of the Sangwon Supergroup in the Pyongnam basin (Korea) and the Early Tonian negative carbon isotope interval. Acta Petrologica Sinica, 32(7): 2181-2195. (in Chinese with English abstract)
- Peng P, 2016. Structural architecture and spatial-temporal distribution of the Archean domains in the Eastern North China craton. In: MG Zhai, Y Zhao, TP Zhao (eds.) Metallogeny and main tectonic events of the North China Craton. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. 45-64. Doi: 10.10007/978-981-10-1064-4
- Wang C(王冲), Peng P*, Wang XP, Li QL, Xu XY, Yang SY, 2016. The generations and U-Pb dating of baddeleyites from the Taihang dyke swarm in North China and their implications for magmatic evolution. Acta Petrologica Sinica 32(3): 646-658. (in Chinese with English abstract)]
- Peng P, Wang C, Wang X, Yang S. 2015. Qingyuan high-grade granite–greenstone terrain in the Eastern North China Craton: Root of a Neoarchaean arc. Tectonophsics, 662: 7-21. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tecto.2015.04.013.
- Peng P, 2015. Large Igneous Provinces, Richard E. Ernst. Cambridge University Press (2014), (653 pp.) Gondwana Research, 28: 1585. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.gr.2015.07.002 (book review).
- Peng P, Wang X, Lai Y, Wang C, Windley BF, 2015. Large-scale liquid immiscibility and fractional crystallization in the 1780 Ma Taihang dyke swarm: Implications for genesis fo the bimodal Xiong'er volcanic province. Lithos 136-137: 106-122. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.lithos.2015.08.015.
- Peng P, 2015. Late Paleoproterozoic-Neoproterozoic (1800-541 Ma) Mafic Dyke Swarms and Rifts in North China. In: MG Zhai (ed.) Precambiran Geology of China. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. 171-204 (totally 390 pages). DOI: 10.1007/978-3-662-47885-1
- Peng, P., 2015. Precambrian mafic dyke swarms in the North China Craton and their geological implications. Science China: Earth Sciences 58: 649-675. Link
- Li Y(李云), Peng P*, Wang X, Wang H. 2015. Nature of 1800-1600 Ma mafic dyke swarms in the North China Craton: Implications for the rejuvenation of the sub-continental lithospheric mantle. Precambrian Research 257: 114-123.
- Zhai M(翟明国), Wan Y, Peng P*. 2014. Secular changes of mineralization linked with Precambrian major geological events in the North China Craton (Preface). Precambrian Research 255: 511-513.
- Peng P, Wang X, Zhai M, Guo J. 2014. Liquid immiscibility and fractional crystallization in the 1780 Ma Taihang dykes: Implications for the genesis of the bimodal Xiong'er volcanics. Goldschmidt Abstracts: 1929.
- Peng P, Wang X, Windley BF, Guo J, Zhai M, Li Y. 2014. Spatial distribution of ~ 1950–1800 Ma metamorphic events in the North China Craton: Implications for tectonic subdivision of the craton. Lithos 202-203: 250-266.
- Peng P, Wang X, Windley BF, Guo J, Zhai M, Li Y. 2014. Spatial distribution of ~ 1950–1800 Ma metamorphic events in the North China Craton: Implications for tectonic subdivision of the craton. Lithos 202-203: 250-266.
- Peng, P, Guo, J., Zhai, M., Windley, B., Li, T., Liu, F. 2012. Genesis of the Hengling magmatic belt in the North China Craton: Implications for Paleoproterozoic tectonics. Lithos, 148, 27-44.
- Peng P, Guo J, Windley BF, Liu F, Chu Z, Zhai M, 2012. Petrogenesis ofLate Paleoproterozoic Liangcheng charnockites and S-type granites in the central-northern margin of the North China Craton: Implications for ridge subduction. Precambrian Research,222-223, 107-123.
- Peng P, Li Y, Liu F, Wang F, 2012. Geological relation of Late Archean lithologic units in Northwest Hebei, North China Craton: implication for building of early continental crust. Acta Petrologica Sinica, 28(11), 3531-3544 (in Chinese with English Abstract).
- Peng P, Liu F, Zhai M, Guo J, 2012. Age of the Miyun dyke swarm: Constraints on the maximum depositional age of the Changcheng System. Chinese Sci Bull, 57, 105-110.
- Peng P, Bleeker W, Ernst RE, S?derlund U, McNicoll V, 2011. U-Pb baddeleyite ages, distribution and geochemistry of 925 Ma mafic dykes and 900 Ma sills in the North China craton: Evidence for a Neoproterozoic mantle plume. Lithos, 127, 210-221.
- Peng P, Guo J, Windley BF, Li X, 2011. Halaqin volcano-sedimentary succession in the central-northern margin of the North China Craton: products of Late Paleoproterozoic ridge subduction. Precambrian Research 187, 165-180.
- Peng P, Zhai M, Li Q, Wu F, Hou Q, Li Z, Li T, Zhang Y, 2011. Neoproterozoic (~ 900 Ma) Sariwon sills in North Korea: Geochronology, geochemistry and implications for the evolution of the south-eastern margin of the North China Craton. Gondwana Research, 20, 243-254.
- Peng P, Guo J, Zhai M, Bleeker W, 2010. Paleoproterozoic gabbronoritic and granitic magmatism in the northern margin of the North China craton: Evidence of crust-mantle interaction. Precambrian Research 183, 635-659.
- Peng P, 2010. Reconstruction and interpretation of giant mafic dyke swarms: a case study of 1.78 Ga magmatism in the North China craton. Kusky, T, Zhai, M-G, Xiao, W-J. (eds). The Evolving Continents: Understanding Processes of Continental Growth. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 338, 163–178.
- Peng P, Zhai M, Guo J, Zhang H, Zhang Y, 2008. Petrogenesis of Triassic postorogenic syenite plutons in the Sino-Korean craton: an example from North Korea. Geological Magazine 145, 637–647.
- Peng P, Zhai M, Ernst R, Guo J, Liu F. Hu B, 2008. A 1.78 Ga large igneous province in the North China craton: The Xiong'er Volcanic Province and the North China dyke swarm. Lithos 101, 260-280.
- Peng P, Zhai M, Guo J, Kusky T, Zhao T, 2007. Nature of mantle source contributions and crystal differentiation in the petrogenesis of the 1.78 Ga mafic dykes in the central North China craton. Gondwana Research, 12, 29-46.
- Peng P, Zhai M, Guo J, 2006. 1.80-1.75 Ga mafic dyke swarms in the central North China craton: implications for a plume-related break-up event. In: E. Hanski, S. Mertanen, T. R?m?, J. Vuollo (eds): Dyke Swarms - Time Markers of Crustal Evolution. London: Taylor & Francis, 99-112.
- Peng P, Zhai M, Zhang H, Guo J, 2005, Geochronological constraints on the Paleoproterozoic evolution of the North China Craton: SHRIMP zircon ages of different types of mafic dikes. International Geology Review, 47, 492-508.
- Peng P, Zhai M, Zhang H, Zhao T, Ni Z, 2004. Geochemistry and geological significance of the 1.8 Ga mafic dyke swarms in the North China Craton: an example from the juncture of Shanxi, Hebei and Inner Mongolia. Acta Petrologica Sinica, 20, 439-456 (in Chinese with English Abstract).
- Peng P, Liu W, Zhai M, 2002. Response of North China block to Rodinia supercontinent and its characteristics. Acta Petrologica et Mineralogica, 21(4), 343–355 (in Chinese with English Abstract).
- Peng P,Zhai M, 2002. Two major Precambrian geological events of North China Block (NCB): characteristics and property. Advance in Geology. 17(6), 818–825 (in Chinese with English Abstract).
- Peng P, Zhai M, 2002. New idea on back-arc spreading mechanism. World Geology, 21(1), 1-7 (in Chinese with English Abstract).
- Wang XP(王欣平), Peng P*, Wang C, Yang SY, 2016. Petrogenesis of the 2115 Ma Haicheng mafic sills from the Eastern North China craton: Implications for an intra-continental rifting. Gondwana Research39: 347–364. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.gr.2016.01.009.
No. 19, Beitucheng Xilu, Chaoyang District, 100029, Beijing, P.R.China
Tel: 010-82998001 Fax: 010-62010846 Email: suoban@mail.iggcas.ac.cn |